...SHARING YOUR EXPIRENCES A skill that I would like to develop and is a part of my goal set is to work on my interviewing ability and professional skills. More time than I care to count or remember so many times I have got interviews where I know I am way more than capable to fill the position. And the interviews for me just doesn’t go well. And I never get a call back and after the interview it’s a million things I think that I could have did better. And expressed better in a way the interviewer could better understand. I feel my interviews the most important part of the process and the area I feel the need to improve. The book talks about the steps and strategy’s for successful interviewing. It says don’t be modest and what to do to not be modest... don’t leave a first, second, or third interview with the regrget that “I should have told them about my specialized training in x” or “I should have told them about the exact same problem I solved three years ago” prepare to brag about yourself and share what you can do for them. And that’s how I always feel after an interview like I should have said this or I should have said that. And talk more about the good qualities that I have that would have a direct outcome on the interview if it goes well or if it fails. The second book talks about the interviewing g process in a little more detail. By how and what specific things to talk about or say in an interview. To pick one skill that would be the most important...
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...directly linnk what employees accomplish to results beneficial to the organization. -Criterion contamination -Focus on short-term results Management by Objectives(MBO) A philosopy of management that rates performance on the basis of employee achievement of goals set by mutual agreement of employee and manager. The appraisal focuses on four related categories Financial, customer, processes, and learning Ensuring the method’s success: Types of Appraisal Interviews Tell and sell – persuasion Tell and listen – nondirective Problem Solving – focusing the inteview on problem resolution and employee development. Appraisal Interview Guidelines: Invite Participation – Ask for a self-Assesment Change Behavior – Problem Solving Focus Minimize Criticism – Express Appreciation Establish Goals – Be Supportive Follow Up Day by Day Factors That Affect an Employee’s Performance Motivation Environment Ability Managing Infeffective Performance Possible Courses of Action Provide training to increase skills and abilities Transfer employee to another job or department Attention of actions to motivvate employee Take disciplinary action Discharge the employee Cautions All actions taken must be objective and fair. Do not treat underpeformer differently, setting the employee up to fail...
Words: 638 - Pages: 3
...ASSESMENT 1) From Mclean she views her role as HR manager to be involved everything that has to do with the running of the store. She wants to be involved in everything to do with managing the store. Even though She is strategically focused, have a strong work ethics and has a retail experience that doesn’t make define her role as a HR manager as she needs expertise in HR , she is too involved and has to know her role a HR manager . 2) Harriman Brown’s Business strategy a) To increase productivity in every aspect of the organization by decreasing productivity. b) To invest more into new brands and product that attracts sales c) To reduce cost by developing and introducing new technological means to predict sales and manage inventory efficiently. d) To improve, attract and retain high quality employees to manage the organization effectively. 3) The structure of HR in the organization is highly decentralized. Mclean as the Manager doesn’t delegate and give roles to be carried out by the HR team. She does the entire interview by herself and wants to get involved in everything where by she runs out time to get things accomplished. 4) From the table: a) We can see that store managers don’t think more on performance management of employees. b) On remuneration its clear store managers share the views on remuneration and benefits to the employees of the organization. c) Store managers want training and development. ...
Words: 858 - Pages: 4
...Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is a ‘’Cancer that develops in the testicle. Usually only one testicle is affected, but in some cases both testicles are affected. Testicular cancers starts in the cells that develop into sperm, which are called sperm cells.’’ (Australia, 2015). It is a cancer that commonly occurs in men. Young men around the ages of 18 to 40 are most at risk of developing testicular cancer. Common symptoms of testicular cancer includes a lump in the testis, the feeling of heaviness in the scrotum and the change in the size and shape of the testicles. Across the Australian demographic, survival rates for testicular cancer have increased in the recent years during “the periods of 1982–1987 and 2006-2010, there is a five-year relative survival increased from 90.7 per cent to 97.6 per cent.” (government, 2014) As well as this, 706 new cases of testicular cancer was presented in Australia during 2010. During this time period, a frequency rate was also conducted which shows a strong increase of 4.2 to 6.5 in a cases of one hundred thousand men who has testicular cancer. Additionally, mortality rates for testicular cancer have also decreased in the past 30 years from 0.5 to 0.1 deaths per one hundred thousand men. The main priority involving testicular cancer would be educating young men on how to improve their health, learn how to look for symptoms and having the confidence to get it checked. The Knowledge of detecting the cancer earlier by young men is proven...
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...Introduction The aim of this report is to examine a number of various issues associated with Human Resource Development and particular focus is going to be paid at learning activities for students. This report is going to consist of a number of different sections, which are interrelated with each other. First part of this report is based on the presentation, which was aimed at evaluating various learning styles from one-person perspective, and compared to another individual in order to see the differences. Later on as a student development manager it is going to be necessary to examine different training needs for different students in LSBM and state advantages and disadvantages of training methods, used in this institution. Also this report is going to focus on planning and development of training event for students in order to increase the learning abilities and provide benefits for the studies in general. The final part of the report is going to look at the government’s influence on training, development and lifelong learning in the UK, it is influences on private and public sector and on the level of various organizations. Task1 The focus of the presentation was on assessment of various learning styles and the possible contributions for a person in the workplace. Most of individuals have various learning styles which are attributed to them, however they also share common attributes amongst each other. As a definition learning style means an incorporation of variety of...
