...bottom line. The majority of successful organizations will employ business analysis staff to ensure that the data they get is properly interpreted to help support business-critical choices and strategies. By making use of the swathes of data available about any number of metrics within a company, clear and relevant insight into issues can be translated into more effective decisions and outcomes, based on verifiable knowledge. But these decisions often need to be taken quickly, across multiple departments and divisions, and this need for agility is only going to increase. Customers are only one half of the key to the survival and eventual prosperity of any business, and so it is to the data they provide which organizations must turn if they are to uncover the key themes which require immediate action. Genuinely actionable customer intelligence is the other side of the equation – information which metaphorically ‘gathers dust on a shelf’ is completely pointless. Gathering data must be done in conjunction with a proper strategy for analysis in mind, otherwise it simply becomes a number-gathering exercise in futility. In this paper, we look at the opportunities and limitations offered by current models of data analysis, and how adopting a strategy of combining both statistical and contextual analysis can provide the extra edge needed in an environment where decisions must be made quickly. READ ON... Teneo Insight Delivering Actionable Customer Intelligence Size matters This is...
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...paper, we present a first of a kind system, called Business Intelligence from Voice of Customer (BIVoC), that can: 1) combine unstructured information and structured information in an information intensive enterprise and 2) derive richer business insights from the combined data. Unstructured information, in this paper, refers to Voice of Customer (VoC) obtained from interaction of customer with enterprise namely, conversation with call-center agents, email, and sms. Structured database reflect only those business variables that are static over (a longer window of) time such as, educational qualification, age group, and employment details. In contrast, a combination of unstructured and structured data provide access to business variables that reflect upto date dynamic requirements of the customers and more importantly indicate trends that are difficult to derive from a larger population of customers through any other means. For example, some of the variables reflected in unstructured data are problem/interest in a certain product, expression of dissatisfaction with the business provided, and some unexplored category of people showing certain interest/problem. This gives the BIVoC system the ability to derive business insights that are richer, more valuable and crucial to the enterprises than the traditional business intelligence systems which utilize only structured information. We demostrate the effectiveness of BIVoC system through one of our real-life engagements...
Words: 9671 - Pages: 39
...applied to operational decision making is the next major source of competitive advantage. The most successful companies are using Decision Management to put predictive analytics to work powering the day-to-day decisions that impact performance most. ©2011 Decision Management Solutions Maximizing analytic value in operational decisions Insights from predictive analytics Contents: Insights to actions—improving operational decisions Customers—they think your decisions are deliberate Challenge—getting analytics into operations Solution—Decision Management increases analytic value 1 3 5 7 Insights to actions improving operational decisions “Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives’ decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.” Peter Drucker Companies that systematically apply predictive analytics to operational decisions, especially those pertaining to customers, outperform their competitors. Many organizations think of predictive analytics as being valuable primarily for strategic purposes. They look to it as a source of market insights to help guide executives and managers making decisions about where to focus and allocate resources. Conventional wisdom is that these high-value decisions are worth investing in. But they’re not the only types of decisions that are. In fact, the most impressive examples of analytics-driven performance—including most of the winners showcased in...
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...Financial Forecasting for Insight Enterprises Inc. Mona Aghamirsalim Mobolaji Akindele Yue Qi Dilada Pongpanich Oct 20, 2015 Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………3 Industry Overview…………………………………………………………………………..3 Industry Competition……………………………………………………………........3 Industry Products, Operations & Technology………………………………………..4 Company Overview…………………………………………………………………………4 Acquisitions…………………………………………………………………………..5 Dividend Policy………………………………………………………………………5 Company Structure…………………………………………………………………...6 Competitors…………………………………………………………………………..6 Ownership Structure…………………………………………………………………7 Spreadsheet Analysis in Likely Scenario………………………………………………….8 Spreadsheet Analysis in Optimistic Scenario…………………………………………….11 Spreadsheet Analysis in Pessimistic Scenario……………………………………………13 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….13 Appendixes…………………………………………………………………………………16 References…………………………………………………………………………………..17 Introduction Financial forecasting is the science of predicting future outcomes of a company in order to make better financial and investing decisions. In this paper, we have analyzed Insight’s financial statements and made different assumptions in regards to the future of the company. By applying these assumptions we were able to determine the outlook of Insight in the next 5 years based on the most likely, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. Insight, as an IT firm, has to keep up with the rapid growth and intense competition in...
