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Submitted By rfallatah91
Words 672
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Rayan Altukruni
Public Speaking
Dr, Gina Bell
Informative Speech Outline
I. Attention-Getting Advise
How many of you like to Travel? How many of you like something on your resume that will immediately set you apart from other students? Why not doing something that will satisfy all these needs. II. Thesis
Studying abroad is an excellent way to obtain an education while expanding your social and cultural experiences. III. Credibility
I came from Saudi Arabia about four and half years ago to start my bachelor degree in Accounting major. At Home, I went to a local business school for two semesters and once I knew I have the chance to study abroad, I dropped out right away and took this great opportunity to experience new cultures and getting to meet people from different countries around the world in one place. IV. Preview of main points
There are three main points I’ll discuss today:
First one is, Proper documentation needed and necessary to live and study abroad. Second one is, Travelling process. Third one is, accommodating to a new lifestyles and cultures and benefits gained from studying abroad. V. Transition
My first point is in order for you to study abroad, you need to complete a few important documents first.
A. First Sub-Point or claim
It all starts with the application process for the school you wish to go to.
Most universities around the world have the application online. 1. It start-out with some important information sessions the international office puts on and it will guide you through the whole process, and some different program that they offer. 2. It’s very beneficial to get the basis of studying abroad first. Make a checklist of everything you need to get done, so that way you won’t forget anything. B. Second Sub-point or claim
It’s very important to get a passport and a visa. 1. The passport is an online process. 2. The visa is an online process too, although some countries will ask you to do an interview first and they will a background before they can approve your visa. 3. Me for example, had to do two interviews first when I wanted to visit my family, and when I decided to go to school here I had to go back and do another interview to change to a student visa. C. Third Sub-Point or claim
Medical evaluations. 1. Physical and immunizations are also very beneficial to get that point. 2. Just to make sure that you're healthy and ready to go to a different country

VI. Transition
The next step is the travelling process. D. First Sub-Point or claim
It can be super nervous and really annoying. E. Second Sub-point or claim
Getting to the airport and since your going international you need to be there at least 3 hours ahead of time of your flight. F. Third Sub-Point or claim
When you get to your gate, it's highly recommended you walk around and get some exercise VII. Transition
Finally accommodating to a new lifestyle and cultures and benefits gained from studying abroad. G. First Sub-Point or claim
You will be able to tell as soon as you get off the plane that everything is different, its going to be a culture shock. H. Second Sub-point or claim
It will take some time to get used to things. I. Third Sub-Point or claim
Studying abroad is a great experience. VIII. Transition
In conclusion J. Conclusion
It’s very important to know that studying abroad is an investment for your future. K. Summary of main points
Today I have shared with you all about studying abroad and what some documents needed and traveling process and benefits gained from this lifetime opportunity. L. Closure advice
Skills you learned while abroad, you going to apply those skills to your community when you comeback, so studying is not only an exciting experience but it provide many benefits to everyone who surround you,

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