...Here is my screenshot of my review Monocular Cue | Definition | Describe, in detail, how it is placed in your painting | 1. Relative Height | How we perceive objects higher in our field of vision as farther away | The buildings in the back of my painting seem to be larger and taller than the rest of the things in my painting because they are farther away from my field of vision | 2. Relative Size | Assume two objects are similar in size, people will perceive the one that is smaller to be farther away | The people in the front and the back are the same size, but the ones in the back seem to be smaller because they are placed farther away | 3. Linear Perspective | Parallel lines appear to meet in the distance | All of the details in the back of my picture seem to look like they meet together because it is getting smaller in the back so it looks like they are meeting together, when they probably are far away from each other | 4. Interposition | One object partially blocks our view of another, we perceive it to be closer | The buildings in the front are blocking the view of the rest of the buildings in the back of the picture along with the trees that are in the back. | 5. Light and Shadow | Shading produces a sense of depth consistent with our assumption that light comes from above | The shading with the buildings in the front of the picture appear to be darker than the buildings in the back of the pictures, along with the ledge looks to be darker...
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...INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (McLeod, 2015) Psychodynamic approach includes human functioning that drives within the unconscious and between different structures of personality. The understanding of human behaviour is called ‘psychoanalysis’. (Freud, 1939), the father of psychology, assumed that mental illnesses wasn’t something to be treated medically but by what has come to be known as psychodynamic therapy. He advocated that the unconscious mind could influence the mental illness whilst recovering (Cardwell, 1996). This approach to psychoanalysis is demonstrated in his treatment of Anna O. Freud assumed that mental illnesses wasn’t something to be treated medically but by therapy. He implicated that unconscious mind could influence the mental illness whilst recovering (Cardwell, 1996). He diagnosed her illness as hysteria and developed a form of therapy to treat her symptoms (Webster, 2015). (Cardwell, 2004) Freud compared the mind to an iceberg with the water above being the conscious and the water beneath the unconscious part of the mind. The id - the primary part of personality follows pleasure and gratification, and dominates the unconscious part of the mind. Ego - driven by reality principles and penalties of an action dominates the conscious mind. Superego contains conscience and guilt, and also dwells mostly in the conscious mind. The superego develops as we become aware of societal rules. (Cardwell, 1996) According to Freud we have two drives which are sex and...
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...Material Introduction to Psychology Worksheet Complete each part with 100- to 200-word responses. Your responses must total 500 to 800-words for the entire worksheet. Part I: Origins of Psychology Within psychology, several perspectives are used to describe, predict, and explain human behavior. Describe three major psychological perspectives and name at least one leading theorist for each. Three major psychological perspectives are behavioral, sociocultural, and cognitive. The behavioral perspective views behavior as the result of environment experience. Environmental experience is basically all of a person’s life experiences that they have been subjected to in the past, and also the new experiences that will take part in their behavior. The behavioral perspective gained great momentum in the 20th century because it was a powerful tool in training, education, and industry. Critics claimed that behaviorism was dehumanizing. (John B. Watson, http://www.ccis.edu/, 5/17/13) and others conducted a thorough explication of Classical Conditioning and B. F. Skinner, responding somewhat to the critics of behaviorisms dehumanization, explained and expertly defended the processes of Operant Conditioning. Basically based off of a person’s environment will depict the way that they may behave. The cognitive perspective focuses mainly on the cognitive processes that are involved in learning, also on how a person’s brain works. It’s a form of psychology that examines internal mental...
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...While there are many behaviors in my life that I am not particularly thrilled with, there was one I want to change right now. So I decided to chose it for this paper. The behavior I want to change is biting my nails There are lots of reasons to stop biting my nails, but even knowing these reasons to stop it can be hard. Some of the main reasons I want to change are because my hands will look a lot better if I do not have jagged, short, obviously bitten nails. Biting nails can be painful too. Imagine that feeling when you pull a hangnail, except it is all across your nail. It sucks, especially when the nail is already short. After I graduate from Grand Canyon I plan to go straight into business, specifically communications. In the business world appearances are of the utmost importance, chewed and ugly nails would be unacceptable. Finally the biggest reason for me personally is the fact that girls notice bitten nails. I know girls who say one of the things they look at first is nail care on a guy. Being a teenage male, I do not want to jeopardize any chance that I might potentially have with a girl. Now that I have chosen a habit and listed some reasons to change, I need to look at what some of the triggers might be. I spent a lot of time thinking about what these could be and the ones I came up with were mostly along the same lines. I tend to chew my nails when I find myself in stressful situations. Math has always been a stressful subject for me and I find that when I...
