...When an organisation decides to expand its activities into regional or international markets, it have to make a decision into which strategy to implement either in standardizing or adapting the marketing mix. According to Ang and Massingham (2007) a company’s choice to standardize or to adapt its approaches is essential, since it influences the organization's approach to business and the way in which they compete. It is also important in international business since it drives the Multinational Company’s ability to reduce cost or respond to local market demands (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1998). According to Walters (1986) standardization is the implementation of a similar or uniform marketing programme or process across national borders. The standardization strategy indicates the use of a unique market or the homogenization of international products. In few cases standardisation have a 100% uniformity as many organisations have different levels of standardisation and standardise segments of the marketing mix. Levitt (1983) states that the “Global competitor will seek constantly to standardize his offering everywhere… He will never assume that the customer is a king who knows his own wishes.” However, standardisation should not be looked at from only the point of the marketing mix but also the management of an organisation. Sorenson and Weichmann (1975) stated “the intellectual method for approaching a marketing problem, for analysing that problem, and for synthesizing information...
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...A critical review of Viswanathan, N. & Dickson, P. 2007, ‘The fundamentals of standardizing global marketing strategy’, International Marketing Review, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 46-63. Introductory Academic Program – Academic English The issue of standardisation versus adaptation, which affects all international business organizations, continues to evolve as markets and technologies develop further. In the article ‘The fundamentals of standardizing global marketing strategy’ (2007), Viswanathan and Dickson contribute to the discussion by examining the considerations related to the standardisation of a multinational company’s marketing practices. The authors subsequently propose a new theoretical framework that identifies three complex drivers to be considered in evaluating the degree of marketing standardisation possible: the similarity of consumer response to the marketing mix, the transmissibility of competitive advantage, and similarities in the amount of economic freedom in different markets. The article imparts perceptive insights on the latter two drivers, which, according to the literature review, have been relatively ignored by researchers in comparison to the role of consumers. This critical review assesses the structure and practicality of the proposed conceptual framework, as well as the comprehensiveness of the authors’ exploration of the issue. The proposed theoretical model, intended for the use of marketing practitioners as an instrument in decision-making...
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...groups in the IETF or IEEE and briefly summarize what this working group is working on. The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is in charge of developing voluntary Internet standards. These standards make up the TCP/IP Internet protocols. The working groups are organized into different areas: General, Applications, Real-time Applications and Infrastructure, Operations and Management, Routing, Security, and Transport. (Active IETF Working Groups) The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) focuses on the educational and technical advancement of electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering, and allied disciplines. The IEEE-SA (IEEE Standards Association) is in charge of the standardization activities of the IEEE. This organization has developed over 900 active industry technical standards in various fields and industries. These include electric power and energy, biomedical technology, information...
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...maintain a positive rapport with clients, as their approach allowed for meeting the client’s specific needs. However, the industry trend has changed and competition from international sources has pressured Spartan’s Executive Management to revise the fiveyear development plan to compete with Korean and European firms. The standard for the industry has shifted from customized solutions to a low-price, highly-standardized market. This is not in line with Spartan’s current initiatives and Max Brisco, vice president of manufacturing, has solicited Rick to provide a detailed plan on how to achieve savings and efficiency in a transition to a more competitive manufacturing structure. The most critical step in this reformation is to redesign workflow and job order processing from a job order/job ticket method to a more streamlined and standardized process. This will require re-engineering the workflow of the manufacturing workforce, and offers an opportunity for the research & design component to redirect their efforts away from customized products and toward a working internal manufacturing process. The use of job shop stations will be modified into a modular workflow, where multiple stations can be working simultaneously in a hybrid method of standardized and modular manufacturing. Next, the standardization of raw materials and the reduction of material suppliers will allow the company to take advantage of added pricing leverage due to higher volume PROC5000/Anthony Vatterott/SPARTAN...
Words: 532 - Pages: 3
...Company Q Evaluation: According to College of Business of Guidelines Western Governors University Abstract This is paper is evaluation of Company Q’s current attitude towards social responsibility. Three detailed recommended actions are given that can improve Company Q’s action toward social responsibility. Evaluation According to the International Organization for Standardization, “Business and organizations do not operate in a vacuum. Their relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively.” (Online Browsing Platform (OBP), 2014) Closing stores in a higher crime rate areas is only counter-productive for the company and the community it serves. In order for these hard hit areas to once again flourished, businesses and organizations need to hold firm and weather the storm. Effectively responding to consumer requests is very minimal at best. When Company Q does choose to respond supply is never matched with demand. Ineffective management practices have led to a disconnect within the communities they serve. Selling high margin requested items eventually leads to poor customer satisfaction. Company Q has no loyalty or trust with its own employees. This self-defeating behavior will only lead to more underperforming stores. Recommendations Senior management should develop a sound code of ethics. The code of ethics needs to be unique to your business. Find out what approaches similar...
