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Inpatient Vs Ambulatory Care

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Healthcare has improved over time as a direct result of the remarkable advancements made in technology. So much so, that procedures and surgeries that once required an overnight inpatient stay of one or more nights in many routine cases are no longer required. Today, “non-emergency procedures undertaken during the period of a normal working day (not exceeding 12 hours)” is the standard…the increase of day surgery was driven by innovations in surgical and anesthetic techniques” available for the first time because of technology.(Gilliard, Eggli & Halfon, 2006, p.2).
Ambulatory care facilities or outpatient facilities where patients can receive surgical procedures and treatments with little or no recovery required allows patients to go …show more content…
For outpatient facilities which include doctor’s offices, medical clinics, health departments and more, the number is determined by how many patient visits they have. The inpatient size is determined by the number of licensed beds the facility has and the count of beds that are occupied. The inpatient bed count has decreased over time with the introduction of more ambulatory facilities. The size of inpatient facilities is especially important in “rural hospitals that [that] tend to be at higher risk of closure, because they are smaller, with low occupancy rates” among other adverse conditions for keeping their doors open (Rosenbach & Dayhoff, 1995, p. 15). Which can precipitates a larger issue which is loss of access to …show more content…
However, as technology needs evolve and the health care environment adapts. The need for one uniform tool that can transition between the ambulatory narrative and the inpatient setting also exists. Authors Moy & also recognized that a “clinically relevant, inpatient-to-outpatient discharge handoff tool within a fully integrated electronic medical record system” is an ideal best practice for information technology in this area (Moy, &, 2014, p.

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