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...Kristen Axon PSY 170 Hernandez September 11, 2014 An Important Part of the Brain All in all, the brain is one of the most important and vital organs in the body. Without it humans (and other living things) would be unable to function or live. And with the brain comes the various areas that control functions within it, including the medulla oblongata. In basic terms it works the “automatic processes” such as “breathing, blood circulation, swallowing, blinking, etc.” (notes). If the medulla did not exist, neither would we because it controls main methods of surviving. I feel the medulla is part of the most essential pieces in the brain and support this by identifying its role in more depth, explaining where it is located and its general shape, and also clarifying the functions and malfunctions that can occur with it. As explained, I feel the medulla is highly important. It allows living things (that have a developed brain) to survive. In a Wikipedia excerpt on the medulla oblongata it describes how the medulla itself is connected to the “lower half of the brain stem which is continuous with the spinal cord” and it runs from the spinal cord to the pons (Wikipedia). The pons “include sensory roles in hearing, equilibrium, and taste, and in facial sensations, as well as motor roles in eye movement, facial expressions, chewing, swallowing, and the secretion of saliva and tears” (Wikipedia). These are other important survival needs for living creates, such as humans. And the...
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...(9 cr.) Done: ENGL 1010 Crit Read and Expository Writing ENGL 1020 Crit Thinking and Argument Take one of the following (one of these must be taken and will count as the speech req, but not an Oral Intensive. If an additional one is taken it will count as Oral Intensive): SPCH 1300 General Speech SPCH 2300 Public Speaking SPCH 2320 Arg & Debate (meets A&S req) History (6 cr.) Done: HIST 2010 The United States to 1877 HIST 2020 The United States Since 1877 Using Information Technology (3 cr.) Done: CSCI 1100 or pass exam (schedule exam at: http://www.cs.etsu.edu/academics/signup) Science (8 cr.) Done: A sequence of 2 courses in the same field is required by A&S (e.g., biology). Psychology requires at least one biology course. Students can take two biology courses or two other lab courses and one biology. Take two of these BIOL or two other lab sciences in the same discipline and one of these BIOL: BIOL 1010-1011 Biology for Non-majors I BIOL 1020-1021 Biology for Non-majors I BIOL 1110-1111 Bio for majors I BIOL 1120-1121 Bio for majors II BIOL 1130-31 Bio for majors III Other lab science: Other lab science: Literature (3 cr.) Done: Take one of the following: ENGL 2030 Literary Heritage ENGL 2110 American Literature I ENGL 2120 American Literature II ENGL 2210 British Literature I (W) ENGL 2220 British Literature II (W) ENGL...
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...Human Services, Psychology, and Criminal Justice. When I started attending school, I hadn’t narrowed down what field I really wanted to focus on. The following two tables will show what classes I have taken as required for core classes as well as major specific classes. I have highlighted, in yellow, the top five most influential classes that have inspired me in one way or another. CORE CLASSES Lecture Project Discussion Field Work Experimentation Research Senior Seminar x The Ancient World x Intro to Literature of the New Testament x Spanish I x Statistics for Social Sciences x Lifetime Fitness and Wellness x Music Appreciation x National Government x Survey of Math w/ Applications x Analysis of Text x New Student Seminar x Environmental Science x Development of Civilization x Intro to Speech Communication x Business Math x Composition I x MAJOR Lecture Project Discussion Field Work Experimentation Research Personality Theory and Assessment x Women and Crime x Intro to Philosophy x Techniques of Individual and Group Counseling x Psychology and Religion x Human Sexuality x Internship x Counseling Theories x Human Development x Addictive Behaviors x Abnormal Psychology x Intro to Human Services x Psychology Intro to Sociology x Gangs of America x Ancient Arts x Intro to Sociology...
