...DISCUSS FIVE FACTORS OF INEQUALITY IN OUR SOCIETY. Gender refers to socially constructed roles and responsibilities of women and men. The difference in roles and responsibilities among women and men stems from our families, societies and culture. The concept of gender includes our expectations about the characteristics, attitudes and behaviours of women and men, and is vital in facilitating gender analysis. The different roles, rights and resources that both the genders have in society are important determinants of the nature and scope of their inequality and poverty. Inequality in access to resources between women and men is most common in Poor and developing countries. Gender inequality refers to inequality in conditions among women and men for realizing their full human rights. It refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences. Gender systems are often dichotomous and hierarchical; gender binary systems may reflect the inequalities that manifest in numerous dimensions of daily life. Gender inequality stems from distinctions, whether empirically grounded or socially constructed. There are factors that influence gender inequality in our society. Some of these factors...
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...SOCIAL INEQUALITY AND ITS EFFECTS: THE ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE IN OUR SOCIETY Submitted By: Tabor, Ben Jayson Raymundo, John Joseph R. Bautista, Sean Karl T. Gregorio, Prince Jairus J. Medenilla, Mark Johann L. Submitter To; Prof. Don Emmanuel Nolasco II. INTRODUCTION Rule #1 - “Life is not fair, get used to it!” –Rules of Life by Bill Gates We always see differences in our lives in different ways. Let’s accept the fact that some people are gorgeous and handsome while others look like Frankenstein. Some are rich because of fate and some are poor with no food on their plate because not everywhere is blessed by a golden spoon on their mouth. Most likely, people with a higher status in life always get the privilege to be educated, healthy lifestyle and threated well by the society. Why this kind of inequality occurs in our society? Social inequality within a society is an issue in which its existence has never been erased throughout the history of the world. Classified as a dynamic trend to which it keeps on changing while the time goes by. The human condition has so far been a fundamentally unequal one. Indeed, all known societies have been characterized by inequalities of some kind, although of course the extent and type of inequality has been quite variable. Social inequality like racial inequality, gender inequality and other types keeps on sprouting like a mushroom growing anywhere most like in the dark places and these can have effects that have the power to influence...
Words: 1358 - Pages: 6
...many issues “social inequality”. “Social inequality creates a disadvantage against...
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...Confronting Inequality In the article “Confronting Inequality” Paul Krugman compares the new millennia to the 1970’s and has many financial stats to back his theory of income inequality. He backs up his claims with facts and figures, but also gives his own solutions to these problems. Krugman states, “ The ugliness of our politics is in large part a reflection of the inequality of our income distribution.” He states that in the 1960’s was that the governments was in place to sere the best interests of society and that many in modern society believe that government only serves “a few big interests”. His other argument is comparing or capital gains tax to that of other countries. Paul backs up his argument,...” very highly trained British employees face an effective tax rate almost 48 percent in France people with 15 percent in the United States”. Another point he made, he quotes Eric Uslaner and Mitchel Brown is, “In a world of haves and have nots those at either end of the economic spectrum have little reason to believe that most people can be trusted... social trust rest on a foundation of economic equality.” This quote makes me think that in his view everyone serves a function. Some more tan others and strive for economic equality is what we base our lives around. We need people to work in Slaughterhouses, build our cars, and clean our sewers. The fear is that people will not do these jobs without a monetary stimulant. How I interpreted Paul Krugman’s response was the...
Words: 748 - Pages: 3
...The growing problem of income inequality in New Zealand and around the world will have significant effects on the consumption or work, goods and services by myself and my family and society as a whole. This essay will discuss these effects on consumption should this inequality continue on its current path. I will begin by discussing income inequality and the evidence of it today and the issues that this inequality creates in society. The essay will then give an overview of my current position in society and the market and I will then discuss some issues and future implications of income inequality and how they will shape the consumption of work, goods and services by my family and myself. This section will also consider how the psychological aspects of consumption could be affected by income inequality and deal with the social ramifications of this inequality and look at any possible changes to our consumption from a cultural sense. This essay will argue that income inequality can have significant potential to change the future consumption of work, goods and services by myself and my family. The concept of income inequality is not new it has been discussed by politicians and economists for a number of years if not centuries, as the old adage says ‘the rich get richer the poor get poorer’. The ministry of social development defines it as, “The extent of disparity between high income and low income households” (Ministry of Social Development, 2010) and it essentially deals with...
