...What is Human Resource Management and Why it is Important – The Management process involves the following functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. The “people” or personnel aspects of management jobs involve conducting job analyses; planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates; selecting job candidates; orienting and training new employees; managing wages and salaries; providing incentives and benefits; appraising performance; communicating; training and developing managers; building employee commitment; being knowledgeable about equal opportunity, affirmative action, and employee health and safety; and handling grievances and labor relations. A. What Is Human Resource Management? The management process includes several functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. B. Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers? Managers don’t want to make personnel mistakes, such as hiring the wrong person, having their company taken to court because of discriminatory actions, or committing unfair labor practices. HRM can improve profits and performance by hiring the right people and motivating them appropriately. It is also possible you may spend some time as an HR Manager, so being familiar with this material is important. C. Line and Staff...
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...Team Leader Position at a World Class Financial Services Institution Contract: Full Time Salary: $90 000 + OTE- negotiable for the right candidate We are Regibank, a leading Financial Services Institution located throughout the world, with business interests focused on the Asia-Pacific Region. Our mission is to provide sound financial advice to customers and deliver 6 star services in the process. Our primary business locations are China, Singapore; New Zealand; Hong Kong; Philippines; Malaysia; India; Indonesia; South Korea; Thailand; Taiwan; Australia. As a Team Leader, you will be responsible for indoctrinating a culture based on respect and care for our valued customers whilst providing supervision and clear management to a team of 50 staff. You will report to the President of Asia-Pacific region, via your area manager. You will also oversee the development and implementation of business objectives and strategies on a local and regional level designed to provide meaningful choice and support to service users. The strategy will be geared towards customer retention We are looking for people who will instil a culture of continuous improvement, who can deliver service excellence and have a “can do” attitude. You should have excellent decision making skills and lead from the front, uniting the business as a whole. To be successful in this role, please address each selection criteria point listed below separately and include your responses to each point in the same document...
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...Chapter 5 Questions 1. What is a job analysis? Why should a company perform job analysis for the organization's jobs? Job Analysis refers to the various methods that are used to analyze the requirements of the job. Two tools used for this include the job description and mission statement of an organization. Organizations should always perform job analysis for their jobs to ensure their employee selection is valid and defensible; thus accurately measuring the requirements of the job itself in a fair and reliable way. Essentially, a valid selection procedure should effectively measure whether or not the applicant’s qualifications match those that are needed for the job, and not much more or less. 2. Describe three major methods or techniques that organizations use for job analysis process. Three major techniques utilized by organizations and companies in the job analysis process include Narrative Job Analysis, Task-Analysis Inventory, and the Position Analysis Questionnaire. Narrative Job Analysis is a narrative or descriptive set of information about a particular job or position within an organization. The quality of the information contained in the description typically depends on the writing skills of the analyst. Task-Analysis Inventory refers to a set of methods with the goal of analyzing all the tasks performed in the focal job. Once a list of tasks is developed for the job, an analyst will evaluate each task on things such as amount of time spent, frequency, etc...
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...BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - HUMAN RESOURCES DIPLOMA PROGRAM (BHR) Starting before Fall 2014 Semester 1 Fall, Winter ICA001- 2 hours Intro. to Computers Semester 2 Semester 3 Winter, Summer Fall SMS 202 - 3 hours Microcomputer Business Applications II Also available in Part-time Studies SMS212 SSC100 - 2 hours College Success Strategies ACC 106 *- 3 hours Accounting I MSC 310 - 4 hours Decision Analysis I Also available in Part-time Studies MSC312 Semester 4 Semester 5 Winter Fall HRA 722 - 4 hours Personnel Research Techniques and HRIS BUS 401 - 3 hours Economics for Human Resources Equiv. HRM722 (Part-time Studies) HRA 734 *- 4 hours Intro. Management Accounting HRA 782 *- 4 hours Recruitment and Selection Techniques Equiv. HRM732 (Part-time Studies) Equiv. BUS400 in Full-time Studies HRA 831 *- 4 hours Equiv. HRM782 (Part-time Studies) Design and Administration of Compensation Plan Equiv. HRM831 (Part-time Studies) Also available (Part-time Studies) ACC120 or ACC106 equiv. available in Part-time Studies) CAP 501 - 1 hour HRA: Career Planning Equiv. CAP500 (Full-time Studies) HRA 822 *- 4 hours HR Planning & Development HRM822 (Part-time Studies) HRA 845 *- 4 hours Industrial Relations Equiv. HRM845 (Part-time HRA 701 *- 3 hours Intro. to Human Resources Management BUS106- 3 hours Introduction to Business (BAM101 Semester 6 Winter Equiv. HRM701...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...purchasing or vendor/outside agency CT200, 201, 250; OM100 CT300 & 301; OM120, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340; OA100, 110, & 200 OM150 4. Office support duties Performs a variety of office support duties: Typing and correspondence; Filing folders; Records keeping/compilation /data entry; Preparing/processing forms, calendars, and scheduling; Mail distribution and outgoing mailings; Travel/expense vouchers; Telephone and greeting; Supplies/inventory; Updating Web site [HR410], HR295, HR420 PC965 OM150 TW100, 200; OM400 5. Administrative assistant May serve as the personal administrative assistant to an assistant dean, department head or manager Course Code Explanation Code Title CT200 Intro to Banner Admin: The Internet Native Banner Financial System CT201 Introduction to...