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...organization’s data with emphasis on statistical analysis. It describes the skills, technologies, practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. Business analytics is used by companies committed to data-driven decision making. It focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods. BA is used to gain insights that inform business decisions and can be used to automate and optimize business processes. Business analytics makes extensive use of statistical analysis, including explanatory and predictive modeling, and fact-based management to drive decision making. It is therefore closely related to management science. Analytics may be used as input for human decisions or may drive fully automated decisions. Data-driven companies treat their data as a corporate asset and leverage it for competitive advantage. Successful business analytics depends on data quality, skilled analysts who understand the technologies and the business and an organizational commitment to data-driven decision making. Once the business goal of the analysis is determined, an analysis methodology is selected and data is acquired to support the analysis. Data acquisition often involves extraction from one or more business systems, cleansing, and integration into a single repository such as a data warehouse or data mart. The analysis is typically performed against a smaller...
Words: 4604 - Pages: 19
...The Global Submarine Market 2015-2025 report provides readers with a detailed analysis of both historic and forecast global industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by industry participants, analysis of industry leading companies, and key news. Key Findings – The global Submarine market is expected to be worth US$22.9 billion in 2015, and is expected increase to US$36.6 billion by 2025, representing a CAGR of 4.78% during the forecast period. – The market is anticipated to be dominated by North America, followed by Asia- Pacific and Europe. The US is the largest spender, with a cumulative expenditure of US$112.2 billion over the next decade. – In terms of segments, SSN is expected to account for 39% of the global submarine market, followed by SSKs and SSBNs, occupying shares of 36% and 25% respectively. Synopsis This report offers detailed analysis of the global submarine market with market size forecasts covering the next ten years. This report will also analyze factors that influence demand for the global submarine market, key market trends, and challenges faced by industry participants. In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following: – Global submarine market size and drivers: detailed analysis of the global submarine market during 2015-2025, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulators for submarines. It also provides a snapshot of the spending and modernization patterns of different regions around...
Words: 716 - Pages: 3
...article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract This study identifies the potential contribution that institutional theory can make to understanding the success of marketing practices. Based on institutional theory, we argue that the effectiveness of marketing practices decreases when firms are motivated to adopt such practices under the influence of institutional pressures originating in firms’ environments. However, alignment between a practice and a firm’s marketing strategy may buffer against these negative effects. We apply these insights to the case of customer relationship management (CRM). CRM is considered an important way to enhance customer loyalty and firm performance, but it has also been criticized for being expensive and for not living up to expectations. Empirical data from 107 organizations confirm that, in general, adopting CRM for mimetic motives is likely to result in fewer customer insights as a result of using this practice. Our study suggests that institutional theory has much to offer to the investigation of the effectiveness of marketing practices. Keywords Customer relationship management . Institutional theory . Mimetic motives . Adoption . Marketing practices B. Hillebrand (*) Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands e-mail: b.hillebrand@fm.ru.nl J. J. Nijholt Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands E. J. Nijssen Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences...
Words: 6186 - Pages: 25
...SAP Solution Brief SAP Technology SAP HANA Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts SAP HANA® – An In-Memory Data Platform for Real-Time Business Objectives Solution Benefits Quick Facts Fast, broad, and meaningful insight at your service Fast, broad, and meaningful insight at your service Real-time analytics No matter what business you’re in, your success may depend on one thing: insight. Not just insight gleaned from standardized reports and data, but insight gleaned from data across your entire enterprise – data that you can use the very second it’s created to help your business thrive. That’s the power of real-time business insight – and that’s the power of the SAP HANA® platform Historically, real-time business insight has not been possible because separate analytical and transaction databases require that numerous complex data models have to be built in order to make data meaningful to business users. There are also scale limitations, as large data sets from different sources in the company can’t be used simultaneously to provide meaningful and instant answers to complex questions. SAP HANA breaks traditional database barriers to simplify IT landscapes, eliminating data preparation, preaggregation, and tuning. You can instantly access huge volumes of structured and unstructured data, including text data, from different sources. SAP HANA is a completely reimagined platform for real-time business. It transforms business by streamlining transactions...
Words: 1692 - Pages: 7
...PESTLE analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE...
Words: 8071 - Pages: 33
...BUSINESS INSIGHTS The US Healthcare Market: into the 21st Century by David Sykes Projected value of the US PoM market, 1998-2007 200 180 Expenditure ($bn) 160 140 120 100 80 76 82 89 98 107 118 130 142 156 171 60 40 20 Source: Datamonitor "The vast projected increase in expenditure will offer pharmaceutical companies enormous opportunities to reap commercial reward if they are strategically placed to take advantage of these possibilities" 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 0 Business Insights Business Insights is a series of management reports designed to help you make informed, timely business decisions. We understand the problems facing today's managers in taking your business into the next millennium, and appreciate the importance of the role of accurate, up-to-date, incisive market and company analysis. We help you to crystallise your business decision making. Business Insights’ reports are authored by independent experts in their fields and offer results from our unique primary research methodology. Our authors' leading positions allow them to interview key industry executives and to quantify which issues will be of greatest strategic significance in an industry's future. The results of our analysis and recommendations will help you to evaluate the impact of these issues on your business, and plan to position yourselves to take the greatest advantage...
