...A REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGIES USED BY GE COMPANY By barbradozier TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………..……ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………..iv INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………… ………….1 REPORT PROCEDURE…………………………………………………………..…1 THE 4 P’S……………………………………………………………………………2 PRODUCT……………………………………………… …….……2 PRICE………………………………………………………………..2 PLACE…………………………………………………………….…2 PROMOTION…………………………………………………….….2 SWOT ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………….3 STRENGTHS………………………………………………………..3 WEAKNESSES……………………………………………………..3 OPPORTUNITIES…………………………………………………..4 THREATS……………………………………………………………5 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGIES BEING USED…………… …5 WAYS THAT CAN IMPROVE INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY………………..9 IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING………………………….10 WAYS OF IMPROVING THE STRATEGIES……………………………………10 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………………………11 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………..11 BIBILIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report examines the international marketing strategies used by General Electric Company in its quest to tap the international market. The purpose of the report is to provide the company with the information necessary to amend and improve on their marketing strategy. Over the years GER has highly diversified its operations and is now operating 11 major lines of businesses which include transportation, consumer finance, commercial finance, insurance and energy. It is also involved in healthcare,...
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...R E S E A R C H includes research articles that focus on the analysis and resolution of managerial and academic issues based on analytical and empirical or case research International Marketing Strategies in India: An Application of Mixed Method Investigation Prathap Oburai and Michael J Baker Executive Summary KEY WORDS International Marketing Strategy Grounded Theoretic KEY WORDS Approach Privatization Case Research Methodology Indian Banking Internationalization drives and export orientation are prominent in the organizational strategies of a number of leading Indian firms and multinationals located in India. This is a significant indicator of the growing competitiveness of firms, industries, and the nation. This paper examines the sources of competitive advantage in a few selected sectors and firms and explores the internationalization possibilities and potential. International marketing strategies are complex and tend to vary widely across nations, industries, and firms. The elements that form the ingredients of international strategies are numerous and their importance is tightly interwoven to contexts. With a view to enrich the existing body of international marketing theory, the authors investigate the international marketing strategies adopted in 12 different business sectors in India in an attempt to explore and explain the similarities and differences found in this varied set of industries. The examples span the old economy industries such as the assembly...
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...Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. in Beijing, China Goal The goal of the well-known fast food restaurant chain, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., is to introduce the franchise to a brand new market, Beijing, China. The market is totally different for many perspectives, such as Asian culture and different customer base. It will be very important and challenge to find effective ways to attract dinners. Hence, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. has to build and promote a new definition for fast food, which is healthy. People in Beijing, China become more and more pay attention to the food they eat and whether it is safe and healthy. The developing process will definitely not be easy, so the corporation needs to seek ways to overcome all the possible barriers and problems it may happen in the future. The ultimate goal is to survive and to be successful in the new market, and slowly and stably expand franchises in Beijing, China, and growing 15 percent of the market share within one year. Introduction Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is a fast food restaurant chain that was founded by Steve Ells in 1993. Ells used his father’s loan, $85,000, to open the first Chipotle restaurant in Denver, Colorado. It became a huge success by selling over 1,000 burritos a day. The second store opened two years later, also in Colorado. The father of Ells invested $1.5 million, and then Ells used the funds to expand Chipotle by creating a board of director and business plan. In 1998, McDonald’s made a small...
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...MARKETING STRATEGIES AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Before talking about how transnational companies enter new markets and develop on the old ones, we should clearly understand the very concept of marketing in general, as well as have an idea of what kinds marketing strategies exist in the world today. THE CONCEPT OF MARKETING The situation with the definition of "marketing" is the same as with many modern terms. In the world literature there are so many definitions of the term "marketing", here are just few of them: «Marketing - a human activity aimed at meeting needs through the exchange»; «Marketing - social and managerial process by which individuals and communities by creating products and exchanging them get what they need»; «Marketing - is the process of planning and implementation of design, pricing, promotion and realization of ideas, goods and services through the exchange of satisfying goals of individuals and organizations»; «Marketing - social process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the creation and suggestion of valuable goods and services and sharing with others ; As you can see, what all these definitions have in common is that marketing is directly connected with the exchange of goods and services to meet the needs. Consequently, it is impossible to give a truly complete and accurate definition of "marketing" because it covers absolutely all spheres of human life. Many people believe that marketing is just advertising...