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...Benefits of Standardization Benefits of Standardization Benefits of Standardization The main criteria for international standardization are: • Improvement in universal technical communication and mutual understanding; Facilitation of international exchange of goods and services; Removal of technical barriers to trade; Transfer of technology. • • • Benefits of Standardization • • • • • • • • Uniform terminology is created Sizes and dimensions are co-ordinated and adapted Variety is reduced Function requirements and characteristics are specified Unambiguous testing methods are established Benefits of Standardization For product standards the benefits may be broadly summarized under the headings variety reduction, interchangeability, and availability: the effects of variety reduction are well known and can mostly be assessed in terms of hard cash, taking due account of the additional cost reduction effects on associated parts and operations; interchangeability as a result of standardization leads to higher produc-tivity and lower manufacturing costs. These benefits are relayed to the users as a result of increased competition. lnterchangeability is also very important to erection, installation, maintenance, and repairs; easy availability implies that an adequate number of varieties are always in stock. This means shorter lead times and less capital tied up on the user side. Benefits of Standardization So, you have changed of neighbourhood! Congratulations! Benefits...
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...The first of 20 organizations is the National Fire Protection Association and it assists with the development of the (NEC). The cabling is in sections 725 and 800. A code that would fit into the new building is NFPA 70, it deals with the proper installation of electrical systems and wiring. Knowing this code will help make sure all systems make sure all equipment will be properly installed and lower the risk of fire. The Federal Communications Commission issues guidelines that govern installation of telecommunications cabling and the design of communications devices built or used in the United States. Part 15 of the FCC rules addresses electromagnetic radiation of equipment and cables. It would be important to a new build because you do not want a bunch of hazardous equipment being set up improperly. Underwriters Laboratories, INC is a nonprofit product safety testing and certification organization. If the products installed have a UL mark that means the product has met the UL safety requirements. Using these products on a new build would make sense safety wise. UL 1666 applies to testing flame-propagation height for electrical and optical fiber cables installed in vertical shafts. This test makes sure that the flames will not spread up to another floor. The National Electrical Code article 110.26 calls for a minimum of 3’ to 4’ of clear workspace around all electrical equipment, so that safe operation can be done and maintenance can be performed. This would be used in...
Words: 416 - Pages: 2
...currently under discussion in that area. The paper should present and reflect on the positions of the EU, Member States, Corporate interests, and Citizen Interests. There is probably no area in Europe, which is not be heavily affected by the EU standardization policy. Whether on the European, national, corporate or citizen level – the omnipresence and importance of the EU standardization policy is undisputed and is comparable maybe just with the influence of the EURO. Therefore it is not suprising that EU nations, as well as industries and companies are trying to take an influence on the standardization process, to assure and strengthen their competitiveness and future. European standardization is certainly not only of European significance, but also plays an extremely important role in the global competitive position of the EU and Europe. In the next paragraphs we will provide an overview about the main principles of the European Standadization policy, its goals and benefits, the institutions involved as well as about its long-/mid-term strategy. Afterwards we will speak about the national, corporate and citizen interests in the standardization policy. General summary of European Standardization policy Description Standardization is a process in which all relevant parties (industries, SMEs, customers, non-governmental organizations, public authorities, trade unions) develop a framework...
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...Cisco border router, server run a and server run b. The following codes must be in play to ensure the building or work space is safe for everyone. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 2. Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) 3. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 4. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) 5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 7. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) 8. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 9. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 10. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 11. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 12. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 13. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 14. CSA International (CSA) 15. IP/MPLS Forum (ATM Forum) 16. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) 17. Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI) 18. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 19. ANSI/TIA-568-C Cabling Standard The following is a description of each of the codes that are needed: The mission of ANSI is to enhance both global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. Quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. The EIA organization ceased operations in February 2011. Now EIA is known as ECA, which also granted...
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...Exhibit 1: International Standards Agency | Code | Country | Description | ASTM International | E standards (E900-2000) | United States | Photovoltaic cells and module integrity, Develops and delivers international voluntary consensus standards. | CSA International | CSA 107.1 | Canada | Inverter testing | European Solar Test Installation/ESTI | CEC 503 | Italy | Qualification test procedures for crystalline PV modules | European Solar Test Installation/ESTI | CEC 701 | Italy | Qualification test procedures for thin-film PV modules | Factory Mutual | FM Approved | United States | Fire protection tests for solar components | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC (6)1215 | Switzerland | Design qualification and type approval for crystalline silicon terrestrial PV modules | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC (6)1646 | Switzerland | Design qualification and type approval for thin-film terrestrial PV modules | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC 1194 | Switzerland | Characteristic parameters of stand-alone PV systems | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC 1721 | Switzerland | Resistance to impact test | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC 1727 | Switzerland | PV characteristics of the utility interface | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC 1829 | Switzerland | On-site measurement of I-V characteristics of crystalline silicon PV arrays | International Electrotechnical...
