...MANAGING INFORMATION A critical evaluation of the importance & impact of Information & Knowledge Management systems, with an in-depth focus on relevant organizational issues. ------------------------------------------------- Course: LSBF - Online MBA - Module: Managing Information ------------------------------------------------- Submission Date: 4th Nov 2011 Presented By: Meenakshi Srinivasan (I043470) 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION MANAGEMENT “Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.” - Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft Corporation Today we are in the pinnacle of the technology age where swift technology innovations are transforming the global business landscape every second of the day. For businesses and corporations “To win it – they have to be in IT”. Information Technology (IT) has revolutionized every aspect of business and it evident in the way the world works - using high-speed Internet connections for e-mail and information gathering, portable computers connected to wireless networks, smart phones & hybrid handheld devices delivering instant connectivity and computing power to an increasingly mobile and global workforce. Information technology has become the largest component of capital investment for firms in the United States and many industrialized societies. In 2005, U.S. firms alone spent...
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...Abstract This paper discusses the importance of MIS in the decision-making of commercial banks in Butembo city. The discussion starts with the review of literatures on the importance of MIS in our world today. The qualitative method of research is applied where; some bank managers were interviewed to collect data. The findings reveal that commercial banks in Butembo city are integrating technology in their daily activities. Mangers do use information systems in making every day decision at their level. Since all the banks in Butembo city are branches that does not need to make high-level strategic decisions. Therefore, the integration of MIS in high-level decision-making is done at the higher level (head office) from the information provided at the lower levels (that is branches like Butembo). However, the banks do share real-time information among branches and the head office. Introduction The history of Management Information System (MIS) starts since long. In 1968, Michael S. Scott Morton wrote a research paper in which he emphasizes the use and emergence of MIS in future. He emphasizes that the future companies will be affected by two things technology and the human comprehension and understanding of decision-making process. According to Morton (1968), it is not only about the emerging of new technologies rather how man will use the information from technology to make decisions. He predicted that in future organizational decisions will...
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...Management Information System – LLC 3215 UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS Unit Structure 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Overview Learning Outcomes Introduction Information Technology and Information What is an Information System? 1.4.1 Components of an Information System 1.4.2 Functions of an Information System 1.4.3 Data versus Information 1.5 1.6 1.7 Advantages of Computerised Information Systems Information Systems and Businesses Factors affecting the Business Environment 1.7.1 Globalisation 1.7.2 Shifting from Industrial-based to Knowledge-based Economies 1.7.3 Transformation of the Enterprise 1.7.4 The Digital Firm 1.8 1.9 The Internet New Options for Businesses 1.9.1 The Networked Enterprise 1.9.2 Electronic Business, Electronic Commerce and Electronic Government 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Information Systems at Different Levels of Management Management Challenges with Information Systems Activities Discussion Questions Summary Unit 1 1 Management Information System – LLC 3215 1.0 OVERVIEW Nowadays, information is considered to be a very valuable resource in organisations. It is in fact comparable to other valuable resources like money, human power and raw materials. Information is vital in our everyday life. Consider the importance of weather forecasts in Mauritius during cyclonic periods. This leads us to the concept of information being a driver for decision-making. This unit will help you understand why we need to manage...
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...etc. One of the basic factors is the cost of its production. Cost is essential not only to fix price but also to ascertain the margin of profit. Knowledge of the cost determination is also necessary to keep a check on the cost of product/control on wastages, etc. The accounting used to study the various aspects of cost is known as cost accounting. In this lesson, you will learn about meaning, importance, limitations etc. of cost accounting. Notes OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: state the meaning and scope of cost accounting; explain the objectives of cost accounting; differentiate between cost accounting and financial accounting; state importance of cost accounting; explain limitations of cost accounting. 27.1 MEANING AND SCOPE OF COST ACCOUNTING Cost accounting is the process of determining and accumulating the cost of product or activity. It is a process of accounting for the incurrence and the control of cost. It also covers classification, analysis, and interpretation of cost. In other words, it is a system of accounting, which provides the information about the ascertainment, and control of costs of products, or services. It measures the operating efficiency of the enterprise. It is an ACCOUNTANCY 95 MODULE - 6B Elementary Cost Accounting Cost Accounting : An Introduction internal aspect of the organisation. Cost Accounting is accounting for cost aimed at providing cost data, statement and reports for the...
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...analysing and organisation’s human resource needs and developing plans, policies and systems to satisfy those needs. * The process involves carrying out a skills analysis of the existing workforce, carrying out manpower forecasting, and taking action to ensure that supply meets demand. This may include the development of training and retraining strategies. Human resource planning has traditionally been used by organizations to ensure that the right person is in the right job at the right time. IMPORTANCE OF HRP MODEL * Provides quality workforce One of the Importance of Human Resource Planning is that effective Human Resource Planning fulfills the organization needs for a quality workforce. Quality workforce aids in giving a company a competitive advantage over its rivals. * Reduces labor costs Another Importance of Human Resource Planning is that a proper Human Resource plan reduces labor costs substantially by maintaining a balance between demand for and supply of HR i.e. works as a cost saving device for the company. * Facilitates rise in skills Another Importance of Human Resource Planning is that it facilitates the rise in skills, abilities and potential of the workforce through training and development. Training employees helps them improve in their working capacity thus tend to develop to a quality workforce. * Effective motivation Effective motivation is another Importance of Human Resource Planning. An effective Human Resource Plan provides multiple gains...
