Premium Essay

Interenet and Global Negotiation


Submitted By ebaptiste01
Words 788
Pages 4
Internet and Global Negotiation

Earlsworth John Baptiste


Professor Sue Caruthers

March 11, 2013

Internet and Global Negotiation

Global negotiation has gotten easier as technology has become more advance. The key piece of technology that has helped is the Internet. The Internet has connected the world and has made it accessible to everyone. The following will discuss the business negotiation thru the Internet.

The Internet has made global negotiations easier today compared to 50 years ago. If one was a small business trying to expand overseas, a member of the organization would have to travel there to begin the process of negotiation. According to Claude Cellich, "....the place of negotiation is no longer a sensitive issue Executives from small companies with limited travel budgets and restricted office space can use the Internet to bypass these impediments....(Cellich, C 2001). E-negotiation allows small businesses to compete with larger business on a more level playing field. Allowing them to offer their products and services at a completive price without spending extra capital on initial travel expenses.

E-negotiations has made advantages. One example is resources are available during the negotiation process. "When negotiating from your office... You also have access to your files, staff and any other expertise you may require to carry out the discussions to your full satisfaction(Cellich, C 2001)." The more open, honest information one can bring to the table the better the negotiation will go. With information immediately available because of the Internet or personnel from one's office this will help the transaction. E-negotiation can be many things in a negotiation. It can be the whole process, the first step, the middle step, or the final phase in a negotiation. An example of the whole process is when you are

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