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Interrogations: What Happens Behind The Mirror

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What Happens Behind The Mirror
The definition of an interrogation is the procedure in the person being interrogated makes adequate statements against her or his own best interest. The main goal of an interrogation is to get confessions from suspected criminals. However psychological and physical coercion, can and may result in inaccurate information and false confessions. This prevents the ultimate efficacy and goals of the interrogation process.
According to the FBI the most effective way to obtain the correct information is to use rapport-building techniques, therefore they strictly prohibit the use of force and threats during interviews. The most important interrogation guidelines come from three different sources: The Legal Handbook, the …show more content…
Videotaping exposes the interrogation practices in the interrogation room and it creates a comprehensive, objective ad most important reviewable record of what occurred. This can be helpful by decreasing the use of improper interrogation and psychological coercion techniques that can lead to false confessions.
However it is of vital importance that the entire interrogation should be videotaped and not only parts of it. Both the interrogator and the suspect should be visible and the video should have a time and date stamp. (Geller, 1994) The Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) in England prohibits agents from lying to suspects about the existence of incriminating evidence. Besides that it also prohibits the use of torture, threats of physical harm and any other forms of cruel inhuman and degrading treatments. In cases where a juvenile or mentally Ill is being interrogated a proper independent adult or someone that is responsible must be present.
All interrogations must be audiotaped and be available to lawyers, judges, juried and experts. These procedures reduce police coercion, protect suspects from abusive interrogations and protect police from false accusations of misconduct during interrogations. (Mark Costanzo and Alisson …show more content…
77% of rape crimes are videotaped, 71% of aggravated battery or assault, 61% of armed robbery, 59% of drunk driving, 45% of unarmed robbery, 44% of burglary and 34% of other property crimes are videotapes. (Leo, Kassin, Meissner, Richman, Colwell, Leach & La Fon, 2007) According to A Self-Report Survey of Police Practices and Beliefs done in 2007 reasons why agencies videotape suspects are the following: It helps with reducing doubts about the voluntary nature of confessions, it avoids defense attorney’s challenges of the accuracy of audiotapes and the completeness of written confessions and it counters defense criticism of ‘nice guy’ or ‘softening up techniques’ for interrogating suspects.
On the other hand the explanation given by other agencies for not videotaping interrogations was the financial concern. This includes the cost of remodeling interrogation rooms, video equipment, storing tapes and maintaining audio and video equipment. Other agencies just believed that its not

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