...Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Setting Background of the study The research aimed to find the impact of having favorable Learning Environment to the student particularly in the University of Mindanao. This research is merely concerned to the Engineering student of University of Mindanao of how they react with a certain environment in this University. As a team researcher, we also aimed to bring important information not only to the student but also to the faculties and staff of University of Mindanao on how they address the impact of having conducive environment to the particular student. In the process of continuous learning, learning environment plays important rule in nurturing student to become a better citizen in this world. Since, we are prone in the digital period with high-tech facilities and equipment. We are obliged to take the challenge of learning as our first priority to develop as an individual. The first learning experiences in school create a foundation for successful reading by fostering favorable impression of what is to be derived from the book and language use. Programs should also accommodate children’s varied stages of social and intellectual development. Research has shown that children with rich experiential and language backgrounds are better prepared for beginning reading than children who lack such background (Grolier Encyclopedia, 1995). Choosing capable workstations acoustically sound cork bulletin...
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...A REPORT ON A FIELD ATTACHMENT AT NEMA HOMABAY COUNTY OFFICE LOCATED IN HOMABAY TOWN WITHIN HOMABAY DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS OFFICES BY STEPHEN OYOO ADUDA N38/2607/2010 A FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT SUBMITTED TO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE AWARD OF A BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE September 2013 The attachment was supervised by: Host Supervisors: Mr. Solomon Kihiu Mr. John Maniafu University Supervisors: Dr. Richard Kerich ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sincere thanks goes to the lecturers at Kenyatta University Main Campus, School of Environmental Studies for their dedication in equipping me with the necessary knowledge and their immeasurable interaction with and mentorship to their students. I owe special thanks to Mr. Solomon Kihiu, the County Director of Environment, NEMA Homa Bay County, and Mr. John Maniafu, the County Environment Officer, NEMA Homabay County Office, my host supervisors, for giving me the opportunity to be attached in their office and for giving me their unreserved advise, guidance, technical and academic support. Special thanks also go to Dr. Richard Kerich, my university supervisor, for his sincere assessment of my work and for directing me in ensuring the success of my attachment. I would also like to thank my colleague attachees and interns at NEMA Homabay County Office for their insights, constant guidance and encouragement throughout the entire attachment period. I also thank my classmates and family members...
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...overall impact on the environment. These practices may include anything from recycling, reducing your energy usage, using public transportation, to buying local products. Going green is quite important to the environment as well as our health. We will be able to breathe a little easier with less pollution in the air. Consider for a moment that a plastic soda bottle takes over 450 years to decompose, and that beer cans take 200 to 500 years to decompose. If these things are not recycled, or if a process isn't found to speed up decomposition, then we're going to wind up living in our own landfills. People all around the world consume billions of bottles and cans each and every single year, without a method to get rid of these items, our great grandchildren will still be seeing those same bottles and cans around, that alone is an important reason to go green. The Going Green Campaign is to ensure the earth will be a better place to live in future. I. INFORMATION ABOUT THE SERVICE The Going Green Campaign has been created to raise the awareness on the environment hazards we are facing today. There are many ways we can save our earth and prevent it from being destroyed. Our earth has lost a massive ideal environment for both animals and human to survive. This is an ironic situation where something must be done to replace for all the damages. II. THE MARKETING STRATEGY A small business using green marketing strategies will not only benefit the environment by its practice, but...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Guru Ghasidas University ] On: 13 January 2014, At: 02:45 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Strategic Marketing Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsm20 An examination of marketing techniques that influence Millennials' perceptions of whether a product is environmentally friendly Katherine T. Smith a a Department of Marketing , Texas A&M University , 4112 TAMU, College Station, TX, 77843-4112, USA Published online: 19 Nov 2010. To cite this article: Katherine T. Smith (2010) An examination of marketing techniques that influence Millennials' perceptions of whether a product is environmentally friendly, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18:6, 437-450, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2010.525249 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2010.525249 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors,...
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...Chapter TWO THE ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER CONTENTS Overview of the Chapter 2 Learning Objectives 2 Key Terms 2 Lecture Outline 3 Learning Objectives Revisited 9 Lecture Enhancers 10 Notes for Topics for Discussion and Action 12 Notes for Building Management Skills 16 Notes for Management For You 17 Notes for Small Group Breakout Exercise 17 Notes For Managing Ethically 19 Notes For Web Exercises 19 Notes for You’re the Management Consultant 19 Notes for Management Case 20 Notes for Management Case in the News from the pages of Business Week 21 Overview of the Chapter This chapter examines the organizational environment in detail. It identifies the principal forces—both task and general—that create pressure and influence management and thus affect the way organizations operate. It concludes with a study of several methods that managers can use to help organizations adjust and respond to forces in the organizational environment. Learning Objectives 1. Explain why being able to perceive, interpret, and respond appropriately to the organizational environment is crucial for managers’ success. 1. Identify the main forces in an organization’s general and task environments, and describe the challenges that each force presents to managers. 1. Discuss the main ways in which managers can manage the organizational environment. Key Terms barriers to entry brand loyalty command economy competitors customers demographic forces ...
