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Improve Your Nails Research Paper

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Your nails are a small part of your body, but there ’re part of your skin. One look at them and a person can tell a lot about you. You need to pay special attention to your nails. First impressions still make a large impact in your world. Here are 6 tips on how you can strengthen and improve your nails naturally:

Water: Your body needs an ample amount of water for hydration purpose. Water helps minimize the breakage of your nails. The moisture allows for elasticity and diminishes brittleness and cracking. Eight glasses of water in a day is the recommended amount.

Diet: Enrich your diet with cooked eggs, cheese, brown rice, soybeans, green peas and nuts. All these foods contain Vitamin B7 an important vitamin scientifically known as biotin it makes your nails strong and resilient. …show more content…
Sweet potatoes, spinach, which is rich in iron and lettuce will also help you maintain healthy nails this is from the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Eat food rich in protein this will reduce or completely stop the cracking of your nails. Include foods like fish, lean meat and beans in your diet, they're good sources of protein.

Avoid products containing Alcohol: You need to be picky on what lotions and soaps you use of your hands. The alcohol in these products does your hands and nails a huge disservice. They strip your nails and hands of natural oils ultimately drying out your skin. Your nails, then become susceptible to cracking and breaking.

Stop biting your nails: If you bite your nails, you need to stop. Nail biting will destroy any attempts to having strong nails. It gives your nails and hands a very unkempt appearance and it is generally a bad habit.

Nail File: There are mainly two main types of nail files on the market, emery boards and metal nail files. Both will get the job done, but they’ve long term negative

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