... instructional strategies, and assistance in the classroom. Lesson planning help instructors create a smooth instructional flow and relate instructions to learners. Adults participate in continuing professional development for a number of reasons. With most adults is the need to maintain and/or improve current skills and abilities that are relevant to ones job. The reasons for participation are generally external to traditional academic expectations, such as fulfilling degree requirements. As such, developing instructional materials for adults requires a deeper level of understanding of the motivations, needs, and reasons behind their participation in a learning environment. The purpose of this guide is to provide curriculum developers and teachers of adults with information leading to a more balanced understanding of how and why adults learn, the rationale behind course development methods and techniques for this audience, and information on the learning process itself. Fundamental principles of critical thinking essential to lesson plan development and the learning process of adults, is included. Programs aimed at teaching adults are a multibillion dollar enterprise that outspends combined expenditures of elementary, high, and post-secondary schools. The sheer number and types of programs aimed at adult continuing education...
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...Evaluating Andragogy It is paramount in workplace learning that leaders are aware of the necessity of understanding, knowing and applying the principles of adult learning through andragogy. Ultimately, when the theory of adult learning is used, it reduces costs and ensures that the organization remains focused on its mission, vision, and goals. Moreover, the ensuing paper will address the history, philosophy, and trends in adult learning. In this paper I would identify the strategies used to meet the needs of adult learners, how adult education theory can be integrated into practice, ending with applying the adult learning theories to enhance organizational efficiency. History of Adult Learning Changing demographics, globalization, technology,...
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...The Impact of Technology Mentors on Effective Technology Integration Into the Elementary Classroom by Debra Chester An Applied Dissertation Submitted to the Fischler School of Education and Human Services in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Nova Southeastern University 2008 Approval Page This applied dissertation was submitted by Debra Chester under the direction of the persons listed below. It was submitted to the Fischler School of Education and Human Services and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education at Nova Southeastern University. Deeb Paul Kitchen, EdD Committee Chair Date Patricia Heiselberg, EdD Committee Member Date Maryellen Maher, PhD Executive Dean for Research and Evaluation Date ii Abstract The Impact of Technology Mentors on Effective Technology Integration Into the Elementary Classroom. Chester, Debra, 2008: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Fischler School of Education and Human Services. Technology Integration/Educational Technology/Teacher Training/Professional Development/ Mentoring The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of mentors to increase the integration of technology, to provide teachers with skills, and to investigate the most effective strategies. Three research questions guided the study: 1. Will the utilization of technology mentors provide teachers with the skills needed to effectively...
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...competitive edge and to pursue ‘continued learning’. This may include both formal education and job-specific training and development, re-training and upskilling. The Higher Education and Training Awarding Council describes learning as ‘a process by which a sustainable change in a learner’s knowledge, skill or competence occurs as a result of experience (of phenomena)’ (HETAC, 2009). The phenomena could include such things as lectures, lecture notes, power point presentations, and graphics etc. (CMIT, 2015). It is argued that passive observation of such ‘phenomena’ does not necessarily constitute learning, as it is possible to sit through an entire lecture that includes, handouts, visuals and up front lecturing and learn nothing. In order to effectively learn, a learner must ‘through a process involving linking, modifying existing knowledge and with skill and competency…construct a ‘cognitive’ representation from the phenomena’ (CMIT, 2015, p.5). O’Carroll (2012) further develops this idea by suggesting that learning occurs when there is a permanent change in behaviour as a result of the phenomena. For the purposes of this assignment it is necessary to firstly have a basic understanding of some learning principles and theories, before trying to differentiate between the concepts of learning, training and development and education. In 1975, David Kolb, identified what he called experiential learning. He proposed that all effective learning is achieved when a person progresses...
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...Director. What? The lesson is composed of different segments that the instructors will become familiar with and in due course become subject matter experts. The lesson will cover 1. Creating pre and post assessments utilizing Survey Monkey 2. Analyzing and tracking assessment results using an excel spreadsheet 3. Skills on how to manage a classroom Where? The lesson will be held in the classrooms at FSS. All courses will take a two week break to ensure that all instructors are available to attend the training. Why? The director of FSS determined that there was a need for training through various assessments and evaluations of the instructors when they are teaching. These elements are imperative to the context of which learning will take place. It is important to be able to assess the needs of the audience before delivering the training to the intended audience. The purpose of the training is to ensure that the instructors understand and are able to proper perform their job functions. The potential impact that this lesson will have on the instructors at FSS is they will be charged with becoming more self-sufficient at the tasks and with the second training they will be able to attend the training with more experience and a better understand of the skill then they had the first training. The strategies that will be used to guarantee that they are able to perform the tasks before the training is complete are; 1. Behavior Modeling- is a presentation method...
