...Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Daniel E Fulgencio Mota University of Phoenix LDR/531 Organizational Leadership March 28, 2013 Prof. Miguel A Rodriguez, PhD Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Business model has change dramatically lately. These days are more common for the organizations to use team work or small subunits, also known as department or section formed specifically to perform specific task for achieving different goals in the company. This document proposes will cover several topics concerning to the design of an effective plan to increase team motivation, satisfaction and performance. How the different attitudes, emotions and, personalities may affect the good performance of group and the tools managers can use to alleviate this situations. Designing and effective Team Before defining a strategy to form and effective team it is important to know fundamentals aspects about team or groups. There are two types of groups formal and informal. This document focused on formal groups. Formal groups are those defined by organizations with the purpose of assigning task to the members of the team for achieving specifics goals. Other important aspect on forming and managing effective teams is the role a leader has for ensuring success of the team. Leaders may improve team performance by influencing and motivating each member of the group. Team performance is strongly related to the level of commitment and motivation members have to achieve...
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...Elektrotehnička škola „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd,Kraljice Natalije 31 Maturski rad iz Sistema prenosa Tema: Satelitski mobilni sistemi Mentor:Dejana Lučić,prof Učenik:Miloš Milenković Beograd,Jun 2013. Sadržaj Uvod.................................................................................................2 Osnovne komponente satelitskih sistema.........................................4 Globalni javni mobilni telekomunikacioni servisi(GMPCS)...........6 Sistem GLOBALSTAR...................................................................8 Kosmički Segment...........................................................................10 Frekvencijski opseg.........................................................................11 Napajanje.........................................................................................14 Zemaljska Stanica............................................................................15 Zemaljski Segment..........................................................................17 HUB centralna stanica.....................................................................17 VSAT terminali...............................................................................18 Zaključak..............................................................................
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...[pic] Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) Report of the WWDA Telecommunications Survey Contents Page Acknowledgments...... ..........3 Chapter One: Introduction 4 1.1 Preamble 4 1.2 About Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) 6 1.3 Executive Summary 7 1.4 Recommendations 13 1.5 Gender and Disability 17 1.6 The Interaction Between Gender, Disability and Telecommunications 21 1.7 The Context of the Study 23 1.8 Survey Framework and Methodology 25 Chapter Two: Summary of Major Findings of the Telecommunications Survey 26 2.1 Characteristics of Respondents 26 2.2 Use of Telecommunications Equipment 26 2.3 Barriers to Telecommunications 26 2.4 Service Providers 27 2.5 Telecommunications - Assistive Devices and Equipment 28 2.6 Online Communication 29 Chapter Three: WWDA Telecommunications Survey Analysis 30 Appendix 1: Telecommunications Questionnaire Tables 65 Appendix 2: WWDA Telecommunications Questionnaire 84 Acknowledgments Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) wishes to thank all the respondents who contributed their time to complete the survey questionnaires and whose heartfelt, insightful comments gave so much to enhance the interpretation of the statistical results. Our thanks go also to the Blind Citizens Australia Project Telecommunications, Disability and Consumer Representation funded by The Department of Communication, Information Technology and the Arts. This Project provided the funding...
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...STATE OF WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRIORITY (TSP) PLAN I. PURPOSE The purpose of this planning guide is to describe the State of Washington's policy and procedures for the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) system. It summarizes the legal and regulatory basis and procedures for all non-federal government agencies in Washington (including public medical facilities). It will aid potential users in determining eligibility for TSP and outlines the procedures for submitting TSP applications in Washington. II. OBJECTIVE The objective of this plan is to provide guidance to users on identifying TSP requirements, submitting applications for TSP, and implementing TSP. III. REFERENCES This plan contains information from various sources. Local governments should get a copy of CPG 1-18, "Guidance for Telecommunications Service Priority System" for a complete description of the system before determining their eligibility for TSP. National Communications System (NCS) Manual 3-1-1, another excellent reference, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402 or from the NCS home page at http://www.ncs.gov/tsp/ A. Title 47 CFR, Part 64, Appendix A, "Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP)." B. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Civil Preparedness Guide (CPG) 1-18, "Guidance for Telecommunications Service Priority System", July 1992. C...