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...MA Design Management for Fashion Industries Name: Leong Ruoh Shiang Course: Fashion Brand Marketing Course Leader: Anna Watson Case Study: Chinese Herbal Medicine Cosmetics brand, Herborist Topic A International Marketing Strategies of Herborist Abstract This paper attempts to investigate the internationalization process of a Chinese domestic cosmetics brand, Herborist by making a comparison of marketing strategies applied for different countries as a case study. In addition, by gaining understanding on the development of a local brand and analyzing the issues, which block the way for business expansion, suggestions are made for the exploration of future potential market. This case study is mainly based on quantitative research, which was carried out in the form of a questionnaire conducted by 100 local and Malaysian Chinese. Besides from that, secondary data are taken from Internet and based on literatures published in English and Mandarin. The crucial steps for a domestics brand to enter the international arena is by utilizing different or undifferentiated strategy, reinforcing the innovation of Chinese oriental essence and also enhancement on brand awareness. Keywords- Oriental, Domestic cosmetics, International marketing strategy, Market entry, Brand story, France, International business, Marketing Channels 1. Introduction In recent years, it is obviously seen that there is a thriving and robust...
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... Examination in International Marketing Strategy Do, please, write your name and your personal identity number on each paper you use. The grading system is as follows: 0 -29 Fail 30-39 Pass 40-50 Pass with Distinction Good luck!!! 1. Explain the Transaction cost theory (TCA) of internationalization as explained in the class (3p). 2. Define and explain different levels of economic integration in regional markets. The description should include the difference among these as well as examples of institutions within each level (8p). 3. Explain the difference between an agent and a distributor. Discuss and give four (4) examples of pros using a distributor. Discuss and give four (4) examples of pros of using an agent (6p). 4. Define and explain Hofstede´s four dimensions. (8p) 5. Considering the three essential aspects of an international marketer’s product offer in several foreign markets, discuss how the marketer would be able to achieve a balance between the sensitivity to local needs and the deployment of its marketing programmes and concepts globally. (10p) 6. Discuss how a firm can use international communications to strategically influence consumer buying behaviour. (5p) 7. As an international marketer, why and when would you use the following alternative distribution channels: (a) direct distribution channels and (b) indirect distribution channels? (5p) 8. Pricing decisions in international markets can be very...
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...result, those distinct world economies are converged in to one huge integrated and interdependent world economy With the emergence of globalization and as a result of diminishing trade and investment barriers, the domestic businesses got opportunities to spread their business throughout the world by entering to much larger international markets, in the form of international, multinational, transnational and as global corporations. And that’s where the concern of international marketing emerged. The efficiency and effectiveness in the international marketing strategies could enhanced through advanced communication such as social media and promotion by emails and transportation technologies where marketers can use logistic services such as DHL and FedEx, by mobility of finance in transactions could support using PayPal American express, visa and etc. When consider about the globalizations’ impact towards international marketing its essential to give priority to some concepts. Globalization of production, standardisation vs. adaptation, financial risks, Globalization of production In the phase of creating the customer value, where the international marketers need to concern on producing goods and services, globalization of production helps the production with by procuring high quality resources from various locations throughout the globe and advance technology in the world could use in the manufacturing process of the products. In order to lower the cost structures, improve...
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...WEEK 1 – CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to International Marketing BCC 2823 | Global Marketing Prepared by Mabel Lee FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION, MEDIA, AND BROADCASTING BCC 2823| Global Marketing The New Global Environment ALL RIGHTS RESERVED RIGHTS RESERVED ALL No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Worldwide FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION, MEDIA, AND BROADCASTING BCC 2823| Global Marketing WHAT IS MARKETING? • Marketing Involves: – Focusing on the needs and wants of customers – Identifying the best method of satisfying those needs and wants – Orienting the company towards the process of providing that satisfaction – Meeting organisational objectives ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Worldwide FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION, MEDIA, AND BROADCASTING BCC 2823| Global Marketing WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING? • Different Levels of International Marketing – Export marketing – International marketing – Global marketing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Worldwide FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION, MEDIA, AND BROADCASTING BCC 2823| Global Marketing ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Socio/Cultural Language Religion Aesthetics Values and attributes Social...
