...Riodan Manufacturing: Memorandum Analysis After reviewing the Riodan Manufacturing Memorandum pertaining to the China Relocation the overall assessment is that it was informative to the recipients but needs more clarity and the right detailed information, perhaps attachments as well. How I reacted to the memo: The document seems organized and flows with the intent of the message until you get to the bullets. The information seems to break down here. I see no reason why there are bullets, these could be more logically, short one liners, or be paragraphs and some of the information doesn’t seem to be needed, as it may be too vague and confusing for the recipients. The information in the bullets could well be left out of this document or at least revised; I’m uncertain whether they truly add value. Visual attachments might have aided in the understanding of the changes as well, the use of kilometers should also include miles, in case some recipients are not knowledgeable on the metric system. The memorandum also speaks to significant cost savings and increased production volumes, yet there are no statistics included, so how do the recipients comprehend this? The closing paragraph speaks to each recipient drafting a strategic plan immediately, yet the move is planned sometime within the next five years, with no set expectation of an actual timeframe for the recipients. Also, there is no set time for the delivery of the strategic plans and to whom. The document lacks...
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...Riodan Manufacturing Compared to the expansion and growth of business companies have witnessed throughout history, modern companies face many challenges and have some of the most advanced tools to be utilized. The invention of the modern day computer systems has revolutionized the way companies do business and allow for unprecedented growth. Unfortunately, the failure to embrace and understand this technology will lead to the down fall of even the largest corporate empire. Riodan Manufacturing is one of these companies. Riodan is an international company with locations in Georgia, Michigan, and Hangzhou, China. Having locations spread across the globe poses a challenge for the companies Information Technology Department. Having a good understanding of the company’s size and needs, the IT department helps ensure the company’s overall success. Riordan Manufacturing employs over 550 people, and has annual earnings of $46 million dollars. (Apollo Group, Inc., 2013) Riodan needs to find a way to align its IT Strategy and Business Strategies to ensure its future growth and profitability. The purpose of this paper is to identify the weakness in Riodan’s current information systems and make suggestions what improvements need to be made, leading to improved profits. The Financial and Accounting department will require several upgrades to both hardware and software to ensure the transition is not only seamless, but also easily upgradable in the future as well. After examining all of...
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...New System IT/205 March 1, 2015 University of Phoenix Abstract New System 1. Introduction Riodan Manufacturing has relocated in China due to China being partners and already having the facilities to start production. Riodan Manufacturing is still researching the shipping requirement to meet deadlines and get products to the customers. They have run over budget by $100,000 due to training employees to learn new systems. I have created a new system that will both save the company money and be able to train employees. 1. This system with has live Internet classes that are offered to the employees in the company. Cost has gone up to train employees the new systems and the employees have had to travel to complete these trainings. With onsite training, meetings and 24-hour tech services being provided to employees, this will cut down on cost in the future. The company will need to spend money to get this new system going but it will save them money in the future and they will also have the sources to keep up with the newest technology and be able to move more business around the world. 2. This system will be ran by human resources. Human resource will have a defined group who will set up all training that will be onsite of each factory with face-to-face conferences via Internet with teachers. 3. Along with training be onsite in each factory, human resources will also have a 24-hour system where any employee can speak with tech services when a new system...
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...SR-RM-022 Riodan Manufacturing would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state of the art, information systems technology for their Human resources database. We shall follow the five phases of the system development life cycle to upgrade the existing system with a new web application that employees can use to access and make changes to their employee records. The five phases are: Investigation, Analysis, Design, Testing, and Maintenance. Riordan Manufacturing Human resources Information System (HRIS) was installed in 1992. HR is currently responsible for: employee information( personal information, pay rate, personal tax exemptions, hire date, seniority date, department information, and Vacation hours), Training and development records, Resume files, workers compensation records, Employee file’s(currently with employee’s individual manager), Compensation files, and employee relations files. Currently the 7 HR records are scattered amongst the HR department and employee managers, these files need to be consolidated. It is time to upgrade and modernize the system. An integrated system will increase productivity, reduce the need for specialized highly paid positions and improve employee understanding of the HR benefit process. During the Analysis phase of the System development life cycle it is important to meet with the stakeholders, people and groups of people that have interest or concern in the project (“Business Dictionary”, 2013). I will need to meet with people...