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...Web Architecture WEB3750 2011 SLA For Telecommunications Explanation of agreements Derek Helms Telecommunications is one aspect of needing a SLA. First off we need to understand what a SLA is. SLA is a Service Level Agreement. This is a contract between a service provider and a customer. When we say service provider most people think of internet or phone or cable, things of that nature. This is true they are service providers, they are parties outside a company that provide a service to the company or customer. The services provided may include dedicated leased lines, shared packet-oriented services, Web hosting services, off-site application management (i.e., ASPs), and off-site network management (i.e., MSPs). Also in the contract can be certain main points like The minimum bandwidth that will be provided The amount of burst bandwidth that the customer can use over the minimum and the charge that will be applied to that bandwidth. The amount of time the service provider guarantees the service will be up and running, usually a percentage such as 99.95 percent of the time (which translates to approximately 5 minutes per day off-time). If there is a mailbox that can be used then the percentage of time mailbox stores are mounted. Penalties for not meeting service requirements and equipment setup, on-site service assistance, and help desk support. (Spirovski, 2010) Also in the agreement the client agrees to accept specified exceptions to the general terms of the agreement...
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...Table Contents Executive Summary 3 Proposed Technology Solution 3 Proposed Process and Policies 4 Business and Managerial Impacts and Risks 5 Cybersecurity Risks and Challenges 5 Cybersecurity Risks and Challenges 5 References 7 Executive Summary Ullman, Manly, & Ulysses Corporation (UMUC) is a worldwide supplier with a total of 75,000 employees. One-third of company’s personnel working in several locations in the United States and three European offices. UMUC Corporation relies on its network for continues business operations. Currently, telecommunication network is managed by a third party vendor. Due to the customer demand and continuing business growth, telecommunications network frequently experiencing technical difficulties. Not only it creating problems for business processes, it also affecting financial side of the company. Executive management team have agreed to implement internal network solution which will improve business operations and meet system requirements. The purpose of this paper is to define technologies which will help UMUC to solve current problems and will provide company with reliable and secure telecommunications network. Proposed Technology Solution To resolve telecommunications network issues UMUC executive team has decided to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Technology. This solution is a remote data network that makes use of the public telecommunication structure, retaining privacy through the use of a security...
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...Comparación TICs Ecuador y otros países Las TICs son las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Estas son herramientas básicas para el desarrollo de la información en un país y su velocidad, este concepto es un concepto dinámico, no paran de crecer ni desarrollarse. Durante los años los países ricos o desarrollados han invertido mucho en estas tecnologías, incrementando su velocidad de desarrollo y la brecha digital y social entre diferentes generaciones, las TIC no solo son una poderosa herramienta de desarrollo sino que a su vez miden el nivel de desarrollo, ocupando un lugar muy importante en la vida de las personas y el funcionamiento de las sociedades. La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) es una organización de las naciones unidas que maneja el tema de las TIC de la forma más completa; Esta organización publica informes sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, para poder comparar entre países y llegar a un análisis que sea coherente con la realidad de cada uno, la UIT combinó 11 indicadores entre los que están: el acceso, la utilización y las aptitudes en este ámbito, gracias a esto se logró desarrollar el IDI como el índice de desarrollo de las TIC De todos los países analizados por la UIT sobre la base de las TIC, los diez que encabezan el ranking son: Suecia, República de Corea, Dinamarca, Países Bajos, Islandia, Noruega, Luxemburgo, Suiza, Finlandia y Reino Unido. Por otro lado, los países con menor índice...
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...HOP TIEN ELECTRICITY BUILDING TRADING LIMITED COMPANY Company overview HOP TIEN CO.,LTD was established in 2007 and operating under the laws of Vietnam, our company has been serving all types of electricity involve: construction and installation of high-load line voltage, substations, grid to 35KV, installation of refrigeration systems - electrical cabinets, construction lighting, installation of capacitor reactive power, produce, maintain, repair, purchase of equipment in Electrical – Technology – Refrigeration – Telecomunication – Fire Alarm System – Antifouling – Air Conditioning, water supply and drainage for construction works, Civil Engineering, Ground Filling and Leveling. Establish in 2007 with young age of operation but we are proud to introduce the staffs of our company who has extensive experience in the Electricity as well as other in industries, formally trained and has been working in all types of specialized units. We won the trust of many domestics and foreign customers (State Owned Enterprises, Joint Venture Companies… ) in industrial parks, Export Processing Zone and many others… HOP TIEN CO., LTD is well – trained in construction warranty, environmental sustainability, industrialize application, labors safety and management, material supplement, quality management and technology research. We have equipped many difference and sufficient devices that serve construction works. Work cooperatively and grows with customers’ benefits is our motto. With our well...
