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1918 Flu Pandemic, Ebola, And The Black Death

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3 Famous Pandemics

35,110,000. That’s about how many deaths have been caused by just three pandemics. The 1918 Flu Pandemic, Ebola, and the Black Death are three of the most deadly, and well known pandemics to ever hit our world.

The 1918 Flu pandemic killed about 35 million people. Some believed that this pandemic was invincible, and they certainly had the right to believe that. There weren’t any drugs or vaccines to help fight this pandemic. According to “BLACK DEATH”,“A flu pandemic, such as the one in 1918, occurs when an especially virulent influenza strain for which there’s little or no immunity appears and spreads quickly from person-to-person around the globe.” This pandemic came in three waves, the first wave was in the spring of 1918 and was fairly mild. The second wave was much more intense and came in the fall of 1918 killing many more people than the first wave. The third wave wrapped it up ended the pandemic in the summer of 1919. This pandemic had several effects on communities, businesses, and the …show more content…
According to “BLACK DEATH” the Black Death was first found on trading ships that arrived in Europe after sailing the Black Sea. When the ships docked many sailors were dead and the rest were terribly ill. All of these sailors were covered in black boils hence the name the “Black Death”. The Black Death was spread by Yersinia pestis, from there it traveled through the air. Infected fleas and rats also helped to spread this disease by biting humans and animals. This disease brought huge amounts of panic and chaos to communities. states that “Doctors refused to see patients; priests refused to administer last rites. Shopkeepers closed stores. Many people fled for the countryside, but even there they could not escape the disease.” In just five years the Black Death took over 35 million lives, making itself famous, deadly, and

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