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...Vries | ID: 118424 INTRO TO IB KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS Conceptual Foundations of International Business Strategy 1. Internationally transferable FSAs . Tacit knowledge = personal knowledge MNE’s heritage=key routines developed by the firm since its inception. 4 archetypes of administrative heritage: • Centralized exporter=only exporting the standardized product, no activity in host country. • International projector=FSAs from home country copied, no development of new ones. • International coordinator=different parts of the production process in different countries. • Multi-centered MNE=does everything(produce, sell, etc.) in the host country. 2. Non-transferable or location bound FSAs. 4 types of non-transferable FSAs: • Stand-alone resources=linked to location advantages. Such as certain immobile markets. • Other resources=such as local marketing knowledge, don’t have same value abroad. • Local best practices=routines which are highly effective at home, not the same abroad. • Recombination capabilities=taking FSAs/products from home and adapt it to host country. 3. Location advantages. !Strengths of a location, useable for all the firm’s operations in that location. !The reason why an MNE should go there. Foreign direct investment(FDI)=the allocation of resource bundles by an MNE in a host country with the purpose of performing business activities over which MNE contains strategic control. 4 motivations to perform activities abroad: • Natural resource seeking. • Market seeking...
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...Human Resources Management | COMPENSATION POLICIES | Definition, Systems and Applications | Team 4:Sílvia DuarteJoão LimaLuís NetoHussan Shihabi Authors Note:This analysis is being submitted on November the 12th, 2015 for the Human Resources Management taught by Rocio Bonet for the Magellan MBA 2015-2016 program at Porto Business School – Associação EGP Universidade do Porto. | Table of Contents 1. INTRO 3 What is Compensation? 3 2. WHAT INFLUENCES COMPENSATION POLICIES? 3 3. INCENTIVE APPLICATIONS 4 4. EQUITY-BASED COMPENSATION 4 5. EXECUTIVE PENSITION-BENEFIT, WELFARE-BENEFIT AND PERQUISITE PROGRAMS 5 6. CASE APPLICATION: GOOGLE 5 7. CONCLUSION 5 Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back next morning. Narayana Murthy 1. INTRO What is Compensation? Compensation is a methodology to provide monetary value to employees in companies in exchange for work performed. In the case of human resource management, compensation is can be as money and other benefits received by an employee for providing services to his employer. Money and benefits received may be in different forms. A compensation can be divided in four great categories. It can be classified as direct and indirect compensations. As direct method there as cash compensations they can be delivered as guaranteed pay, a fixed monetary reward paid by the company to its employees, the common form is a base salary. Other...
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...Political Frame: Intro to frame: The political frame assumes that competition for scarce resources creates an emphasis on power, conflict, and organizational politics. (Roddy 2010) subordinates contesting decisions. Shafritz, Ott, and Jang (2005) offer a definition of power: “Power is the ability to get things done the way one wants them done; it is the latent ability to influence people” (p. 284). There are two basic benefits to understanding organizations through this definition. First, this definition emphasizes the relativity of power. Second, it reminds the reader that conflict and use of power are often not about outcomes, but rather methods, means, and approaches (Shafritz, Ott, & Jang, 2005). {Roddy:2010th} organizations are redefined as “complex systems of individuals and coalitions, each having its own interests, beliefs, values, preferences, perspectives, and perceptions” (Shafritz, Ott, & Jang, 2005, p. 283). {Roddy:2010th} The political frame is rooted in the power and politics organizational theory which describes organizations as places where power is exercised in the allocation of scarce resources (Durocher, 1996). The source of this power is found through authority, expertise, controlling rewards, and personal power or characteristics (such as charisma, intelligence, communications skills, etc.) (Bolman & Deal, 1984). {Roddy:2010th} many have gone on to define politics as the tactics and strategies actors use to articulate...