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...THE STUDY HABITS OF GEODETIC ENGINEERING STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHEASTERN PIHLIPPINES A Research Paper Presented to: The Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department University of Southeastern Philippines Bo. Obrero, Davao City In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the subject English “Writing Across the Discipline” Submitted to: Ms. Maribess Alconcel Ms. Loirene Intong Submitted by: Keanu James Tamesis Ginaly Maguliman Christianne Ido March 2016 Chapter 1 Introduction Learning is very important. As human beings we are expected to learn to be able to cope with the new generation. Study habits are the ways that you study-the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbook, listening in class, and working...
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...Established in 1908, General Motors (GM), with its headquarters based in Detroit, Michigan was one of the world's largest automakers in the world. Their business operate in 140 countries with an employment of 204000 people, and together with their strategic allies, they produce cars and trucks in 34 countries (General Motors, 2010). However, in June 2009, GM filed for bankruptcy protection and reach out to U.S government for financial assistance (Taylor III, 2009). In this essay, a look will be taken at the nature of GM’s organizational structure such as its organizational design and how GM’s operation is conceptualized, as well as its existence as an organization. How GM and the environment affect each other will be discussed too. GM was born out as a conglomerate of firms (Bordenave & Lung 2003). From a multinational organization with a headquarter set in Detroit and unified products, design and manufacturing resources throughout its field of business, GM was quick in moving itself out to become a global organization whereby they valued diversity and flexibility to match with the changing pattern of opportunities and threats posed in the industry sector. They actually diverged from Ford’s monolithic structure, gained own corporate stability and shortly after, challenge Ford’s hegemony internally and globally (Bordenave & Lung 2003). A division of labour is set up, whereby production has been divided into different skills and tasks spread across countries (Hatch & Cunliffe...
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...persuade my class on the importance of recycling and how we can make a stronger and healthier environment. Organizational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Recycling: Why Should You Do It? Attention I. How many of you actually recycle? Recycling has been a topic that has been brought up and thought about by many different people, but the problem the question of whether people are taking action or not on this. Recycling will save many different very important aspects of the environment and economy. II. By learning how to recycle we will be able to develop a much stronger and healthier environment. III. I would like to encourage my classmates to realize how important recycling is and why they should do it. If you do not recycle, in the future this could potentially have devastating...
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...like we Americans do? Can the earth handle a cumulative carbon footprint as big as the one that I leave behind everyday? These are the questions that others should ask themselves because the impact we leave behind is greater than you would think. After keeping a detailed log of my weekly activities I have come to realize that not every action of mine has a negative impact on the earth. Throughout this past week I have narrowed my focus to three main behaviors that I think are crucial factors in determining my carbon footprint: waste production, food consumption, and means of transportation. Given my current living environment on campus paired with being a full-time student here at the university I thought these three daily activities would give me the most accurate results. In regards to my waste production I realized that I recycle a lot when I am in a university building but when I get home I do not recycle at all. I believe the reason for this is accessibility; there are recycling bins everywhere you look in the Pappajohn Business building, which encourages me to recycle any material I can. However when I get home anything I throw away goes straight into the garbage due to the fact that I don't have that same option. According to...
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...review the case study I have produced a short informal report to help you understand Original Travels external environment. I have identified the different stakeholders attached to Original Travel and briefly explored their concerns and contributions. ‘The concept of stakeholders is important for two reasons. First, it emphasises that stakeholder groups have different interests; second it illustrates the relationship between businesses and their external environments’. (Cited in The Open University B120 What is business? 2006, P.25). This can be further explored by using a STEEP model. (Cited in The Open University B120 What is business? 2006, P.17). By using a STEEP model and viewing the different types of stakeholders attached to Original Travel it should provide you with an accurate understanding of the external environment in which your company operates. A STEEP model considers five factors, which I have listed below and given examples. * Sociological factors-changes in age, patterns of work, gender roles, patterns of consumption, culture changes and country developments. * Technological factors-developments in technology and the effects on your business. * Economic factors-economic growth/shrinkage, interests rates, exchange rates, energy prices and levels of employment. * Environmental factors-how your business has an effect of the environment and how your customer base views this effect. * Political factors-local and world legislation governing trade...