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...of the basic factors is the cost of its production. Cost is essential not only to fix price but also to ascertain the margin of profit. Knowledge of the cost determination is also necessary to keep a check on the cost of product/control on wastages, etc. The accounting used to study the various aspects of cost is known as cost accounting. In this lesson, you will learn about meaning, importance, limitations etc. of cost accounting. OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: state the meaning and scope of cost accounting; explain the objectives of cost accounting; differentiate between cost accounting and financial accounting; state importance of cost accounting; explain limitations of cost accounting. 27.1 MEANING AND SCOPE OF COST ACCOUNTING Cost accounting is the process of determining and accumulating the cost of product or activity. It is a process of accounting for the incurrence and the control of cost. It also covers classification, analysis, and interpretation of cost. In other words, it is a system of accounting, which provides the information about the ascertainment, and control of costs of products, or services. It measures the operating efficiency of the enterprise. It is an 27 COST ACCOUNTING : AN INTRODUCTIONACCOUNTANCY MODULE - 6B Notes Cost Accounting : An Introduction Elementary Cost Accounting 96 internal aspect of the organisation. Cost Accounting is accounting for cost aimed at providing cost...
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...analyse the role of information systems in supporting decision making process. For this purpose, role of different types of information systems such as, Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS), Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), Executive Information System (EIS), specifically agent-based information systems have been analysed in the different aspects of decision making process. For this purpose ten highly relevant journal articles have been selected and the body of this report is based upon the literature of those articles. From the research of this report, it is has been found out that different types of information systems facilitates managers working at different levels of organisations in making effective decision. It has been identified that organisations operate in highly vibrant and impulsive environment that changes rapidly. Based on these changes, executives and higher level managers have to make decisions accordingly. This decision making process requires a lot of subjective information about the external environment upon which decisions have to be made Annotated Bibliography 1. Ucakturk, A. & Villardb, M., 2013. The Effects of Management Information and ERP Systems on Strategic Knowledge Management and Decision-Making. Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol 99, pp. 1035 – 1043. In this article, Ucakturk and Villardb have discussed the effects of management information and ERP systems on strategic knowledge management and decision-making...
Words: 3871 - Pages: 16
...NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Syllabus Department of Management Detailed Syllabus Second Year Four-Year B.B.A. (Honours) Course Effective from the Session : 2009–2010 National University Syllabus for 4 years B. B. A. Honours Course Subject : Management Second Year (Honours) |Subject Code |Subject Title |Marks |Credit | | |Business Communication and Report Writing (In English) |100 |4 | | |Computer and Information Technology |100 |4 | | |Taxation in Bangladesh |100 |4 | | |Business Statistics (In English) |100 |4 | | |Macro Economics |100 |4 | | |Human Resource Management |100 |4 | | |Viva-Voce |100 |4 | | |Total = ...
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...NIGERIAN TURKISH NILE UNIVERSITY, ABUJA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE MBA HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: MBA807 PREPARED BY ENEJO JOHN ID NUMBER: 151323006 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2 HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE ................................................... 3 Defining Different Types of HRIS Solutions..................................................................................... 5 What Are HR Systems Managing? .............................................................................................. 5 What Are the Main HR Software Solutions? .............................................................................. 5 HRIS Solutions ............................................................................................................................. 5 HCM Solutions............................................................................................................................. 6 HRMS Solutions ........................................................................................................................... 6 HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM-DEFINITION.............................................................. 7 HRIS – Why it is needed? .................................................................
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..."strategic management accounting" has been coined by Simmonds and since then strategic management accounting has become a hot topic. Instead of a backward focus, strategic management accounting provides a long-term sight for organisations focus on the future. Gradually, the importance of the strategy implementation and strategic control systems has been realized and in fact there are numbers of mechanisms that have been designed to ensure entities are organized under the strategic management. For example, management accounting framework, the aim of which is to "capture the dynamics of the relationship between that strategy and control" (Eldenburg, Brooks, Oliver, Vesty, & Wolcott, 2010). These frameworks that are used for strategy and control, help management accounting collect more relevant information for decision makers. This essay will discuss the use of Ferreira and Otley’s performance management systems framework and Kaplan and Norton’s strategy map framework which is structured into two segments. The first with the concept of strategy and control and with the description of the relationship between strategy and control itself. The second, is the analysis of the influence of the two management accounting frameworks for decision making. From this essay, it is easy to find out how these frameworks strengthen the role of strategy and control and increase the quality of decision making by management accounting provide better information. To use these management accounting...