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...Administration office to arrange a meeting with a faculty advisor to discuss the impact of the change. Generally you graduate under the rules in place when you enter or re-enter the BBA program. You have entered the BBA program when you declare your major on MyTrent. You should retain a copy of the declaration for your records. Level 1000 Courses Normally Offered Completed, In Progress, Plan to take in (term): Required FA WI ADMN 1000H - Contemporary Issues in Mgmt X ADMN 1021H- Financial Accounting I X X ECON 1010H - Intro micro economics X X ECON 1020H- Intro macro economics X X Electives Level 2000 Courses Normally Offered Completed, In Progress, Plan to take in (term): Required FA WI ADMN 2010H - Management Skills X ADMN 2021H- Financial Accounting II X X ADMN 2100H - Intro to marketing X X ADMN 2220H- Organizational Behaviour X X ADMN 2510H - Organization Theory X X ADMN-ECON 2200H- Intro to...
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...3U Evolution unit Plan | Focus | Homework/reference | 1. | Evolution intro and Darwin (computer lab) | Fill in handout-show Mrs. Wild when done. | 2. | 7.1 Developing the theory-a game of telephone…-What is a theory?-evolution defined | 7.1 p.186- Do #1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14 p.194+ fill in handout with PP-early ideas leading up to Darwin’s time | 3. | 7.1 Cont. Darwin, Wallace, Malthus, Lyell,…Natural selection | -observations/hypothesis from Galapagos islands-create visual reminder of 4 main points of Natural selection | 4. | “survival of the fittest” game | Create timeline, contributing ideas on evolution (include names discussed in day 3) | 5. | 7.2 Evidence –fossil record | 7.2 # 1-5 p. 209 | 6. | 7.2 Evidence -Biogeography | 7.2 # 6-10 p.209 | 7. | 8.2 Evidence –comparative anatomy -comparative dev, +molecular | Evidence to support Natural selection self-note (on handout) | 8. | 8.1 Mechanisms of Evolution intro +-Selection | 8.1 #1-5 p.223 | 9. | 8.1 Mechanisms cont. -Genetic drift, flow, mutations | 8.1 #6-8, 11 p.223 | 10. | Microevolution gizmo | -sciencelucas1 login/password to explorelearning.com | 11. | 8.1 review + (Quiz to come, day 12-14) Mimicry, etc. | 8.2 read and answer 2-4, 7-10, 12 p. 232 | 12. | 8.2 + reproductive barriers note | 8.3 do #4-8 p 237 | 13. | How old is it? PP 9.1 Timeline of earth | Powerpoint and worksheet “How old is it?”-start time line activity9...
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...1.1 (Intro.) CS-M74 Software Product Development (2003-4) 1.2 (Intro.) Roger D Stein BSc PhD MBCS CEng CITP R.D.Stein@swansea.ac.uk Room 302, Faraday Tower 1.3 (Intro.) CS-M74 Pre-requisites • CS-M01 Distributed Programming in Java 1.4 (Intro.) Assessment Report 10% Linux / C 10% Group Project 20% Project Specification 30% Written Examination (May/June) 30% Lectures approx. 20 in total ((plus tutorials)) TB1 Tues. 9.00 Far-L ? Andy Gimblett (3 Linux + 6 C) [with CS-244] Wed. 11.00 Glyn-A ? Roger Stein (start on 5 November) TB2 Lectures Linux /C 9 Introduction 1 Ethics 1 Legal Issues 1 Project Management 2 (Group Project 2) Software Engineering 4 1.4 (Intro.) Books B. Ayres, The Essence of Professional Issues in Computing, Prentice-Hall, 1999 S Baase, A Gift of Fire, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 2003 B. Hughes and M. Cotterell, Software Project Management, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002 R. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000 I. Summerville, Software Engineering, 6th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001 1.5 (Intro.) Why Software Engineering? “Engineering … to define rudely but not inaptly, is the art of doing that well with one dollar, which any bungler can do with two after a fashion” - Arthur Mellen Wellington, The Economic Theory...