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...Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Cathi Stark, Jamie Prettyman, Sylvia Mendoza, and Gregory A. Osborn Jr. FIN/370 May 19, 2014 Christine Gordon The Expansion of Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing has been in business for over 30 years. The company first opened their doors in 1991 as a research and development company. Over the last 30 years it has acquired a fan manufacturing company and a plastic bottle manufacturing plant. The company also made a big leap when it decided to move part of the company to China in 2000. It has been a while since the company has made any moves, and they have decided to expand the company once again. Riordan can expand the business in one of three ways: an IPO, acquire another organization, or merge with another organization. Strengths of Expansion Options Riordan must decide how to continue building their company. The first choice is an Initial Public Offering (IPO). This is “… basically the first time a company decides to sell stock to the public” (Marquit, 2012, Para. 2). This is a good idea because it allows the company to gain funds without the commitment of paying interest on a loan. The second option Riordan has is to acquire another. Because of its successful experience with acquisitions in the past, Riordan knows how to proceed. Purchasing another company Riordan can expand the product base while absorbing the competition. The final option is to merge with another company. This choice allows Riordan the ability...
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...of utmost importance: page layout, content presentation, navigation, effective links, color and graphics, font usage, accessibility, relevance spacing, multimedia, and browser compatibility. Each piece must fall under certain criteria in order for the user to consider it effective. Certain elements and pitfalls should remain at the forefront of any design to justify the resource cost of the criteria. Page Layout The first thing anyone would notice about the Riodan Manufacturing website is that is is cluttered with useless images that contain absolutely no context. There is a slideshow of images that take center stage. The first image is of different plastic bottles. The second image is nearly undiscernible as to what it is meant to represent. The third image is of two different types of fans. The fourth image is of a number of plastic containers. It is unclear as to what the point of these images are designed to represent. Also, these photos should not take up a majority of the screen. There is no information about the company located on its only public facing home page. No site map is present, as the site is only one page. Overall, this site is...
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...to team member not doing the correct task. | Tem cohesiveness | Team is unified and works as if they are one person. | Conflict of personal interest may cause the a team not to integrate. | Resolving conflict | Teams who solve conflicts quickly and as a team are likely to succeed. | Clashing personalities could draw conflicts out longer average. | Consequences | Teams realizing consequences allow creativity within the group. | Team members who believe he or she is not accountable may omit themselves from the consequence. | 2. Identify the team formation strategy that is most suitable for Riordan Manufacturing, and provide the rationale for the decision. Your response should be at least 100 words. The diverse group of employees at Riodan Manufacturing Pontiac, Missouri will allow a team formation strategy called Six Hats. The concept behind Six Hats is each employee wears a different "hat" (role) in the team. Each of the Six Thinking Hats represents a different direction or type of thinking, which is identified by a color (Application of Six Thinking Hats in Education, 2011) : * White for facts and data * Black for difficulties and problems * Red for feelings and gut instinct * Green for creativity * Yellow for value and benefits * Blue for thinking process With the exception of three employees (Tucker, Shotwell,...
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...Ricardo Merriwether Service Request/ Riodan Manufacturing Section One In the world today possessing the conveyance of having tools and systems that operate together throughout the organization becomes a huge benefit. Having easy access, gives the edge to companies, provides for better productivity and cost effectiveness. In order to know the criteria for a system the system requirements has to be determined. The first process in system development is requirement analysis and definition. This enables the breakdown of the functional and non-functional requirements that paints a clear framework to the system development (Rouse, 2012). Technology requirements, stakeholders, and businesses have a viable part in the process of analysis process. There are four activities involved in the analysis process, the first is elicitation activity, is the collecting of information and understanding the needs of the stakeholder and articulating high-level requirements. The analysis activity, determines clarity, and if the system is free of any contradictions, defines techniques to combat the issues. Specification activity is where the behavior of a system is a developing stage. Then there is the validation activity that involves sessions with users, stakeholders, and other experts to help to wing out issues and conflicting requirements before the projects moves to development (Johannesson & Perjons, 2013). “When future design efforts involving system upgrades or enhancements are analyzed...
