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Submitted By wahajqadir
Words 20091
Pages 81
Project Report on

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Controller of Examinations
University of Peshawar


Session 2010-2013
Project Report on

A Project Report submitted to the Institute of Computer & Management Sciences (Affiliated with) University of Peshawar, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

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Controller of Examinations
University of Peshawar


Session 2010-2013


Project Report On

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Institute of Computer and Management Sciences has been approved for submission to the controller of Examinations,
University of Peshawar in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

__________________ ___________________
Mr.MUHAMMAD KHALIL Dr. Saad Ullah (Internal Supervisor) (Director)
Date: ______________ Date: ______________

(External Examiner)

My humble efforts during the preparation of this report are dedicated to my Parents, Friends and Teachers who give much guidance and congenial support to me.


“In the name of Allah, the most gracious,

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...Pakistan Construction & Materials: Lucky Cement   19 December 2014  Target Price: PKR 596 Current Price: PKR 477 Stock Data Price (PKR/Share) Reuters LUKC.KA Bloomberg LUCK PA 477 Website 513.8 /278.4 2% 154 1,534 269 2.8 Lucky Cement Limited Company Report Growing on all fronts! We initiate coverage on Lucky Cement Limited (LUCK) with a target price of PKR596/sh, offering an upside of 25%. Our conviction for the scrip stems from i) growing cement demand in the country (5 year CAGR of 4%), ii) expanding footprint beyond national borders (Congo and Iraq), iii) increasing margins backed by cost efficiencies, iv) accumulating cash reserves, v) diversification into low risk power business and vi) growing profitability of subsidiary ICI. Factoring in the mentioned factors, our 3yr earnings (consolidated) CAGR for the company settles at 15%. Additionally, mounting cash reserves will result in continued funding of investments through internal cash generation, making a strong case for multiple expansion via continued scrip re-rating. Given a strong track record and management efficacy, LUCK stands out as a preferred long term play –BUY! Expanding beyond borders: Given limited space in the local industry, LUCK has opted to expand aboard specifically in Africa to benefit from higher demand and margins in the region. This is expected to add significantly to the bottomline of company given ~80%-100% higher margins compared to Pakistan. As per the management, Congo...

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Time Value of Money

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