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Integumentary System Research Paper

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Integumentary System The integumentary system is made up of the skin, hair, and nails. This system protects the body from the outside world by acting like a barrier. This system also retains body fluids, protects against disease, eliminates waste products, and regulates body temperature.

Skin The skin is one of our largest organs. The layers of skin are capable of healing themselves no matter how many tears and rips it gets. The skin has sensory receptors that monitor the external environment and it has mechanisms that can get rid of body waste. The skin is composed of two layers; the epidermis and the dermis.

Epidermis The epidermis the outer layer of the skin and it is made up of many layers of flattened epithelial cells. The top layer …show more content…
The only reason why you can sense many kinds of conditions and signals from the environments is because of sensory neurons. Blood vessels helps regulate body temperature, hair follicles pull hair upright when you’re cold or afraid, and glands produce sweat which helps soften your skin. Below the dermis lays fat cells which act as energy reserves.

Glands There are two types of exocrine glands; the sweat glands and the oil glands. The exocrine glands release secretions through ducts. The sweat glands are where the excess water, salts, and urea release through. The body temperature regulates because of the release of the excess water. When our body temperature rises, we sweat which evaporates and cools the skin. Oil glands are found in large numbers on the face and scalp. The oil glands secrete a fatty substance called sebum and is produced based on hormones. Sebum prevents excess water loss and softens the skin and hair. It can also be kind of poisonous towards some bacteria. During teenage years, high levels of sex hormones increase the activity of the oil glands and if the ducts get clogged, the skin disorder acne can

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