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...single integrated application. Expected results are to define the business requirements for the development of a new HR system, and to create a detailed system design and project implementation plan to complete the project. The project should be completed in approximately six months, so the new system can be utilized in the second quarter of next year. The key stakeholders I would gather information from in Riordan Manufacturing are the director of human resources Yvonne McMillan, President & CEO of Riordan manufacturing Dr. Michael Riordan, Employee Relations Manager Andrea Gamby, Compensation & benefits manager Terri Carranza, payroll manager Silvija Peterson, Recruiter-Professional staff Eric Myers. I would choose these individuals due to the fact that they are directly related with the HR department. Other key stakeholders information would be gathered from are the employees of Riordan Manufacturing. When choosing which key stakeholders to consider, you consider the people who can affect the system or who will be affected by the system. This might include managers, employees, staff members, and even some customers and suppliers. The information-gathering techniques and systems analysis tools I would propose for the project are, Interviewing and listening. People are interviewed about their work, the information they use to and the types of information processing that might supplement their work. Others are interviewed to understand organizational direction, policies...
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...Corporate Compliance Plan for Riordan Manufacturing October 19, 2009 Riordan Manufacturing is a profitable company generating large amounts of revenue for Riordan Industries. This compliance plan will outline the company’s legal processes and standards to ensure the company will be able to continue to operate and remain profitable in the future. The plan will address the laws that affect the company and provide a guideline for ensuring employees adhere to these laws. Riordan Manufacturing was started in 1991 by Dr. Riordan. He started the company by developing a process for turning polymers into high tensile strength plastic substrates. He patented these processes. In 1992 he purchased a manufacturing plant that made fans and started to get into the manufacturing business instead of just research and development. In 2000 the company started to venture out and expanded into China. This plan will outline an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for the company to use to keep them on track with their mission. Then discuss enterprise and product liability. Briefly discussed will be issues with international law and how those laws affect the expansion into China. The paper will cover tangible and intellectual property, legal forms of business as well as governess. The paper will also cover enterprise risk management as outlined by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). It will conclude by wrapping up with a discussion on laws that Riordan must...
Words: 4209 - Pages: 17
...This article was downloaded by: [University of Hong Kong] On: 7 July 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 905437243] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Contemporary China Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713429222 The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization? Suisheng Zhao Online publication date: 28 April 2010 To cite this Article Zhao, Suisheng(2010) 'The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization?', Journal of Contemporary China, 19: 65, 419 — 436 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10670561003666061 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670561003666061 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently...
Words: 9892 - Pages: 40
...Riordan Current Business Practices Audit MGT/360 University of Phoenix Riordan Current Business Practices Audit Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer with locations in California, Georgia, Michigan, and China. The vice president of operations decided to develop a sustainability plan. Team A has been assigned the task to conduct a business audit to evaluate the Riordan’s current business practices at each location. The audit provides valuable information to identify the nonsustainable business practices and how each effects the environment. The subject in this paper is how Riordan Manufacturing will identify their nonsustainable practices, federal regulations, mandatory, and voluntary actions necessary to implement a successful sustainability plan. Nonsustainable Business Practices The business practice audits brought to light three nonsustainable practices. The three practices highlighted by the audit include wasted energy from the plants, the use of toxic cleaning solvents, and spilled ink. These three business practices can be very harmful to the environment. Burning fossil fuels for energy creates gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and volatile organic compounds. These gases cause air pollution. They can cause several kinds of air pollution, particular matter, smog, and ozone (New Energy Alternative, 2008). Air pollution can travel thousands of miles and can harm areas that burn fossil fuels sparingly. The next nonsustainable...
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