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...Scientific Article 1 Intro to Psychology Risk-takers are smarter according to new study In a recent study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), images taken of the brains of young men revealed major differences in what is called “white matter” between two separate groups of participants. The University of Turku in Finland under the direction of SINTEF claims young men that make quick decisions in risky situations have a highly developed neural network and are “smarter” than low risktakers. First each participant was given a personality test to assess the risk-taking propensity and susceptibility to peer influence. By doing this the researcher was able to separate the 17 right-handed, 18-19 year old males into two groups, high and low risk takers. The two groups reported to the Department of Radiology of the Turku University Hospital for two practice sessions. During the sessions they were shows a driving game with sets of 20 stop-light intersections. They learned how to play the game and then reported back for four testing sessions in an MRI scanner. The first two sessions were performed under a non-competition social setting and the last two sessions by surprise were under social pressure of a peer competition situation. Measurements were taken of the participants at each moment that decisionmaking took place wether to stop at the yellow light or try and make it through. Results showed that high risk-takers didn't hesitate for long before they...
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...from 1908 to 1970. He was a motivational theorist who promoted the concept of humanistic psychology. He was interested in the concept of self-actualization. He came up with several traits of individuals that are considered to be self actualized. Abraham Maslow believed that there are several levels of needs a person must meet before achieving the highest level of personal fulfillment which is self-actualization. "What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization...It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." Abraham Maslow. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a pyramid of needs starting with basic physiological needs and ending with self-actualization needs; basic needs must be met first. Hierarchy makes sense to me because it seems like a matter of putting priorities of life in order. Things happen in life that throw us as humans of our personal path of priorities and until we deal with the issue that throw us off our course we cannot get back on focus of achieving our original goals. We have to self motivated in order to stay focused on our potential. | As listed in Motivation and Emotion – Interactive Tutorial Pearson Learning Solutions Intro to Psychology: Maslow's series of needs are represented as a pyramid with the most basic needs for survival...
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...Chlorite Street, Elardus Park, 0181, Pretoria Student number: 55128920 Paper code: PYC4811 Unique Assignment no: 536709 Assignment: 01 Contents Page * Introduction pg.3 * Historical Background & Development pg.3 * Similarities between Community Psychology and Public Health pg.4 * Limitations and Differences between Community Psychology and Public Health pg.6 * Conclusion pg.7 * Reference List pg.8 Introduction According to Perkins (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/perkins/2011/09/intro-to-community-psychology/) community psychology (CP) can be defined as the relationship between social systems and individual well-being in the community context. Thus, community psychologists grapple with an array of social and mental health problems and they do so through research and interventions in both public and private community settings. PH on the other hand according to Last (cited in Gilbert, 1995) can be defined as one of the efforts organised by society to protect, promote and restore...
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...allow me to qualify for this scholarship. Currently, I am attending Mott Community College as a dual-enrollment student. I plan to finish my two-year there and transfer to a university for the rest of my education. Also, my mother is completely supportive of my decisions for my future and she has been my inspiration to continue pursuing the careers I have chosen to go to college for. My current schedule at Mott Community College consists of two classes per semester through dual-enrollment. The school pays for the costs of each class, but I am responsible to pay for the books needed for my classes. I have completed and passed Intro to Business and Intro to Law Enforcement. This semester, I am currently enrolled in Business Law and Human Relations Skills. I am in the process of deciding my career path in the Criminal Justice field and the Criminal Psychology field. After I receive my associates degree from Mott Community College, I plan to take my credits and transfer them to either Central Michigan University or Saginaw Valley...