Words: 1840 - Pages: 8
...Income Inequality is the difference found in various measures of economic well-being among individuals in a group, among groups in a population, or among countries (TE-food, 2017). It is the unequal distribution of earning among people in the society. Income inequality is a vital characteristic for a social order where individuals act entirely out of their own will; it is a global phenomenon. The understanding of income inequality in the society is essential because it enables one not to see it as a threat but as a factor that shapes opportunity and bring about economic efficiency. In an article by Aparna Mathur, which was published by the American Enterprise Institute, "growing inequality gap is associated with growing oppor¬tunity...." Income...
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...Why are rural and remote locations associated with health inequalities which continue to persist for particular social groups? Health services are a common activity that is conducted to every individual in the world. This ranges from medical examinations and treatment form various illness encountered by various individuals. However, this is not the case to every party in the world. Some regions in some countries suffer from inadequate health services provision. This brings the element of inequality in the health sector in various countries. The most prone areas which suffer from these factors are the rural areas. This brings the main intent of the paper on analyzing on the factors that contributes to these inequalities. A rural or remote area is an area that is far away from people or town activities or taller buildings. It is also regarded as a place that is far from civilization (Jayapalan, 2002). A remote place can be within a town but situated in the outcasts of the same town. They are generally known as villages where a social group stays together closely (Hillyard, 2007). A health inequality in a sociological perspective refers to the difference in the accessing of health services between a particular population and social group (Hilary, 2007). The health inequalities can also occur between people in leadership positions as according to their rankings in the leadership hierarchy (Tobin, 2012). The people in remote or rural areas can have a hard time accessing the health...
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...Solutions to Social Inequality A. One routine activity that I have engaged in is buying products from known exploiters of third world labor. This could involve me buying supplies at Walmart, buying a new pair of shoes from Nike, or even getting new clothes from Old Navy. These activities can easily contribute to inequalities. I can speak for myself and admit that when I bought those products from these companies, I didn’t think for a second about third world labor. I didn’t think about the sweatshops that take place on a daily basis in these countries. The only thing that was on my mind at the time was getting what I wanted and nothing else. I was solely focused on what was important for me, and I didn’t take the time to be sociologically mindful. The thought of exploitation of third world labor didn’t come across my mind at first. I wasn’t thinking about the whole picture and how other people are affected by my decisions. The inequalities that the poor face in these countries were not a thought in my mind. It’s difficult for an individual in our society to look beyond our own needs and concerns. Very few are able to reflect and realize that our social world is made up of everyone around us. Once people can grasp the concept of being sociologically mindful, they can see the world much differently and live more satisfying lives. B. Buying products or goods from these companies is a direct reflection of the culture and structure of our society. We as humans are...
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...Outline and Asses Functionalist explanations of social inequality (40marks) Functionalism is a concencus theory that focused on the unity and harmony of society. Functionalists believe that society is a system that works together in order for it to funtction. Inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions in a society and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities etc. There are many types of inequality such as social class inequality, gender inequality, age inequality and ethnicity inequality. Functionalists believe that these inequalities do exist and that they are beneficial to the society and are vital for society to function. Parsons states that we need order, stability and cooperation based on a value consensus. He believes that the relationship between the different groups is one of reciprocity. This means that the different groups are good because they share a give and take relationship and are useful to each other. Parsons also talks about stratification systems (which is the existence of different layers in society)as inevitable and functional, we need this hierarchy in order to survive. Davis and Moore also look at the stratifications system and argue that it occurs in every known society and that in order for the stratification system to work we must have effective role allocation. Role allocation ensures that the roles in society are filled by those who are best suited to them and...
Words: 321 - Pages: 2
...According to the ideology of the American dream, the United States is the land of the free and its society offers the possibility of rising up the social ladder as far as their efforts take them. Being "free" means being able to control your own life, the directions you might take, understanding and determining choices. There are several social forces that limit our freedom. The main force, being able to make a difference in your own life. Education has helped me achieve a lot in life. For example, being in school has taught me how difficult it can be living on my own. It is a secure way of ensuring a steady paying job in the future. This has given me insight to inequalities by others not having the same educational opportunities as me. In class we discussed something called the "Myth of Meritocracy". The "Myth of Meritocracy" is the idea that peoples success and failures are a result of "merit"- if you work hard enough you will succeed in whatever you attempt to accomplish. Many Americans have managed to become socially mobile. James Loewen, social mobility is "the movement from one social class to another- becoming more wide-spread in America". This meant that people had a better chance to move upward in society". The stress on upward mobility is...