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...-5 (1), 2012 European Journal of Economic and Political Studies Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior Aysel Boztepe1 Abstract This study aims to give information about the effect of green marketing on customers purchasing behaviors. First of all, environment and environmental problems, one of the reason why the green marketing emerged, are mentioned, and then the concepts of green marketing and green consumer are explained. Then together with the hypothesis developed literature review has been continued and studies conducted on this subject until now were mentioned. In the last section, moreover, questionnaire results conducted on 540 consumers in Istanbul are evaluated statistically. According to the results of the analysis, environmental awareness, green product features, green promotion activities and green price affect green purchasing behaviors of the consumers in positive way. Demographic characteristics have moderate affect on model. Keywords: Green Marketing, Environmental Awareness, Green Product Features, Green Promotion, Green Price, Green Purchasing Behavior. 1 Fatih Universtity, ayselbalaman@hotmail.com 5 Aysel Boztepe Introduction While globalization process continues in its full speed across the world, this process has also brought some problems with it. Leading one of these problems is environmental problems that affect all living beings negatively. These aforementioned environmental problems have started to come to...
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...Synopsis for the Partial Fulfillment of Degree Green Marketing Itisha Gupta Intg. BBA+MBA (O&G) Under The Guidance of: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Ranjan Assistant Professor College of Management & Economic Studies University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehra Dun - 248007 CONTENTS: 1. Introduction and Discussion of the Research problem. 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Problem Discussion 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3.1 Research Objectives 3.2 Research Strategy and Approach 3.3 Method Analysis 4. Limitations and Implications 5. Conclusion 6. List of Universities 7. List Of Websites 8. Work flow chart 9. References Introduction: The term green is given to those products and processes that are biodegradable, save energy and resources or are manufactured & disposed using environmental friendly techniques. Green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in it or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way. Why Green Marketing? In today¶s scenario, both consumers and the companies prefer green products. There is growing interest among the consumers all over the world regarding protection of environment. In certain cases, the more environmental friendly product influences the purchase decision of the customers, who look to reduce energy consumption and waste generation. ³ When a movement becomes too popular, it is then the corporate...
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...Research this topic and you are faced with multiple sites giving you multiple ideas on how businesses can become more environmentally friendly such as passive solar heating and cooling, bio-diversity, waste management, water management and energy management. The Australian Government offers subsidies to businesses to be more environmentally friendly. The Queensland Government also offers support to business to be more efficient through several programs such as the Smart Energy Program, ecoBiz Queensland, and The Clean Energy Future Plan. But how do we as individuals to encourage companies to make some effort in making business activities more environmentally friendly? The University of Chicago Press release “Want to Encourage Eco-Friendly Behavior? Give Consumers a Nudge (Don’t Tell Them What to Do)” suggests by asking people to commit to being eco-friendly, offering something which symbolizes that commitment is more sustainable than just telling them what to do. Similar to The Leadership Challenge, “Ways to Encourage employees to go Green” shares six practices to encourage eco-friendly behavior: 1. Share the vision 2. Start a Green Team 3. Educate Employees 4. Provide Incentives 5. Make it fun 6. Be an example This could be the start of one way to “nudge” others to be eco-friendly. The more individuals that are aware of the importance of environmental responsibility, the more weight we will carry as a group. As consumers there are ways we can demand organizations...
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...2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama A Question of Culture . . . Q: What makes up the culture of a country? © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 3–2 The Organization’s Culture • Organizational Culture A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in a large degree, how they act towards each other. “The way we do things around here.” Values, symbols, rituals, and practices Implications: Culture is a perception. Culture is shared. Culture is descriptive. © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 3–3 Exhibit 3–2 Dimensions of Organizational Culture © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 3–4 Exhibit 3–4 Strong versus Weak Organizational Cultures © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 3–5 Benefits of a Strong Culture • Creates a stronger employee commitment to the organization. • Aids in the recruitment and socialization of new employees. • Fosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative. © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 3–6 Functional versus Dysfunctional Cultures • Functional Cultures Are cultures well-suited to their environment or industry. Ex: A highly-innovative company in the high-tech industry...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The need for Environmental Accounting has become the concern and focus of nations and responsible corporate managements. It became one of the foremost issues on the agenda of nations and businesses earlier in the 1990s and the reasons for this were varied emanating from both within and outside of the firm and particularly at the global level (Okoye and Ngwakwe:2004:220-235). A lot of government enactments, laws and regulations on environmental protection have been made in several nations of the world. In the light of the awakening to environment protection, various laws and regulations such as the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, 1992 have been enacted. These require corporate managements to consider the environmental implications of all internal decisions of their managements. Also, all organizations monitored by environmental policy agencies in Kenya are expected to demonstrate much consideration in decision making. Environmentalists agree that it could be more cost effective and beneficial for companies to acquire pollution prevention or clean technology than those of pollution clean-up. It is also observed that in environmental regulations, there is a shift from the ‘command and control’ approach to market-driven forms in which pollution prevention alternatives are replacing pollution cleaning approach. It follows therefore, that determining the appropriate pollution prevention approach may lead to additional decisions...
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