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...Health Psychology - Fall 2012 PSYCH 242, Section 4 T & Th 4:10 - 5:25 pm (HW 619) Textbook: Health Psychology by Shelley Taylor (8th ed.) Additional readings will be posted on blackboard at least a week before they are to be read for class. Course Overview: This course will provide an introduction to the field of health psychology, which is concerned with the roles of behavioral/lifestyle, psychological and social factors on health, illness and chronic disease. The course will address four general subject areas: 1) attitudes, behavior, and lifestyle factors affecting disease prevention and development; 2) stress and the related psychological and social processes associated with disease development and progression; 3) social and psychological factors involved in the illness experience; and 4) long-term social and psychological implications of chronic illness (e.g., heart disease, cancer). Grading Criteria: Attendance (5%): You are allowed three unexcused absences. Quizzes (10%): To ensure you are keeping up with the reading, there will be periodic pop quizzes. Homework (15%): Throughout the semester I will give some short homework assignments to be turned in at the start of class time on the date due. Exams (75)%: There will be four exams. I will drop one. Academic Integrity: “Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against...
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...Unit 1 Seminar Option 2 Assignment Jeremy Pauken, Intro to Psychology Kaplan University I watched the seminar and I found it to be very helpful. This is my third class at Kaplan and I have found that time management and close attention to detail are the most helpful things that you can do to be successful in your classes. A lot of the information on the seminar I already was familiar with, but it also had some very helpful clues on how to achieve a high grade in the class and gain the most information and how to benefit most from the information that we are taught and receive. I think that the syllabus was very forward and to the point. I had no issue with how the grading scale was going to be for the duration of the class as well as the platform that the class was going to be presented as and all the dates of the seminars. I also like how it was broken down and shown how all of the discussions and assignments and quizzes would be applied towards our grade. I can honestly say that after reviewing the syllabus I am fully aware of how the class will be ran and I am confident with that information that I have all the tools I need to do well in this class. Some of the theories that have molded the field of psychology and dominated the field are Behaviorism, Cognitive Dissonance, and the Attachment Theory. Behaviorism is based on the belief that behaviors can be measured, trained and changed. ( John B. Watson 1930.) Cognitive Dissonance is used to describe the feelings of discomfort...
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...Alexis Martinez Dr. Easton Intro to Psych Life and works of Mary Calkins Born to a Wolcott and Charlotte Whiton Calkins, Mary Calkins was the start of her mother and fathers five-child family entering the world on March 30th 1863 in Hartford, Connecticut. Mary’s father developed a strong family structure and kept the family intertwined and close to each other. Even through her college years she took influences from her father about her education and began Smith College in 1882 only have finished and graduated in 1884 with a degree in philosophy and Greek studies, however Mary didn’t end her education there. Naturally Mary attempted to attain a job revolving around her degree, which she landed at the Wellesley College as a tutor in the Greek department. Her successes shined as a tutor for three years all the way through to a fellow colleague who offers Calkins an opportunity to expand into the psychology. Terms of advancement were for Mary to study Psychology for a year and in turn be able to teach it for the department at Wellesley. Mary had many reputable schools to have chose from to attend as a student for her second go around of studies however ended up as guest sit in student to Harvard University in lectures given by Josiah Royce and William James. Living in an era where women did have some opportunities those did not extend to women being registered students at Harvard. In her studies Calkins battled Harvard for her well-earned degree after completed all requirements...
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...Modernism and the Visual Arts Must Knows I.Jane Avril II.Toulouse Lautrec III.Post Impressionism (France) 1. This artist embraced the concept of the Demi-Monde which was the late night meeting place of the intellectuals and the emotionally troubled and as well upper class social society and lower class social society. 2.Inspired by Japanese print making and Manet’s summery modelling, this artist revolutionized commercial advertising art and brought the common poster into the ranks of high classical comparison. I.Starry Night II.Van Gogh III.Impressionism (France) 1.This artist largely self taught continues the angst occupied ideas of the biblical so called doomsday philosophy typical of the last 2 decades of each century in western culture for more than 1000 years 2. The artists passionate style looks forward to the birth of expressionism in the 20th century and his subconscience death related symbolism looks forward to the birth of a symbolist movement in the 20th century. The artist is therefor called both a proto expressionist and a proto symbolist I.Mount Sainte Victoire II.Cezanne III.Post impressionism (France) 1.On the one hand Cezanne flattens out the picture plane by largely using Manet’s idea of summery modelling and it emphasizes the concept of art for arts sake simply defining a painting as being pigment on a 2 demential surface. 2.Cezanne returns the illusion of 3 dimensional space by using the theory of advancing and receiving...
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