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...AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRACTICES by Magdy Abdel-Kader University of Essex and Robert Luther University of Bristol WP No. 04/06 October 2004 Address for correspondence: Magdy Abdel-Kader Department of Accounting, Finance and Management University of Essex Colchester Essex CO4 3SQ UK E-mail: mabdel@essex.ac.uk 1 An Empirical Investigation of the Evolution of Management Accounting Practices Magdy Abdel-Kadera and Robert Lutherb a: Department of Accounting, Finance and Management, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ (Correspondence address) b: Bristol Business School, U.W.E., Bristol, BS16 1QY The authors are grateful for the constructive comments of participants at the EIASM conference on New Directions in Management Accounting: Innovations in Practice and Research, December 2002, Brussels. Financial support from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants is acknowledged with gratitude. 2 An Empirical Investigation of the Evolution of Management Accounting Practices Abstract This paper investigates and reports on the status of management accounting practices in UK industry. The analysis operationalises the IFAC statement on Management Accounting Concepts and its description of the evolution of management accounting. The results, based on responses from 123 practising management accountants, suggest that the management accounting employed in many UK industrial companies is...
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...and upper management seems to be lack of communication. It seems that Singh and Mrs. Manzoni have not affectively communicated to the hospital administrators what the goals of the company are and what is best for the company. I believe that Mrs. Singh and the hospital administrators value the importance of two different things. Mrs. Singh values the importance of correct data entry into the firm’s management information system. While, the hospital administrators seem to be placing more value on the importance of patient services. In addition, it seems Mrs. Singh does not know what motivates the employees to exert more effort. Economists would view the employees’ actions as the outcomes of maximizing personal utility (Brickley, Smith, & Zimmerman, 2009). During the retreat Mrs. Singh failed to effectively communicate to the administrators the high importance of accurately entering data. She should had stressed how incorrect data could possibly effect the aid that they receive. 2. What information would you want to analyze? I would actually choose to thoroughly analyze the data the management information system is currently asking for. I would also review past reports generated by the system and compare them. It would be highly imperative to insure that the system asked the appropriate questions in order to even produce accurate reports. Mrs. Singh can blame the employees for inputting incorrect information all day. However, if the system is flawed...
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...The importance of MIS,CIS&IT A management information system (MIS) provides information that is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. Management information systems are not only computer systems - these systems encompass three primary components: technology, people (individuals, groups, or organizations), and data/information for decision making. Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are designed to be used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities in the organization. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations evaluate, design, implement, manage, and utilize systems to generate information to improve efficiency and effectiveness of decision making, including systems termed decision support systems, expert systems, and executive information systems. Most business schools (or colleges of business administration within universities) have an MIS department, alongside departments of accounting, finance, management, marketing, and sometimes others, and grant degrees (at undergrad, masters, and PhD levels) in MIS. The another importance in the organization’s by learning MIS, Companies are able to highlight their strengths and weaknesses due to the presence of revenue reports, employees' performance record etc. The identification of these aspects can help the company improve their business processes and operations(Its all the result...
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...• Requires resources (often from various areas). • Should have a primary sponsor or customer. • Involves uncertainty. Describe several projects with which you are familiar. Students like to hear about their instructor's experiences and share their own. You can also discuss the triple constraint of project management¾balancing scope, time, and cost goals. Use a visual example that will help students remember scope, time, and cost. (I describe a Far Side coffee mug I have that shows Einstein wearing thick spectacles (specs are like the project scope) and looking puzzled at an equation he wrote on a chalkboard. At the end of a complicated math proof is the conclusion that time = $.) Give examples of each constraint on various projects with which you are familiar. Some of these examples should have a stronger emphasis on scope, and others should be more focused on time and cost. The project management course itself can be used as an effective example of a project. The time and cost of the course are fairly inflexible, so the main constraint you can control is the scope. What is Project Management? There are several important concepts in this section. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements. Figure 1-2 provides a great visual framework for discussing this definition. Review the other definitions. Students appreciate seeing a...
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...magical machine has led to the further growth of agricultural products which is of great importance to human as it provides a means of continuous existence and livelihood to man. The technological know-how and scientific research reveals that a lot of work can be carried out by the computer in agriculture and help in the growth (Tadelle et al., 2000). It therefore deems imperative that computers should also be employed and utilized in poultry farm, being an area of agriculture, is inevitably essential and of great importance to man. Poultry produce is being consumed on a daily basis in every part of the world as they are been used both domestically and industrially (Oladeebo and Ambe-Lamidi 2007). The traditional way or method of managing poultry farms has brought about gross mismanagement of farms. This research centres how computer system can be useful in a large scale poultry farm, keeping of general stock of the birds, the health status and finally the financial accountability of the farm. The importance of Poultry Farm Inventory Management System that can effectively and efficiently keep records of day to day activities of the poultry farm, such as; taking records of the total number of birds, total number of bird’s produce (chicks, eggs, waste), feed consumed, general income and expenditure of the farm. This is to avoid the ineffective and risky manual records keeping method or system, which is unreliable, since the document used in the record keeping are prone to risks,...
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