Words: 3299 - Pages: 14
...departermen membuat program-program kerja. Setiap staff memegang program kerja, kemudian di akhir tahun mereka harus mempertanggungjawabkan apakah program kerja tersebut sudah berhasil dilakukan atau belum. Setelah penetapan tujuan diakhir tahun terdapat evaluasi atau penilaian kinerja yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan. Pimpinan akan mengisi kuisionair mengenai kompetensi pekerja. Setelah evaluasi tersebut apabila terdapat. Setelah dievaluasi apabila ada kompetensi pegawai yang belum tercapai maka akan diikutkan ke pelatihan. Di Bapeten bayak sekali pelatihan yang disediakan, mulai dari pelatihan keahlian , pelatihan teknis ,hingga pelatihan soft skill. Penilaian oleh atasan juga dilakukan untuk menganalisa apakah orang tersebut bekerja nyaman dengn kompetensi yang dia punya atau tidak. Apabila tidak maka terdapat TNA (Training Need Assesment). TNA mendorong pegawai untuk memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan di dalam organisasi. Sehingga pegawai dapat mendukung tujuan strategis dari perusahaan. Dengan...
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...Problem statement and Objectives Knowledge management (KM) is a relatively new concept in the modern world of knowledge-based economies which is viewed as critical to organizational effectiveness. It appeared only in 1990s and strongly occupied by for-profit organizations (FPOs). Although there is no unique accepted definition of knowledge management, there is the most frequently cited one (Duhon, 1998, pg. 9): "Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers." It has been understood recently that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are not profit oriented also need a sound knowledge management strategy to ensure sustainable and continuous success and to constantly adapt their work to changing conditions (Edwards, 1997). The author of this work aims to investigate the awareness about KM system, its barriers and opportunities to support KM’s implementation among NGOs in Kazakhstan. Several approaches for managing knowledge in organizations have been proposed in recent years. Some of the approaches present a more human-driven approach, some focus more on technological support (Choi & Lee, 2002). This work will mainly concentrate on a human-driven approach of KM implementation of NGOs in Kazakhstan...
Words: 2091 - Pages: 9
...handwriting analysis, (e) promotability analysis, (f) performance ratings and (g) work sample scores. Cite independent research sources as appropriate to support your position. (20 points) Personality Assessments Thematic Apperception Test While personality tests can offer one the ability to observe an individual’s psyche, both conscience and subconscious, respectively, its validity to actually “judge” an individual within an interview process is not a best-practice method. As research has indicated “…the TAT is a powerful and revealing measure that has made an undeniable contribution to the motivation literature. However, to the extent that the administration and scoring of the test can be improved and refined through the development of a standard set of cues, group norms, and a more efficient scoring system, the true potential of this measure is at present untapped.”TAT Administration TAT Administration Personality Factors (16) Similar to the TAT test, using standardized personality tests as determining factors within an interview process is controversial. However, personality tests are standardized and most employers consider quantitative scores accurate. Thus personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs, are utilized across multiple industries. While certain personality factors may be considered viable to positions with defined personality requirements, actual forecasting success may not be 100% applicable to all positions. That being said, discrimination cases...
Words: 4188 - Pages: 17
...manifested her intention to migrate to another country, thus leaving her post vacant. This paper analyzes her Director position and presents a recruitment process adapted from Pilbeam & Corbridge (2006). Upon learning of the director’s job description and required qualifications of candidates interested in taking over her position, a job advertisement is created to attract qualified candidates. They are thoroughly screened if they have the right educational qualifications and work experience. These do not necessarily have to match Mrs. McBaine’s education and work experience because her credentials as the centre’s pioneering director and teacher are unmatched. Shortlisted candidates go through the selection process of testing and interviews until the most qualified and most...
Words: 6001 - Pages: 25
...Manage Operational Plans | BSMMGT515A | TASK ONEDevelop an Operational PlanNKONDE SIMWANZA WAI00002EU | OFFICEMAX OfficeMax is one of the most leading retail shops in Australia. The company has a number of stores in around Australia that mainly specializes in selling office products. The products sold range from various departments but still cater for households and business of every size. We do provide customers with ways to shop in store where customers enjoy friendly expert advice and helpful services as well as online purchases through the company’s website. Figure 1.1 OfficeMax ORGANISATIONAL CHART Table 1.1: OfficeMax Consultation Strategy WHO TO CONSULT | REASON FOR CONSULTING(WHY) | WHAT TO CONSULT | METHORD OF CONSULTATION | Sales Manager | * Acts as the voice of the customer to the rest of the team /company | * Sales assessment * Market recognition to * identify new customers and prospects * Recruiting of new employees | * Meetings * Email conversations | Production Manager | * Give product demonstrations in Trade and analyzing investments in trade * Creates trends and puts value in them more than actual research. * A production manager assesses, oversees and selects projects under quality and specialization. | * Technological diversity * Product control method in order to improve how goods and services are being produced | * Group meetings * Focus groups | Marketing Manager | * Provides advice and strategies...
