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International Students Flaws

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If success was a measured horizon I believe it is reasonable to say that the minorities’ sun would be set the lowest. People do not make a bold promulgation when they bring awareness to the vast and overall underachievement of Black and Hispanic people compared to their White peers. Part of the cause for the ongoing rift exists in provincial school institutions that can not properly provide for their students. Subsequently another factor subsists because of the poor schooling and the negative results they tend to yield. The achievement gap is hard pressed to be bridged when students, also known as the future workforce, are not adequately acquainted for middle class jobs. The effect is cyclical in the sense that poor schools lead to lackluster …show more content…
Fixing the problem can not be solved with one amazing solution, and instead of trying to amend the disparity in achievement with just one solution we should focus on choosing ways to alleviate the more nuanced topics. Americans have learned to safeguard their opinions about race in fear of saying the wrong thing that could make them politically incorrect or, even worse, labeled racist. These secured opinions do not permit much change to occur and allow real issues to be deflected and ignored. Zachary Ritter, in “International Students,” interviewed multiple Asian students from UCLA in an attempt to get a refreshed outlook on race. Ritter believes that the international students point of view can help highlight ethical dilemmas that Americans sweep under the rug (Ritter).Throughout the essay Ritter shares many anecdotes that present minorities in a bleak way(Ritter). For example, …show more content…
They consistently see themselves below White people, which causes them to internalize and act upon this. Ritter’s interviews implicated that prior to meeting Black students the international students feared they were thugs and innately criminal. The ideas were “gleaned from movies stereotypes” that depicted African-Americans as “violent and rude().” Since these ideas resonated in international students it is not unreasonable to believe that they do in minorities as well. Students are told to reach for opportunities that are primarily seized by White people. In Beverly Tatum’s “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together,” she shines a light on the inequality that resides within schools (Tatum). Tatum uses as an example of a Black student who, although she attends a thirty-five percent Black school, is one of the few Black students in her Honor classes(). Schools like this transfer over a blemished image of African Americans to the broader public. This is so ingrained in the epistemology that when a minority tries to perform well they are ridiculed for “acting white.”() Acting white is the social pressure that a group inflicts upon themself when they step outside of their social box(dee) The ridicule may condemn the ideal that they can be equal to White people constantly shown as above them. If this is the case than resisting the ways of white people may provide short term comfort. Tatum discusses how the black

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