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...Unit 3 Individual Project: Marketing Opportunities Amanda Morris American Intercontinental University Lower Division Capstone BUSN 300 Professor Eric Freeman March 1, 2013 Abstract Addressing the possible financial advantages that could be implemented through marketing strategies made by the marketing manager, to improve the overall success of Chili’s, East Pasco family YMCA and service Corporation International. Reviewing whether the strategy would be a home run, a single or a low hanging fruit, the financial benefit and cost associated with each marketing strategy, the risk associated with each marketing strategy and the effect that the marketing strategy would have on public relations. Unit 3 Individual Project: Marketing Opportunities As a marketing manager it is important to be aware of marketing opportunities that will generate sales and increase revenue companies at hand. Pertaining to the three companies of choice Chili’s, East Pasco Family YMCA and Service Corporation International, modifications to the current marketing plans can be made to increase sales furthermore creating a positive impact on the public relations of the firm and generate financial improvements. Chili’s is a popular and successful restaurant; however, a few modifications to the company’s services would increase sales and promote business through new successful marketing strategies. The first marketing strategy that would be worthy of pursuing is to offer home delivery service...
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...Running head: DEFINITION OF MARKETING Definition of Marketing Baron de Carvalho University Of Phoenix Marketing MKT/421 George Staight December 20, 2011 Definition of Marketing Definition of Marketing Marketing is an essential advertising directive every business needs to succeed in pursuing profit, service, or success vertically and horizontally in any business venture. Marketing pertains to sales, packaging, public relations, distribution, pricing, name brand recognition, designing, promoting, exchanging, processing products, and services to attract potential target market customers. Everything consumers come into contact with has a marketing directive or strategy attaching itself to a certain marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns can be verbally through word of mouth and pursued electronically targeting personal electronic devices; radio, television, billboards, and paper advertising. Marketing campaigns can be very expensive and portray a big part in economic development and growth (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011). In advanced economies, marketing costs about 50 cents of every consumer dollar (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011). For organizations to provide information on products and services, marketing campaigns need to penetrate a direct message focusing in on ready, willing, and able target market consumers seeking needs, conveniences, services, and satisfaction. As profit directs organizations to introduce products and services...
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...MGT 406 Case Study Papa John International 2007 Identification of competencies The 4 different competences of Papa John’s International include its focus on providing high quality products, operating system, marketing and franchise system. Providing High Quality Products Firstly, Papa Johns’ focus on providing pizzas of superior quality to its customers has laid down the foundation for its success in the long run. Unlike its competitors who focused on cost reduction, Papa Johns focused on differentiating its pizzas. In fact, they were also able to prove in court that they used fresh and better ingredients in comparison to its competitors. This allowed Papa Johns to be rated number one in terms of customer satisfaction among all pizza chains in USA. Applying the VRIO framework, it can be said that this focus provided value to the company owing to its many benefits. Although a restaurant chain selling pizzas was not rare, selling pizzas of such high quality was not common. At the same time, this is not easily imitable by companies because focusing on higher quality will need a major shift from their current procedures and marketing strategies. Furthermore, Papa Johns has been extremely organized in exploiting this competence to its benefit. Hence, as this competence fulfills all the criteria of the VRIO framework, it is both a core and a distinctive competence. Operating System Papa Johns’ efficient operating system is also considered to be one of the competences as...