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...Networking Technology Concepts Capella University Abstract The purpose of my paper is to explain the concepts of networking technology and what impact these concepts have in an organization. A number of these concepts embody, but are not restricted to, improved communication, enlarged productivity, and enhanced mobility. In addition, what part does network architecture play in developing network technology? In doing thus, I will be able to justify the aim and role that standard-setting organizations play in establishing network standards and identify two standards in network technology and outline their roles. Explain the importance of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and show how they contribute to the advancement of the network industry. Keywords: technology, ISO, networking, architecture, concepts Networking Technology Concepts The basic concepts of networking technology are to improve communication, increase efficiency, and enhanced mobility. In addition, network architecture falls in line with these concepts because architecture is the foundation or the framework to configure networks. Improve Communications Technology is important because it expands communications in the workplace. Employees are no longer limited to using regular landline phones, couriers or snail mail. Technology has evolved tremendously whereas, you are able to start communicating electronically using computers, smartphones and other forms of electronic devices from...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...Running head: Life Cycles, Standards and Best Practices 2 Abstract This paper will outline the systems development life cycle as it pertains to both the development of a custom application and the selection of proprietary systems. The major types and classifications of health care information standards and specific organizations that develop and regulate standards will be explained. The need for security information systems will be revealed and the methods to accomplish security of these systems will be addressed. Three best practices for effective IT alignment and strategic planning will be outlined. Running head: Life Cycles, Standards and Best Practices 3 Description of Systems Development life Cycle as it Pertains to Both the Development of a Custom Application and the Selection of Proprietary Systems The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), is a six step project development process that was designed to help the development team develop the end product. The players involved are the users, systems analysts, programmers and technical specialists (Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 2006-2013). In the first step of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), an examination of the economic, technical, behavioral or organizational aspect of the business is reviewed. A determination will be made as to what needs...
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...physical, network, and application be insufficient to adequately describe network communication? The three-layer model of communication would be insufficient to adequately describe network communication because because it would not have the ability to transport data to any other network. 2. What is the history of the OSI reference model? How did it come about and why was it created? Use your textbook and Internet research to support your answer. In the late 1970s, two projects began independently, with the same goal: to define a unifying standard for the architecture of networking systems. One was administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), while the other was undertaken by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, or CCITT (the abbreviation is from the French version of the name). These two international standards bodies each developed a document that defined similar networking models. In 1983, these two documents were merged together to form a standard called The Basic Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. 3. What is the history of the TCP/ IP model? Why was it created? Use your textbook and Internet research to support your answer. TCP/IP originated out of the investigative research into networking protocols that the US Department of Defense (DoD) initiated in 1969. In 1968, the DoD Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) began researching the network technology that is called packet switching. The original...
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...Standardization in anything makes it easier for people. They are able to know what to expect. We hear as children and as parents about standardized learning. The basis of this is that everyone is able to learn the same. The same curriculums to students no matter what school they attend. We also find standardization in different working fields by choice. Some companies choose to learn from others on how to run things. It can also come from employment of someone that worked for a company that had good policies. Certification is another way to join the ranks of standardization. ISO 9000 is one of these certifications that can help companies reach great standards. The point of ISO 9000 is embedding a quality management system into a company that will help increase productivity, reduce unnecessary costs and ensure quality processes and products (What is ISO 9000?, 2012). Companies have been able to use this standardization to help them become better. ISO certification is flexible certification that can be used with many different types of companies. It is not set for just one particular field. The whole point of ISO certification is to establish, maintain and improve a company’s quality management system (What is ISO 9000?, 2012). By looking at the big picture within a company they are able to set goals for improvement and work towards the greater good. ISO has three parts of audits. The first type of audit is the adaption of standards on a company basis. Internal...
Words: 762 - Pages: 4
...Spartan to maintain a positive rapport with clients, as their approach allowed for meeting the client’s specific needs. However, the industry trend has changed and competition from international sources has pressured Spartan’s Executive Management to revise the fiveyear development plan to compete with Korean and European firms. The standard for the industry has shifted from customized solutions to a low-price, highly-standardized market. This is not in line with Spartan’s current initiatives and Max Brisco, vice president of manufacturing, has solicited Rick to provide a detailed plan on how to achieve savings and efficiency in a transition to a more competitive manufacturing structure. The most critical step in this reformation is to redesign workflow and job order processing from a job order/job ticket method to a more streamlined and standardized process. This will require re-engineering the workflow of the manufacturing workforce, and offers an opportunity for the research & design component to redirect their efforts away from customized products and toward a working internal manufacturing process. The use of job shop stations will be modified into a modular workflow, where multiple stations can be working simultaneously in a hybrid method of standardized and modular manufacturing. Next, the standardization of raw materials and the reduction of material suppliers will allow the company to take advantage of added pricing leverage due to higher volume PROC5000/Anthony Vatterott/SPARTAN...
Words: 529 - Pages: 3