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Information Security Policy


Submitted By unkelfester
Words 4350
Pages 18
Axia College Material

Information Security Policy

Axia College

IT/244 Intro to IT Security

Dr. Jimmie Flores April 10, 2011

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary 1

2. Introduction 1

3. Disaster Recovery Plan 1

3.1. Key elements of the Disaster Recovery Plan 1

3.2. Disaster Recovery Test Plan 1

4. Physical Security Policy 1

4.1. Security of the facilities 1

4.1.1. Physical entry controls 1

4.1.2. Security offices, rooms and facilities 1

4.1.3. Isolated delivery and loading areas 2

4.2. Security of the information systems 2

4.2.1. Workplace protection 2

4.2.2. Unused ports and cabling 2

4.2.3. Network/server equipment 2

4.2.4. Equipment maintenance 2

4.2.5. Security of laptops/roaming equipment 2

5. Access Control Policy 2

6. Network Security Policy 3

7. References 3

Executive Summary

There are several threats to the security of networks and data. While there is no definite way to prevent all of the incidents that can befall a network, by developing a proactive security plan that will encompass many of the known threats data loss and corruption can be minimized. Sunica obtains different levels of customer information and records large amounts of financial information on their network. The best way to prevent the loss or corruption of data for Sunica is to develop a well rounded security plan that contains proactive solutions including security hardware and software as well as physical security policies.

Hardware security solutions start with firewall protection of the network. Other physical protection includes restricted access to the network closet as well as smart card access for the

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