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...RANGKUMAN SIM UTS 06PAY PERTEMUAN 1-2 “FOUNDATION OF IS IN BUSINESS” - Sistem adalah komponen yang berkesinambungan untuk mencapai tujuan Informasi adalah data yang telah diolah menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat. Data adalah kumpulan objek yang mentah menjadi informasi Management adalah sbeuah perencanaan dan mengawasi daripada penggunaan sumber daya untuk mencapai tujian bersama. IS penting dalam bidang adminstrasi bisnis dan managmen, serta mendorong kemampuan organisasi untuk memperlancar sebuah bisnis. Apa itu SI? Sekumpulan data dan informasi yang telah diolah, dibuat alat atau sistem untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Framework dari major area SIM: - Fundamental IS Business: - Trends in IS o 1960’s Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Management Information Systems (MIS) o 1970’s Decision Support Systems (DSS) Roles of o 1980’s End User Computing Executive Information Systems (EIS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) o 1990’s The Internet Intranets and extranets Global networks o 2000’s Business Intelligence (BI) – all applications and technologies focused on gathering and analyzing data/information for strategic business decisions Internet-based/Web-enabled enterprises – dramatically changed the capabilities of IS in business Global e-business and e-commerce – now commonplace IS is now solidly entrenched as a strategic resource in the modern organization - Peran e-bisnis dalam bisnis o E-Bisnis...
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...The Broadway Café Huey Dunomes Strayer University Information Systems for Decision Making CIS 500 The wireless technologies that underlie m-commerce may raise privacy issues. These include the increased ability to collect individualized and personal information, the ability to track visits to wireless websites, and the ability to collect locational information about consumers (ACCC, 2009). The café could benefit from collecting and tracking response rates of m-coupons seeing that it generates analysis information about the customer and the business. Analysis information that could be gathered would consist of cluster analysis, association detection, and statistical analysis (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). The first analysis that is considered helpful is cluster analysis. A cluster analysis is a technique used to divide information set into mutually exclusive groups such that the members of each group are as close together as possible to one another and the different groups are as far apart as possible. Cluster analysis is used to segment customer information…to help identify customers with similar behavioral traits, such as clusters of best customer or one-time customers (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). Custer analysis would be beneficial for m-coupons since it would market to regular customer’s items that they normally buy and one-time customer specials of the day. Second is association detection. Association detection reveals the degree to which variables are...
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...force the target network to reset or consume its resources so that it is unable to provide its intended service which will cost STC a lot of many and customers. Second,virus: It is a program that infects a computer without the user's knowledge. It can replicate itself and easily spread from one computer to another. This can inhert the employees computer in the company and it lead to customer data loss or sabotage. Third, Data tampering: By entering false, fabricated, or fraudulent data into the computer or changing or deleting existing data. This type of threat is orchestrated by insiders. It can cost STC a great deal of money because of loosing their customer base. The scale for accurance of these attack is high because STC is telecomunication company and has a very big customer base as well as it spread out over the country. So, STC has to protect their computer networks and resources, by using some number of security measures, such as encryption, firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spyware, passwords, back-ups, and biometric security for senestive data. As with any business asset, information systems hardware, software, networks, and data resources need to be protected and secured to ensure quality, performance, and beneficial use. When effective security measures are in place, they can reduce errors, fraud, and losses. 8. How does your organization achieve operational excellence in terms of customer relationship management? (3 grades) STC achieve...
