...OSA - TOM. 348 HUMANIORA Essays on Business and Leadership Ethics Tuomo Takala TURUN YLIOPISTO UNIVERSITY OF TURKU Turku 2012 ISBN 978-951-29-5010-2 (PRINT) ISBN 978-951-29-5011-9 (PDF) ISSN 0082-6987 Painosalama Oy – Turku, Finland 2012 A note from the writer I was born in 1955 and am a professor of management and leadership at the University of Jyväskylä, with a solid academic track record. My main academic work has been research in the area of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on my research I have written around a hundred publications, of which about fifty can be seen as scientifically significant, in one way or another. I started as a business leadership major at the University of Jyväskylä in 1977. General studies sparked my interest in philosophy, and in time I became more and more interested in it. I graduated as a Master of Economics in 1982, at which point I had already done Advanced studies in Philosophy. Nevertheless, I did my postgraduate studies in economics and began to study corporate societal responsibility in 1983. At the same time I continued my studies in philosophy and graduated as a M.Sc (Philosophy) in 1986, the same year when I finished my licentiate’s work on societal responsibility for the Business Studies program in the University of Jyväskylä (Ph.D in Economics 1991). At that time, I was already also interested in the thematic of business ethics. These fields were not popular in economics...
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...Ethics KEY TERM and WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN IT Ethics is the key term chosen this week to research, secondary to the significant relevance ethics plays in all aspects of life. As a child, it was emphasized what was right and wrong, good and bad, to be the best one can be, and to make sure the decisions that are made are based on a common set of values and principles. As an adult, the adherence to these values has played a fundamental role in my own success as a business leader in my profession. EXPLANATION OF KEY TERM The general definition of ethics is ”the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation” (Satterlee, 2009, p. 48). Every culture in the world will have some form of ethics and the society would have a set of values or moral duties and obligations. In some instances, these values may become law. Many of these moral values are based on a religion; for example, Christianity refers to the Ten Commandments, which forms a set of values. Some ethics are secular in nature. In business, ethics plays a major role on how companies act in relation to their core values. A world viewpoint would look at international business ethics as compared to domestic business ethics. The international business ethics would focus on the culture of that society along with their values and core beliefs. With our growing global economy, it is important to understand the ethical duties and obligations for businesses wishing to conduct business...
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...Ulta Beauty Organizational Ethics Debra Anderson RES/316 August 10, 2015 Peter Fortuna Ulta Beauty Organizational Ethics INTRODUCTION Everyone in business is worried about doing what is right and not be seen as being in the wrong. There has been a lot of attention focused on ethics and integrity in business these days. Every organization is driving and pushing for changes in these areas. Any thoughts of quick-fixes for ethical behavior in businesses can be scary, but good ethical behavior for any business is fundamental for its success. For entrepreneurs, ethical conduct is usually missed or ignored. Many business experts regard ethics as something to be preached, but not acted on and therefore makes it even more unethical. According to Suttle and Demand Media, Organizational ethics is the principals and standards by which businesses operate. They are best demonstrated through acts of fairness, compassion, integrity, honor and responsibility. The key for business owners and executives is ensuring that all employees understand these ethics. One of the best ways to communicate organizational ethics is by training employees on company standards. With these thoughts in mind, we need to address organizational ethics with awareness and support for all involved within the organization. EXTERNAL SOCIAL PRESSURE External social pressures have driven most companies in business to be aware of the expectations on them to act in a manner that is ethically correct. They...
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...Policies and Conduct Ethics at Ruby Tuesdays Karen Dodds John Kell BUS 100 September 7, 2014 Policies and Conduct Ethics at Ruby Tuesdays. Having the responsibility of CEO of Ruby Tuesdays I feel it is important that I explain to all employees the policies and code of ethics that we will inspire to at this restaurant. First, we will discuss key areas of Ruby Tuesdays code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business. Next, I will Explain the key steps that will be take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct. And finally, we will discuss three ways in which we as a restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which we operate. It is important that you understand and follow these policies as our goal is "to provide great value to our guests and a great working environment for our Team Members by reflecting our core values of Quality, Passion, and Pride in everything the Company does" (Ruby Tuesdays, 2008). In order to adequately display Ruby Tuesdays core values in your daily work, you will need to follow certain policies. These policies are fundamental principals of decent human behavior. Ethics, as described in Introduction to Business, include sets of beliefs about right and wrong such as equality, human rights, obeying the laws, concern for health and safety, and the environment. Though "your individual ethics stems from who you are as a human being, your family, your social group, and your culture" (...
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...Management Planning Paper Eugene R. Vazquez MGT/230 May 30th, 2013 Prof. Gabriel Medina, MBA Management Planning Paper Boeing Corporation as my example Table of contents Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Evaluate Planning Function of Management------------------------------------------------------------2 Analyze Influence on Management Planning -----------------------------------------------------------3 Analyze Factors that Influence the Boeing Corporation Planning------------------------------------4 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 INTRODUCTION I will evaluate the planning function of management by using the Boeing Corporation as an example in my paper. I will analyze the influence that legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility has had on management planning at the Boeing Corporation. I will also analyze the factors that influence the strategic, tactical, operational and contingency planning at the Boeing Corporation. PLANNING FUNCTION The planning function is a process which begins with a situation analysis of external and internal forces affecting the corporation. This situation analysis identifies the problem and diagnose the solution which will bring alternative solutions for the corporation. The next step...