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...Brain-Based Learning Kathleen Cercone, Housatonic Community College, USA Abstract Neuroscience research that explains how the brain learns is a dynamic field. Since the 1990s, there has been explosive growth in information about the neurophysiology of learning. A discussion of the neuroanatomy that is necessary to understand this research is presented first. Following the discussion of anatomy and physiology, current brain research is described, with particular focus on its implications for teaching adult students in an online environment. In addition, two instructional design theories (Gardner’s multiple intelligence and Kovalik’s integrated thematic instruction) that have a basis in neuroscience are examined. Recommendations founded on brain-based research, with a focus on adult education, follow, including specific activities such as crossed-lateral movement patterns and detailed online activities that can be incorporated into an online learning environment or a distance learning class (and faceto-face classroom) for adults. Comprehensive recommendations and guidelines for online learning design have been provided as suggestions for making maximum use of the brain-based principles discussed in this chapter. 701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200, Hershey PA 17033, USA Tel: 717/533-8845; Fax 717/533-8661; URL-http://www.idea-group.com ITB12510 INFORMATION SCIENCE PUBLISHING This chapter appears in the book, Enhancing Learning Through Technology edited by Elsebeth...
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...[ 39 ] Journal of European Industrial Training 21/2 [1997] 39–50 © MCB University Press [ISSN 0309-0590] Training, development, education and learning: different or the same? Thomas N. Garavan Lecturer, Department of Personnel and Employment Relations, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Attempts to discuss the concepts of training, development, education and learning with regard to employees in terms of their substantive differences. Discusses how these concepts have evolved historically within human resource management and development (HRM/D) literature. Provides an analysis of how alternative models of HRM/D may influence the meaning given to these concepts in an organizational context. Concludes that it is perhaps more appropriate to view training, development and education as an integrated whole with the concept of learning as the glue which holds them together. Introduction The training, development and education of employees at all levels within organizations is now considered a vital component in maintaining competitiveness in the international arena. It is also of some significance within the human resource management (HRM) and development (HRD) literature. If one accepts a competitive market perspective on HRM/D then a central notion is the view that training, development and education strategies are key means by which the inefficiencies of the employment relationship can be reduced and a closer approximation to competitive ...
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...Workplace Learning and Learning Theory Within the field of the education system and education research that traditionally has dealt with vocational training and labour market education, radical changes and development have taken place in recent years, and they have also found linguistic expression. On the one hand the focus has shifted from education and teaching to learning and/or competence development. On the other hand the interest in vocational training has moved in the direction of workplace learning or work-based learning, including also work-related learning activities outside of the workplace. The background of these changes is to be found broadly in the international and societal development expressed in terms such as “late modernity”, “globalisation” and “the knowledge society”. It is part of this development that human competence is becoming an increasingly decisive resource and parameter of competition. Additionally, the competence that is needed cannot be established and acquired through education in the more traditional sense – because there is a constant need for change and renewal and because its usability depends on its being linked to a number of personal characteristics such as flexibility, creativity, independence, the ability to cooperate, responsibility, service orientation etc. For this reason learning and competence development are more interesting focus points than education and teaching, and it has become vital to discover the extent to which this...
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...transferable, traditional semester credits are required to successfully complete PSY 202 Adult Development and Life Assessment as their first course. PSY 202 is designed to help experienced students acclimate to the online college environment. Student Success Orientation The orientation is designed to provide students with a complete overview of the Ashford University experience, prepare them for success in their courses, and help them to self evaluate their readiness to succeed in an online classroom setting. Students will be instructed on Ashford University policies and the learner resources that are available to them through interactive videos and assessments. Students enrolled in orientation must successfully complete all assigned activities. EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education This course is designed to help adult learners beginning their university studies to achieve academic success. Students will explore learning theories, communication strategies, and personal management skills. Adult learners will develop strategies for achieving success in school and work. Students will also be introduced to the University's institutional outcomes and learning resources. Effective for courses beginning January 1, 2013, and after, a minimum grade of C- is required to meet course requirements. PSY 202 Adult Development & Life Assessment This course presents adult development theory and links theoretical concepts of life...
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...ADULT LITERACY EDUCATION IN NIGERIA AND THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. The need for adult literacy education in Nigeria cannot be over-emphasized. In the context of global economy and competitive markets, adult literacy is a key factor contributing to economic development. In all countries of the world, adults constitute a larger proportion of the work force. Therefore, human resource development through adult literacy education has become a key component within the overall strategy for economic restructuring both in the developed and developing countries. The future of global economy and democratic polity in the twenty-first century is likely to depend on skilled, educated, and enlightened adult citizens. It was the World Conference on Education for All, held in Jomtien, (Thailand) in 1990 that highlighted the critical importance of addressing the learning needs of adults. In the context of globalization, basic learning skills and competencies are necessary not only for children, but also for adults, who are valuable human resources of every society. The new technological developments in information and Communication technologies (ICTs), such as satellite radio and television broadcasting, long distance telephony, computers and telecommunications have dramatically expanded our options for engaging in learning and teaching at the individual, community and societal levels. The hallmark of ICTs is their distributive power and...