Words: 1424 - Pages: 6
...discussing the health inequality in the social stratification in Canada and how our socioeconomic status can affect our health to be good or poor. Our health is determined by society and what level of power, authority and accomplishment that people achieve in the social hierarchy. In my essay I will be addressing and comparing the health inequalities people in different scale in the social economic face when it comes to income, education, housing, transportation, employment and health service. These are just the few things that effect our ability of achieve good health. I will also explain how race and immigrants can also determines inequalities, when it comes to their health, especially people of color...
Words: 1523 - Pages: 7
...1. Functionalist questions a. What are the functions of Wal-Mart for society? Wal-Mart is an American multinational retail corporation and one of the leading discount department retail stores (Wikipedia). It is the highest- grossing company in the United States (Fortune 2008a), and is by far one of the most successful companies worldwide. Wal-Mart offers a place to buy the majority of our goods under one roof like electronics, furniture, clothing, pharmacy, sports, food, books etc. Wal-Mart sells good at lower price than the others and this is even shown by its slogan “save money, live better”. It drives out smaller and sometimes even the expensive stores out of business due to its lower prices. Wal-Mart provides jobs for thousands of people in the society including the low-skilled people. It represents a trend of one stop shopping where we can get almost everything that we want. b. Are they the same or different from the functions of Wal-Mart in our individual lives? How do the two types of functions connect? One of Wal-Mart belief and function is the respect for the individual. They have given importance of respect for every individual and every member of the community. For individuals; Wal-Mart offers convenience, good pricing and multiple products under one roof. It reduced the overall cost to consumers as they don’t have to go from one place to another to buy different goods. c. Does Wal-Mart have both manifest and latent functions? Manifest functions are conscious...
Words: 1974 - Pages: 8
...and Foundation of Inequality among Men,” is not so much on the actuality of inequality amongst men, but is more so an attempt to address and understand men, in a way that nature itself created them; however, in doing so he does infer with inequality. Thus, Rousseau feels in order to study inequality among men we should look to the earlier days, and not to that of which came through man’s successive developments, (Ritter & Bondanella, pgs. 8-11); Therefore, generally laying out how he is concerned with the inequality present when man becomes civilized because according to Rousseau such circumstances are rare in the state of nature where all things proceed in an absolute uniform manner, (Ritter & Bondanella,...
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...We are the same from the inside why should race and gender matter? Holmes is trying to make people understand that our social inequalities are being perceived as normal when in reality they aren't. He talks about how migrant workers have been treated for years being looked down upon as something less in our society. The whole concept is that Holmes is exposing the harsh reality and that we need to change the way we treat certain people politically, legally, and symbolically. Moreover, another label society has imprinted as normal in the past, but has come a long way, is the ideal of men being better than women ultimately getting the upper hand. Gender inequality has made a major impact on our society throughout the years making changes in how our politics, culture (socially), and economics are handled and seen. We, as a society, need to keep encouraging people to look beyond stereotypes and recognize the contributions that each person, female or male, can make to the workplace and our social order. Furthermore, women have had to fight for equality in politics in the United States by winning the right to vote, as well as a seat at the political table. The Nineteenth Amendment in our Constitution gave women the right to vote in 1920. Although, gender stereotypes about female politicians and voters still exist till this day. Since gaining the right to vote, women have worked in many levels of government in the United States. For example, President Ronald Reagan named Sandra Day...
Words: 1176 - Pages: 5
...Living in the 21st century, society may believe that we live in a world of gender equality. A belief that is in fact idealistic. Gender inequality stems from deep rooted cultural ideologies. The enculturation process plays a role in learning gendered norms. Gender roles ascribed to men and women have affect in our society. Social inequalities affect many women in different walks of life. It can be seen in the type of work women obtain and which accounts for the gender wage gap. Gender inequality can also be seen at the educational level. Even though there is gender inequality all around us we we can all strive for gender equality by diminishing the causes of gender inequality. Lets take a step back and analyze what gender inequality truly...
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