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...Introduction According to philosophers the field of ethics comprises of systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Dino Lobaton has a definition and states that the"standard definitions of ethics have typically included such phrases as 'the science of the ideal human character' or 'the science of moral duty”. WhereasRichard William Paul and Linda Elder define ethics as "a set of concepts and principles that guide us in determining what behavior helps or harms sentient creatures". Deducing from the line defined by several parties to develop the concept we can come up with a definition for business ethics, it can be defined the yard sticks, criteria and standards that guide behavior in the world ofbusiness. Ethics forms an integral part of day-to-day business transaction, this is because the business transactions are handy in every society and this form the backbone of mutual interdependence and survival. Ethical values and legal principles are usually closely related, Ethics is different from law because it involves no formal sanctions. In some cases, the law mandates unethical conducts and they are not punishable but the state. Unethical behavior or a lack of corporate social responsibility, by comparison, may damage a firm's reputation and make it less appealing to stakeholders.Whenever the topic of business ethics is introduced we can almost always think of the positive side of the topic, e.g. how it will build trust and increase the...
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...View of Business Ethics Summary Paper of My ‘Ethical Position’ From My Experience, Knowledge And What I Have Gleaned From The Business Ethics Class. ABSTRACT The ability to recognize and deal with complex business ethics issues has become a significant priority in twenty-first century companies. In recent years, a number of well publicized scandals resulted in public outrage about deception and fraud in business and a demand for improved business ethics and greater corporate responsibility. The publicity and debate surrounding highly visible legal and ethical lapses at a number of well known firms, including AIG, Countrywide Financial and Fannie Mae, highlight the need for businesses to integrate ethics and responsibility into all business decisions. The field of business ethics deals with questions about whether specific business practices are acceptable. For example, should a salesperson omit facts about a product’s poor safety records in sales presentation to a client? Should an accountant report inaccuracies that he or she discovered in an audit of a client, knowing the auditing company will probably be fired by the client for doing so? Should an automobile tire manufacturer intentionally conceal safety concerns to avoid a massive and costly tire recall? Regardless of their legality, others will certainly judge the actions taken in such situations as right or wrong, ethical or unethical. By this very nature, the field of business ethics is controversial...
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... ETH/316 Michael Scott Due June 30, 2014 Question #1 Introduction Ethics are considered the science in which one bases their beliefs, while morals are the choices made based on those beliefs. To be considered a virtuous person one must understand and demonstrate the “acceptable” beliefs of their society, by maintaining their personal character traits and standards, and by making and demonstrating good choices in their personal and professional lives. A person who is ethical and moral may not be considered virtuous, because of the differences between the three concepts. Virtuous Virtuous is used to describe a person who strives for excellence, in both their ethical and moral behaviors. Virtue, demonstrated as one who has good character traits, is often associated with ethical and moral beliefs, which is necessary for people to function in society with distinction. Virtuous examples are demonstrated in one who shows honesty, forgiveness, kindness, and respectfulness; among other exemplary character traits. A person who is virtuous shows commitment to doing the right thing, no matter what the cost; personal or not. Someone who is virtuous does not bend to desires, urges, or impulses, but acts according to their principles and values. Ethics Ethics are the rules and principles that govern the actions of people in comparative societies, while morality may differ from person to person. Ethics are described in our reading as, “what constitutes right and wrong...
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...Nova Southeastern University Wayne Huizenga Graduate School Of Business & Entrepreneurship Assignment for Course: – Legal, Ethical and Social Value of Business Submitted to: Professor Submitted by: Muzna Ali Date of Submission: March 2012 Title of Assignment: Term paper CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared specifically by us for this course. ************************************************************* Instructor’s Grade on Assignment: Instructor’s Comments: Integrating Values - The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of Bodog Online Gambling- Legal and Moral Issues Table of Contents Abstract- Muzna Ali………………………………….………………………………………...…4 Introduction- Muzna Ali………………..………………………………...……………………….5 Introduction to Legal Section- Byron Creech……………………..…….………………..……….6 Utilitarian Ethical Analysis – Wendy Burrion……………….……………………………...
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...Ethical Conduct Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Kenyetta Keys BUS 100 - Intro to Business Professor Gillian Martin December 15, 2013 Ethics by definition, according to BUSN Introduction to Business, refers to sets of beliefs about right and wrong good and bad. Ethics are the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct. Ethics include universal values such as equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obeying the laws, concern for health and safety, and the environment. Business ethics involve the application of these issues in the workplace. Social responsibility, again according to BUSN Introduction to Business, is the obligation of a business to contribute to society. Being socially responsible means that people and businesses must behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. Social responsibility is the obligation of a business towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates. This paper will describe key areas of the Chipotle’s code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, explain key steps that should be taken to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct, and suggest ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates. Let’s start off with some background information about the restaurant. Chipotle...