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...Abstract This paper discusses the ways adults learn using behaviorist, cognitive and constructivist lenses to reflect their ways of knowing. I tell how these theories are integrated into my instructional program. There are many lenses for learning that educators use to instruct students. Key elements are the implementation of learning lenses and selection of the processes effective for students. Listening to one’s inner voice is described in Women’s Ways of Knowing. There are five stages as described by Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, Tarule, 1986 p.15. The five stages are silence, received knowledge, subjective knowledge, procedural knowledge and constructed knowledge. Crow and Crow 1963, p. 123, further explain: Learning involves change. It is concerned with the acquisition of habits, knowledge, and attitudes. It enables the individual to make both personal and social adjustments. Since the concept of change is inherent in the concept of learning, any change in behavior implies that learning is taking place or has taken place. Learning that occurs during the process of change can be referred to as the learning process . In education, teachers may contemplate the types of learning theory to use with their students. Can teachers distinguish which process is best for their students? What determines the type of learning theory to use? Can the environment determine this or does a teacher’s philosophy determine the theory? These are questions we, as educators...
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...innovation can be adapted for all staff.It will demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes (6.1) The development of effective relationships with learners within the context of practice, (6.2) The opportunities and limitations of practice as a dynamic learning environment in relation to the facilitation and evaluation of learning in practice and (6.5) Examine a range of methods of assessment and select those which are appropriate to assessing knowledge, skills and values. It has been created as the Primary Care Trust has an existing pack but it is merely a welcome pack which lists information about the organisation, link tutors and spoke placements and fails to address the individual learning need and style. Previous ideas and suggestions of students and team members have been considered, in addition to a recent team audit on student experiences and the pack will be an overall strategic plan for the department. The pack (appendix 1) will include a welcome letter, list of staff and contact numbers, mission statement, map of area, bus timetables, hours of working, and uniform requirement. It will also include an outline of the learning opportunities and the role and responsibility of the district nurse. Documentation will have to be completed prior to the placement and this will include a Honey and Mumford learning styles questionnaire, which has been developed from Kolb learning styles...
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...Tina Bruce was born on Tina Bruce is known as a social learning theorist whose work has been greatly influenced by Frederich Froebel. Bruce originally trained and worked as a teacher at the Froebel institute then went on to become Head of the Froebel nursery school. She is a leading figure in early childhood education and an expert in children’s learning. Bruce links the three aspects of the curriculum to the ten principles of early childhood education - The child The context - the people and places The content - what the child knows and wants and needs to know Children are whole people who have feelings, ideas and relationships with others, and who need to be physically, mentally, morally and spiritually healthy. Young children learn in an integrated way and not in neat tidy compartments. Children learn best when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to make errors, decisions and choices, and respected as autonomous learners. Self-discipline is emphasised. Indeed, this is the only kind of discipline worth having. Reward systems are very short-term and do not work in the long-term. Children need their efforts to be valued. There are times when children are especially able to learn particular things. What children can do rather than what they cannot do, is the starting point of a child’s education. Imagination, creativity and all kinds of symbolic behaviour [reading, writing, drawing, dancing, music, mathematical numbers, algebra, role play and...
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...Bolles Specialized research in the brain sciences has increased dramatically in recent years. Many psychologists have contributed important foundations and findings in the brain sciences. There have been many important discoveries that offer links between brain science and learning. Donald O. Hebb and Robert C. Bolles have made significant contributions to the field of learning and cognition. Donald Olding Hebb was a prominent Canadian psychologist. Hebb's work has been highly influential in the area of neuropsychology. His contributions included connections in cell assemblies, phase sequences, effects of environments on learning, and work dealing with the effects of short term and long term memory (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2013). He sought to understand how the function of neurons contributed to psychological processes such as learning. Hebb was instrumental in defining psychology as a biological science by identifying thought as the integrated activity of the brain (Brown, 2003). His views on learning described behavior and thought in terms of brain function, explaining cognitive processes in terms of connections between neuron assemblies. These ideas played a large part in his views on education and learning. His greatest achievement was to persuade psychologist that in order to understand the behavior of living organisms you must study the neural machinery responsible for that behavior (Pinel, 2009). Hebb proposed that neural structures called “cell assemblies” made up the...
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...Training RESEARCH ON HUMAN LEARNING Published by the Department of Education and Training © State of Victoria, 2004 All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968 of Australia and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical and photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Address inquiries to: Research and Development Branch Office of Learning and Teaching Department of Education and Training Level 2, 33 St Andrews Place GPO Box 4367 Melbourne 3001 Acknowledgments This resource has been developed by the Office of Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training, Victoria, 2004 Authors Sandra Mahar and Maddy Harford Contributions This publication was developed by the Research and Development Branch, Office of Learning & Teaching for the Department of Education and Training. Contents INTRODUCTION: THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY 4 Defining Learning 5 Overview of the paper 6 THEORIES OF LEARNING 7 Cognitive Learning Theories 7 Social Learning Theories 7 Constructivist Theories 8 Experiential Learning 9 Adult Learning, or Andragogy 9 Multiple Intelligences 10 Situated Learning Theory and Communities of Practice 10 FACTORS AFFECTING LEARNING 12 Neurological development...
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