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Intj Personalities


Submitted By abergerm
Words 941
Pages 4
Personality Inventory an INTJ Consideration
Alyssa Bergermann
Eastern Michigan University

Personality Inventory an INTJ Consideration Personality tests, a long studied branch of psychology; within this long period of focus psychologists have labeled few tests as reliable staples that individuals unfamiliar with psychological backgrounds can easily interpret. The MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator test’s purpose is to take the designated personality types conceived by C.G. Jung and shift them into more understandable concepts relatable to an individual’s life (Myers & Briggs Organization, 2014). Focusing on an INTJ test result, we will compare the examinee’s personality traits to those described by her MBTI result. Evaluation of these results will confirm whether she feels the test was accurate or if she disagrees with some aspects of the test. We will also assess for areas where the examinee may feel she has learned something new about herself from the provided INTJ test score. Scoring for the MBTI involves consideration of how the examinee responds to the provided questions. These questions are reported in an analytical fashion that allows results to focus on specific personality criteria (Myers & Briggs Organization, 2014). Our results included the letters INTJ, these letters stand for the personality designations of the examinee. Considering that these results pertain to the following personality breakdown, introvert (22%), intuitive (28%), thinking (19%), and judging (47%) the examinee believed them to be somewhat untrue at first (Humanmetrics, 1998). Her main concern focused on the “judging” criteria, she immediately felt as though the test had labeled her as a judgmental personality. Upon further inquiry it turns out that the term judging, is not linked to what our examinee considered a “snobbish judgmental” individual. Instead receiving the

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