Words: 3014 - Pages: 13
...Individual Assignment (50%) | Module’s Information | Module | MKT3204 21st Century Consumer Marketing (4cr) | Session | JAN 2016 | Programme | B.A.(HONS) IN MARKETING | Lecturers | Syed Izzaddin Syed Jaafar | | Email: syedizzaddin.jaafar@newinti.edu.my | Room: | Coursework Type | Individual Assignment | Percentage | 50% out of 100% | Hand-out Date | WEEK 2 | Due Date | WEEK 12 | Topic (state Company and Service) : | Student’s Declaration: | I declare that: * I understand what is meant by plagiarism. * This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works of other people. * I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged Name | ID | Word Count | Signature | 1. | | | | | Learning Outcomes Assessed: | LO1 LO2 LO3 | By the end of the course, students will be able to: Understand the factors used to identify customers. Use syndicated market research studies and targeting research to analyse the different theoretical frameworks that underpin research and inform alternative research methodologiesUnderstand and implement consumer and buyer behavior theories, models and frameworks | Penalty for late submission: | Coursework submitted up to one (1) week after the published deadline will receive a maximum numeric grade of 40%. Work submitted later than one (1) week after the deadline will be awarded a fail grade (0%)...
Words: 1331 - Pages: 6
...PESTLE analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE analysis Political...
Words: 8071 - Pages: 33
...[BI-PROJECT REPORT] April 13, 2014 DATA MINING Analysis of Bike sharing dataset April 13, 2014 Group 007 MIS 6324 1 [BI-PROJECT REPORT] April 13, 2014 Project Report for Analysis of bike sharing dataset MIS-6324 Intro. to business intelligence software and techniques Prepared by Group Name Group007 Group Members Rohith Raj Abhay Joshi Sai Karan Jahnavi Papanaboina Under the guidance of Professor Kelly Slaughter, PhD Clinical Professor Information Systems University of Texas at Dallas MIS 6324 2 [BI-PROJECT REPORT] April 13, 2014 Table of Contents 1.Introduction to Data Mining ...................................................................................................................... 4 2. Background of the dataset ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Description of dataset ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.Outline of Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 6 4. The Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 7 5. Pre-processing the dataset ...........................................................................................................
Words: 2575 - Pages: 11
...the prime areas for insurer’s IT investments from 2010 to 2011 was in data warehousing; half of the 29 propertycasualty executives surveyed by the Ward Research Center indicated they were budgeting more money to better house their data.2 Despite the focus and investment, insurers saw little change; the same huge, bulky, flat report outputs from the old systems were simply migrated to the new systems. As a result, carrier information remains disjointed, conflicting, slow, and backwards-looking. Executives and managers continue to be overwhelmed by ominous reports. They have a hard time deciphering what the information means relative to business change. They either have too much or too little information, rarely at the point of need, and never with the ability to truly drill down and analyze the root cause of an issue. For example, one national carrier produces more than 500 pages of reports which are dutifully printed and distributed to executives each month, but provide little insight to the management team on where to focus their efforts. Insurers moved from data gathering to data reporting, but still are not getting to the insight and action...
Words: 3218 - Pages: 13
...of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Copyright © Econsultancy.com Ltd 2010 Econsultancy 4th Floor, The Corner 91-93 Farringdon Road London EC1M 3LN United Kingdom Econsultancy New York 41 East 11th St., 11th Floor New York, NY 10003 United States Telephone: +1 212 699 3626 http://econsultancy.com help@econsultancy.com Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7269 1450 Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................... 1 1.1. About Econsultancy ..................................................................... 1 2. Executive Summary ......................................................... 2 3. Market trends .................................................................. 4 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. Market set for strong growth as rise of social media increases importance of online reputation ................................. 4 Buzz monitoring becomes a hygiene factor for businesses seeking to manage risk ................................................................ 6 Companies strive for structured approach and workflow, to make insights actionable ............................................................. 8 Businesses wrestle with ownership and resourcing ................. 10 Digital marketers struggle to find...
Words: 54467 - Pages: 218