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Importance Of Restraint On Employment

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Providing for restraint on employment in the employment contracts of the employees in the form of confidentiality requirement or in the form of restraint on employment with competitors is a common practice. However, this hinders the right of the employee to work and carry out the desired profession. While determining whether such covenant is in restraint of trade, business or profession or not, the courts take a stricter view in employer-employee contracts than in other contracts, such as partnership contracts, collaboration contracts, franchise contracts, agency/distributorship contracts, commercial contracts. The reason being that in the latter kind of contracts, the parties deal with each other on more or less an equal footing, whereas in …show more content…
Mere knowledge of names and addresses and even the financial details of a customer will not be material. The option of the customers/clients to bank with anyone cannot be curtailed on the plea of confidentiality of their details with any particular bank. Rights of an employee to seek and search for better employment are not to be curbed by an injunction even on the ground that she has confidential data in the present facts and circumstances. Freedom of changing employment for improving service conditions is a vital and important right of an employee which cannot be restricted or curtailed on the ground that the employee has employer's data.2 Everybody has the right to strive for progress and career, thus, any restrictions imposed by the employer are void and unconscionable. A trade secret is some protected and confidential information which the employee has acquired in the course of his employment and which should not reach others in the interest of the employer. However, routine day-to-day affairs of employer which are in the knowledge of many and are commonly known to others cannot be called trade secrets. …show more content…
It is well settled that such post termination restraint, under Indian Law, is in violation of Section 27 of the Contract Act. Such contracts are unenforceable, void and against the public policy. What is prohibited by law cannot be permitted by Court's injunction.6
In the Wipro Case7, the court held that negative covenants between employer and employee contracts pertaining to the period post termination and restricting an employee's right to seek employment and/or to do business in the same field as the employer would be in restraint of trade and void. No employee can be confronted with the situation where he has to either work for the present employer or be forced to idleness.
In the Pepsi Foods case8, the court held that injunction that would have a direct impact of curtailing the freedom of employees for improving their future prospects and service conditions by changing their employment and restrict their right to seek and search for better employment shall not be

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