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...INTRODUCTION The company that we have chosen is City Bank is one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh since 27th March 1983 commenced by thirteen local businessmen by opening its first branch at B. B. Avenue Branch in the capital, Dhaka. It is a top bank among the oldest five Commercial Banks in the country which started their operations in 1983. It was the vision of 13 local businessmen who braved the risks and uncertainty with courage and fervor that made the establishment & development of the bank possible. Those sponsor directors initially started the journey with only taka 3.4 crore worth of capital, which now is a respectable taka 330.77 crore of capital & reserve. It is among very few local banks which do not tend to follow the traditional, decentralized, geographically managed, branch based business or profit model. The bank holds 12th position among all the private sector banks in accordance to highest growth sector due to the dismal performances of government banks.According to the definition of human resources planning, it is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals. It should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization, and City Bank, apparently, is focusing on right placement of its major resource – human resources. The bank believes in putting the right people at the right place. In maximum part of the...
Words: 6945 - Pages: 28
...* A series of steps that lead to accomplishing some goal or purpose. * A systematic and organizes method for providing care to clients. * Provides individualized, holistic, effective and efficient client care. * Clients of all ages and in any care setting. * Characteristics of Nursing Process * Problem solving method - client focused * Systematic- sequential steps * Goal oriented- outcome criteria * Dynamic-always changing, flexible * Utilizes critical thinking processes * ● Interpersonal – promotes nurse-client relationship● * Cyclical – continuous and promotes improvement of nursing care * Systematic problem - solving approach toward giving individualized nursing care. STEPS: * Assessment * Nursing Diagnosis * Planning and outcome identification * Intervention * Evaluation * ASSESSING PATIENT’S HEALTH STATUS Assessment * A systematic collection of subjective and objective data with the goal of making a clinical nursing judgment about an individual, family or community. * 1st phase of nursing process which involves systematic data collection , organization and validation, interpretation, and documentation of data. * Purpose of Nursing Assessment * To establish the client-nurse relationship. * To obtain information about the client’s health, including physiologic, socio-cultural, cognitive, developmental & spiritual aspects. * To identify actual & potential...
Words: 5902 - Pages: 24
...PAKISTAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIon RIMS PESHAWAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Assessment Brief 1. Unit and Assessment Details Course Title: HND Business Unit Name: Human Resource Management Unit number: 21 QCF Level 04 Assessor: Mr. Assad Ullah Internal Verifier: Syed Kashif Shah Assessment Title: Traditional view of Personnel Management and the new approach of Human Resource Management Procedures and practices used for obtaining suitable employees Assessment Method: Assignment Assessing in: Individual Number of Words: 2500 words max Outcomes Covered: 1st and 2nd Issue date: February 05, 2014 Due Date: March 12, 2014 College No. | Learner Name | Learner Signature | | Mohammad Asim | | | | | Learner’s Declaration: I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. | Date | | Outcomes Covered Outcome | Description | 1 | Understand the difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management | 2 | Understand how to recruit employees | Table of Contents AC 1.1: Distinguish between personnel Management and human resource management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 AC 1.2:Asses the function of human resource management in contributing to organizational purposes. …..5 AC 1.3:Evaluate...
Words: 9688 - Pages: 39
...Improving the Educational Attainment of America’s Youth American students are not learning the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s world, where technology and economies are increasingly interacting globally. U.S. students are continuing to trail behind their peers of industrialized nations, who have been dominating the academic achievement ranks, according to results from a key international assessment. In comparison, Finland, South Korea, and Singapore students are consistently the top performing students in the world according to their PISA scores. What is it that these three countries are doing that the U.S. isn’t, when it comes to educating their students? Compared to the U.S., Singapore, Finland, and South Korea only recruit teachers from the top 10% to 33% of their top high school and college students. And in the case of Singapore and South Korea, students attend school on average 60 more days a year than U.S. students. By implementing teacher reform and longer school year attendance, the U.S. can improve the educational attainment of its youth. Scores from the 2009 PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average, in math (PISA 2009). The PISA exam is one of a handful of tests that compare educational levels across nations...
Words: 3472 - Pages: 14
...Measuring Quality of Hire – The Ultimate Recruiting Metric By Dr. John Sullivan & Master Burnett © 2007, Dr. John Sullivan. Table of Contents Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2 Abstract...................................................................................................................... 4 Why You Should Read This ................................................................................... 4 About the Authors ...................................................................................................... 5 Dr. John Sullivan .................................................................................................... 5 Master Burnett........................................................................................................ 5 Common Misconceptions About Quality of Hire (QoH) .............................................. 6 The Perspective Dilemma ...................................................................................... 6 One Way Is Better Than the Next........................................................................... 7 Measuring the Quality of Your Applicants Before You Hire Them .......................... 7 Avoiding Overkill ................................................................................................. 9 Don’t Be Fooled On Applicant Quality .............................................
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