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Incas World View Research Paper

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Today, you will learn about the Incas and their world view. As you can see on the board, worldview is the beliefs and values of a region. The Incas believed in three pacha realms. The three realms are the hanan pacha (upper world), kay pacha (surface of the earth), and uku pacha (underworld).
One of the main gods is Viracocha. He is the creator of the universe, and the first Incas were considered his children. Also, he created all the other gods.
Another god is Inti, the sun god. He had the most direct influence on leaders. Additionally, he had a temple dedicated to him. This temple is called Qorikancha, and it is located in Cuzco.
The next god is Illapa which is the god of thunder and lightning. People prayed to him so that there would

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