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...Running head: THE BROADWAY CAFE The Broadway Cafe Ursula Wallace Strayer University Information Systems for Decision Making CIS 500 Dr. Jim Dollens The Broadway Café Introduction The Broadway Café is a family inherited coffee shop located in Atlanta, Georgia. The business specializes in coffees, teas, a full service bakery, and homemade sandwiches, soups, and salads. It was once a hotspot for many years but for the past five years the business has been declining. Although Mr. Wallace had conducted a good business in his time, it appears as though new and improves methods needed to be in place to keep the business thriving. Mr. Wallace had acquired a wealth of knowledge about the coffee business and unfortunately before he passed way he was unable to share the information with us (his heir/successor). His system for record keeping consisted of a note pad that tracked inventory along with payroll and coupons. His advertising plan was by word-of-mouth only and since he had an exceptional memory, he never recorded any family recipes or made a client list. In order to bring the Café into the 21 Century, quite a few changes need to be made. The business needs to gain a competitive advantage though technology, deploy a wireless network for customers, use CRM to implement marketing campaigns and sales strategies, and develop project management activities for implementing solutions. Competitive Advantage A competitive...
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...Running head: THE BROADWAY CAFE The Broadway Cafe Ursula Wallace Strayer University Information Systems for Decision Making CIS 500 Dr. Jim Dollens The Broadway Café Introduction The Broadway Café is a family inherited coffee shop located in Atlanta, Georgia. The business specializes in coffees, teas, a full service bakery, and homemade sandwiches, soups, and salads. It was once a hotspot for many years but for the past five years the business has been declining. Although Mr. Wallace had conducted a good business in his time, it appears as though new and improves methods needed to be in place to keep the business thriving. Mr. Wallace had acquired a wealth of knowledge about the coffee business and unfortunately before he passed way he was unable to share the information with us (his heir/successor). His system for record keeping consisted of a note pad that tracked inventory along with payroll and coupons. His advertising plan was by word-of-mouth only and since he had an exceptional memory, he never recorded any family recipes or made a client list. In order to bring the Café into the 21 Century, quite a few changes need to be made. The business needs to gain a competitive advantage though technology, deploy a wireless network for customers, use CRM to implement marketing campaigns and sales strategies, and develop project management activities for implementing solutions. Competitive Advantage A competitive advantage is product or service that...
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...History of Japan & Understanding the Communication System. Culture is “more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster” (ITIM International, 2003). Communication across culture is not an easy assignment for an international manager to learn within a short period of time especially it is an ongoing learning process. Communication is “a process of shared meaning by transmitting messages through media such as word, behavior, or material artifacts” (Deresky, 2008). Language discrepancies are an obvious factor. Likewise important are people skill as well as understanding and adapting to the social and working etiquette’s of the foreign country. Japan is one of the most well known for its culture in the world. For an international manager to work there, it is important they will have to understand and identify the Japanese communication system because Japanese communication is ambiguous. This is to eliminate any communication noise. Past history is believed to shape the culture of the country and the people identity. Japan has evolved in many era from the early Jōmon period till to the current Heisei period, their culture had also evolved. However the “most important principle will be the wa, the peace and harmony” (Deresky, 2008). Japanese tend to work as a family unit similar to working in the organization. One clear example is the rice cultivating “which they highly need cooperation from their village and...
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...------------------------------------------------- The Government and “The Cloud” DéAna Colón Project-Based Information Systems, 90.480.032, TP5 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 US Privacy Rights 3 Loss of Companies’ Products/Services 4 Government’s Cloud-Data Security 6 Negative Impact on International Relations 7 Loopholes 8 Conclusion 9 Sources 10 Figure 1: Cisco's Projected Revenue Chart 5 Figure 2: Key Stakeholders and Responsibilities for FedRAMP 7 Introduction With the technological advances made, cloud-based data storage has become a staple in businesses worldwide. Storing data using a web-based content management system offers a limitless amount of off-site storage, allowing companies to save larger amounts of data longer. The United States government currently has the unwarranted authority to read emails or access cloud-based data that has been stored for six months or more. Both positive and negative aspects are realized with this controversy. On a positive perspective, many feel the government accessing the data could be beneficial. Probing may help the government prevent terrorism in the United States. It may also provide the information needed to better forecast the country’s economic future. A disparaging concern is that companies feel the government is violating privacy rights. In addition, possible data leaks may result in a company’s loss of product or services. Ultimately, it must be decided whether the...
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