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Importance Of International Institutions

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Given the historical and especially the present day’s context of international affairs, the question of whether international institutions matter, seems to be at the center of world politics debates. Depending on the school of thought adopted one might have a very different understanding of what do international institutions mean, what is the process of their development and finally what is their impact in world politics. It is a common belief that international institutions are necessary to promote peace and ensure stability in a state. However, looking from the realist perspective one will tend to be more skeptical when assessing the importance of international institutions and claim that they will not foster cooperation or …show more content…
They particularly explore the cases, in which cooperation is possible when states interests are not opposed (Mearsheimer, 1995:15). However, states with mutual interests face a problem of being cheated. In other words, they face prisoners’ dilemma. Evidently, liberal institutionalists propose a set of rules in order to solve the prisoners’ dilemma. Firstly, they argue that certain rules may discourage cheating by making it very costly. Secondly, issue linkage may create a greater interdependence between states. Thirdly, the amount of information produced by institutions could provide a close monitoring. Finally, rules can reduce transaction, which means that states can spend less time in negotiating which in turn is profitable for states (Mearsheimer, …show more content…
Critiques of Both Theories

Both, realist and liberal institutionalist theories have some flaws. Realists are often being criticized about states’ willingness to become the most formidable military power in the system (Keohane and Martin, 1995: 41). However, one should understand that this idea is only plausible in theory. In practice, however, as Keohane and Martin are arguing, such states as Switzerland, Argentina or Britain clearly demonstrate that not all states with sufficient capabilities seek to pursue the goal of becoming a dominant country in the world (Keohane and Martin, 1995:14).

Secondly, realists are also criticized by being too pessimistic and being uncertain about other states’ intentions when making policy choices (Keohane and Martin, 1995:43). However, what institutionalists overlook is the fact that international institutions could actually provide with valuable information about other side’s intentions and the fear of being cheated could be eliminated (Keohane and Martin,

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