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Influenza Pandemic Effect On Society

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The 2009 influenza pandemic was a worldwide outbreak of the H1N1 virus, more commonly known as ‘swine flu’. Failure to contain the influenza proved to be a major problem as the virus was able to travel the world within months, reaching the phase 6 pandemic alert raised by the World Health Organization only 2 months after the initial discovery (Munster et al. 2009). Warning that the pandemic has begun and that effective management and health preparedness at a global case was required to lessen the chance of further transmission. There have been a number of influenza pandemics in the past with some being more lethal than others. Due to technological and scientific advancements, influenzas aren’t as deadly as they used to be. Perhaps the biggest …show more content…
An clear indication of this is the damage in geographical areas found in the Arctic, as the mountain glaciers situated in regions such as Antarctica and Greenland have shown signs of getting thinned by the drastic changes in the earth’s climate. It is believed that in past 2 million years, the whole planet was predominantly covered by these glaciers. However, in modern human society, only about a remaining 10% covers the world (Hock 2014). The damage of climate change on the flora and fauna of the world also have a significantly harmful effect on human society. Transport and population density around the world are not the sole factors leading to the enhancement of diseases spreading around the world. Other than human to human transmission of infectious diseases, a large number of viruses and bacteria originate from parasites. Climate change has shown to be a considerably major factor in affecting diseases as variations of humidity and temperature changes how active parasites are in certain areas (Obenauer et al. 2017). The Aedes aegypti mosquito for instance is known to carry around a number of different types of viruses, most notably yellow fever, dengue and zika virus (Obenauer et al. 2017). Mostly associated in tropical geographic areas, climate change has led to more geographic areas worldwide where the Aedes aegypti can live. This puts urban populations in particular at a large risk as these …show more content…
An abundance of parasites and vectors reside amongst highly covered forest areas, significantly the Amazon rainforest. In recent years, large amounts of deforestation work for agricultural purposes has been done in the amazon clearing over 17% by 2008 (Hahn et al. 2014). Creating a vast breeding site for the Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is the most common disease carried by the Anopheles and has posed a major problem in Brazil. High deforestation rates has led to an increase in the occurrence of malaria. This is due to the vectors preference of high forest cover and water with vegetation as a result of forest degradation (Tucker Lima et al. 2017). Contact with vectors through the migration of susceptible individuals into new habitation has proven to be a large reason for the rise in malaria to occur and spread. Therefore, climate change affects the prevalence of infectious diseases such as malaria through deforestation and new

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