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...Marketing Plan Greenpeace Project Group 2 Greenpeace Project Coach: Study Year : Date of Marketing Plan: Helen de Haan 2010-2011 Feb-instroom, term 2, project 2 31-05-2010 1 Preface This marketing plan provides a comprehensive strategic plan for the NGO Greenpeace. It is aimed for Executive Managers and those who will conduct supervision of the implementation of this marketing plan. The marketing plan does not focus on technical issues, but rather examines basic principals concerning the internal- and external environment, strategy execution and the result realized after execution. To reinforce the purpose and profitable outcome of the marketing plan, there are, throughout this manuscript, numerous illustrative extracts with commentary, including company reports and other sources. Throughout the text some marketing- and financial terminology is used, for this reason foreknowledge of marketing and finance will be essential in understanding the analysis used in this manuscript and the true purpose of the strategic plan. Topics in the manuscript follow a logical coherent order. In part 1; general information about the internal- and external environment of Greenpeace is given, correctly identifying potential internal- and external threats and opportunities that may be in effect. After an exhaustive and thorough analysis, the information collected will be instrumental in conjuring up an efficient and effective marketing strategy which is clearly laid out in Part 2; “Marketing...
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...Synopsis - Marketing Strategies In The Current Business Environment – Julia Cupman, April 2009 About this synopsis This synopsis provides a brief insight into findings obtained from the Marketing Strategy Survey which was conducted in February 2009. The research will provide a foundation for my dissertation for a Masters in Marketing. I will also use my dissertation to create a white paper for B2B International. This will be called Effective Marketing Strategies For A Recession. I expect this to be available in May/June of this year. Who responded to the survey A total of 396 people generously gave their time responding to the survey which was designed to find out how marketing teams across continents are responding to the current economic environment. These respondents represented a broad spread covering all industrial sectors, many b2c sectors and most countries of the world. Three quarters work in organisations that employ more than 250 people and many are occupied in some of the largest corporates in the world. There was an acknowledgement from around 70% of respondents that they are one of a team involved in determining the appropriate marketing strategy for their organisation. How organisations are affected by the current business environment There is no doubt that the recession is affecting everyone and 4 out of 10 respondents said the effect has been very significant. As might be expected, national and overseas sales have been affected, investment has been cut back...
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...CASE STUDY: MCDONALD’S Executive summary This case study looks to evaluate marketing within McDonald’s and will look into how it has affected McDonald’s in terms of its position within the market. Through research, a positive correlation has been revealed between how successful a company operates and how committed they are in terms of customer focus and its marketing strategy (Kloter and Armstrong, 2010). This study will demonstrate how McDonald’s marketing strategy has helped render the company a global success. This is shown through the SWOT analysis. This study has found that the pivotal ingredient in this company is the unique and effective marketing strategy. Also to be credited was that the strategy showed that there were areas which could potentially disrupt the current rate of success (in terms of monetary results) If they are not rectified. A recommendation could be to increase the amount of ‘Healthy foods’ McDonald’s currently offer, to do so McDonalds would need to invest more in their product segment of the marketing mix. Introduction In many cases a company does not become successful overnight. There are a number of key ingredients which need to be focused on, in order to achieve its potential. An important part of this is the ‘marketing strategy’. The majority of successful firms invest large sums of capital and time into tailoring their strategy focusing on the potential changes in customer levels, rivals and the environment (Bradley, 2005). McDonald’s currently...
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...Executive Summary Over the last five years, ALFA TELECOM has built up significant interests in the telecom sector ranging from wireless and paging services to billing software. Alfa Telecom was formed in 2008 to pursue opportunities in telecom market, with a particular focus on cellular phone and internet. Since 2008, Alfa Telecom has grown steadily, building a strong customer base. In 2010, encouraged by the potential internet market opportunity, we decided to pursue a more aggressive expansion strategy, appointing an experienced and credible executive management team to unleash the potential of the Alfa Telecom business. Corresponding with the placement of the executive management team, the company has already made and continues to make significant investments in growing the business. Our Mission Statement “We will be the communications leader in an increasingly connected world” Goals and Objectives Financial Goals • To increase and obtain financing to expand operations capability • Increasing distribution and introduce new services • To increase revenue at least by 50% each year • Donate at least 25m to orphanage Non-Financial Goals • To develop a successful internet services • To enter in the new regions and provision of telecommunication services to the remote areas of Tanzania and neighboring...
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