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Internet Privacy


Submitted By Ltsharr31
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Internet Privacy
XBIS 219

Internet Privacy To Whom It May Concern: This email addresses internet privacy and security in the workplace as well as at home. When using the internet it is very important to ensure that all steps are being taken to ensure that information is safe guarded and protected. At home as well as in the workplace, anti-virus software can be used to ensure that people are not potentially hacking into someone’s personal information.

Technology ethics in the workplace can be a big issue. Information that is meant for certain parties can be accessed by people that it is not intended for if precautions are not taken to ensure that information is locked away and accessible only by those that need access to it.

Privacy in the home and privacy in the workplace is definitely two different perspectives. At home one might have the luxury of locking their computer off to anyone and making sure that important information is not left lying around for anyone to see. However there is always a chance of someone stealing the computer or the information, and that could be detrimental, depending on what that information was and what it was used for. Now in the workplace privacy is a little more secure, however there are downfalls to the workplace as well. Employees can walk past and hear you discussing private and personal information, also if you have a desk and you leave it unlocked, there is a chance someone can go looking through it.

Wi-Fi is defined as “a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections” (Wikipedia, 2012). A computer network or network is defined as “a collection of computers and other hardware interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information” (WikiPedia, 2012).

Works Cited
WikiPedia. (2012). Computer Network. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from WikiPedia:
Wikipedia. (2012). Wi-Fi. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from Wikipedia:

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