Words: 3498 - Pages: 14
...STRONG ASSIGNMENT Career Exploration The purpose of this assignment is for you to critically reflect upon the results of your Strong Interest Inventory, as well as to explore any pre-existing majors or occupations of interest. For this assignment, you will identify and examine majors and occupations to begin evaluating how they may fit with your interests, abilities, or values. Part 1: Objective: To identify the details of occupations of interest to you and to begin evaluating how they fit with your interests, abilities, or values. (3 points) Directions: Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook to research and indicate 5 items for each of the categories in the tables below. At least one of the occupations you research must derive from the results of your Strong Interest Inventory. • Occupational Outlook Handbook: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/ OCCUPATION #1: ______Financial Manager__________ | |What They Do/ Duties |How To Become One/ Education |How To Become One/ Important Qualities |Work Environment/ Work Schedule | |1. |Responsible for financial health of | |Have to have a lot of previous experience in the |Works typically in an office or bank setting | | |organization |Bachelor’s degree |financial world to be successful ...
Words: 1961 - Pages: 8
...organizing function of management - Selecting, training, and evaluating the workforce An important strategic tool * HRM helps establish an organization's sustainable competitive advantage Development of early HRM - 1900 - (scientific management): time-and-motion studies required training - 1923 - (human relations movement): western electric company studies * Behavioral sciences Hattorn experiment From: Personnel management (operations, focus on payment, contracts, selection) To: human resource management (strategic, focus on org, HR should support strategy) To: Human Capital management (employees are most important asset, human capital: balance sheet) More emphasis on: Development Education Own responsibility Four main activities: Staffing, retention, development, adjustment Line manager are directly responsible for the output of the company Staff managers support the line and are indirectly responsible the resource of the company Recruitment process (example with Heineken ) Equal opportunity - all people have rights to job (no discrimination) Affirmative action - if 2 people are equal you have to choose one with minority Intro Study Experience Alignment - pointing people in the right direction Engagement - developing beliefs and commitment to the organization purpose and direction Measurement - kpi Eliminating candidates - selection...
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...Intro-200/300 akash ki marketing strategy ka intro Promotional plan1500/marketing strategy 300 conclusion Indian has skipped yet another due date for the release of much-hyped globe's most affordable item PC - Aakash 2 - the desire venture of human resources growth reverend Kapil Sibal, even as the hang on carries on for the nation's 220 thousand learners. In April, Sibal had created a dedication that the product would be ready by end of May. Priced at about Rs 2,276, Sibal had placed the new and enhanced edition of Aakash as an academic aid for Native indian learners. He had also reiterated in the Lok Sabha that the govt is operating on an enhanced item after the first one turned out to be a wet squib due to low power supply lifespan and slowly processer speed. An email question to the minister's office on position of Aakash 2 stayed un answered. But authorities operating on the venture informed ET on the situation of privacy that the pills and associated applications are being examined at the Native indian Institution of Technological innovation in Mumbai. Amidst much excitement, Sibal had first discussed the item truly. The plan then was to make a cheap laptop available to academic institutions by Jan 2011, but that was not to be as HCL Infosystems, the company that had been shortened to produce, supported out. Consequently, in Feb, the govt chosen Canada-based Datawind for the $35-tablet venture. Indian Institution for Technological innovation, Rajasthan...
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...Review Test Submission: Quiz 1 (30 pts) Skip to Course Menu Skip to Top Frame Tabs Content User | Jason Roy Nickels | Course | Intro To Business | Test | Quiz 1 (30 pts) | Started | 7/11/15 4:53 PM | Submitted | 7/11/15 5:44 PM | Status | Completed | Attempt Score | 27 out of 30 points | Time Elapsed | 51 minutes out of 1 hour. | Instructions | This quiz consist of 10 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapter 1. Be sure you are in Chapter 1 when you take the quiz. | * Question 1 3 out of 3 points | | | Human resources include theAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | physical, intellectual, and creative contributions of individuals working within an economy. | Correct Answer: | physical, intellectual, and creative contributions of individuals working within an economy. | | | | | * Question 2 3 out of 3 points | | | Given the importance of _____ to workforce effectiveness, some business experts, such as management guru Peter Drucker, separate this factor from human resources.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | knowledge | Correct Answer: | knowledge | | | | | * Question 3 0 out of 3 points | | | To be successful, entrepreneurs must be comfortable risking their money and _____ to start and manage a business.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | freedom | Correct Answer: | time | | | | | * Question 4 3 out of 3 points | | | The hard sell or aggressive persuasion...
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