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...Introduction The history of business ethics is as old as the religious books like the Bible and the holy Quran. These religious books have talked about truthfulness, transparency and honesty among people. The prohibition of theft, self-interest at the cost of others, and malice in these religious sources have a direct application the world of business. The history of business ethics has evolved during the long course of time and is still in this phase of development. The application of business ethics varies in different context. There have been radical changes in the world of business which has evolved the business ethics to its current form. And with continuously changing business world we can presume that in the future business ethics will undergo more changes. It will evolve continuously. The business ethics has an immense scope touching every human living in the society. The affects the daily decision making in the society, irrespective of whether it is a big decision affecting large masses or small decision affecting just one person. Business ethics can be looked at by different perspectives. One perspective is that of organization point of view which concerns about the things that an organization should do. While the other perspective is the things that must really be done irrespective of an organization. The latter one gauges the different aspects of an organization. The literary evidence for the history and development of modern era business ethics can be traced back...
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...Integrating Values - The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of the George Brothers & the Largest Pill Mills in South Florida Abstract This paper examines the legality and ethics of the George brother’s pain medication clinics in South Florida. It explains the legality of the pain medication supply that is available for consumers that medically need it and how its source can also be an easy access to addicts. Although it is considered legal, is it ethical? In this paper we study different theories in ethics, including Kantian and Utilitarian ethical models. These models provide clear analyses that guide us in deciding if pain medication distribution from pain clinics is ethical. Finally, we review and conclude if the George brother’s pain medication clinics were acting socially responsible within their communities. Given the rise of pain medication abuse and illegal reselling, pain clinics in South Florida should adhere to strict rules to provide services to those that need it and not turn their businesses into pill mills. Introduction Purposes of Paper The intent of this paper is to provide a detailed and analytical examination of the George brother’s pain medication clinics. Throughout this paper all approaches will be examined such as the legality and ethics of the case, and how social responsibility plays a role. In the past few years in South Florida, there has been a rise of pain medication addiction and the reselling of these narcotics. Pain...
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...JOHN MOLSON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT Course Outline BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS COMM 315/2 Section CC Fall 2013 Instructor: Renée Desrosiers de Lanauze Office: Part-time lecturer's office MB 13th floor E-mail: renee@delanauze.com Office Hours: by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Through the study of laws, ethical principles and court judgments, this course will introduce students to important legal and ethical issues that they may encounter within a business organization. In today’s environment of social awareness, business can no longer focus solely on maximizing profits and must recognize and respect its legal and ethical obligations to a wide range of stakeholders, both within and outside of the business organization. These stakeholders include employees, management, shareholders, directors, officers, the immediate community and society at large. COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1) demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between law and ethics and how these two principles should not be treated as mutually exclusive; 2) select the most effective solutions to legal and ethical issues that may be encountered within the workplace; 3) identify the appropriate steps to be followed in both the legal and ethical decision making processes; 4) apply material learned in this course in order to analyze and propose solutions to legal and ethical problems. ...
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...Corporations SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility December 1, 2008 The Role of Corporations The recent financial crises on Wall Street command a need for higher ethical standard in business. The behavior displayed by corporate heads has caused society, as well as other business to doubt the ability of these corporations to do the right thing. Because of the day-to-day demand of organizational performance not much attention is made to address unethical corporate behavior. Although current events in the business world have drawn our attention to the wrong doings, it there was more focus the process by which corporations meet the challenges of ethical behavior it may promote the practice of higher ethical standards within the world of business. In the past, corporations had little concern for non-economic ventures. The concern for political and social environments was next to none until they became concerns of society. When corporations decided to turn their attentions to the issues that concerned society the most, such as energy and natural resources, pollution control, equal opportunity, and consumer and worker protection there was much debate as to how these businesses should respond to these issues (Bateman & Snell, 2003). These debates resulted in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which was issued in 1971 by The Committee for Economic Development, stressed the social role of business as a vital instrument for social progress in...
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...Introduction As a business it is essential to comply with the law, allowing the government to put in place regulations in which businesses may not be able to do harm to society, there are also some factors which may be of free choice or personal choice which businesses can also use. However as with their being a diverse gap between what the law requires of an organisation and the free/personal choice there is inevitably a ‘grey area’, this can be interpreted as ethics. Lewis (1985) described defining ethics will be like ‘nailing jello to a wall’ there by suggesting it is virtually impossible to pin point exactly what ethics truly is. There are many factors, which distinguish what is right, and wrong however they are decided predominantly by values and decisions of individuals, in this case managers. In order to comprehend the importance of ethics one must critically take into consideration all parties involved in the process of ethics and ethical decision-making. Why ethics is important for managers? Ethics is defined by the Oxford English dictionary to be ‘morally correct’ as well as Velasquez (2001) who has a similar definition of ethics, suggesting ethics as the ‘principles of conduct governing an individual or a group, it is the study of morality’. However it is difficult to pin point the exact definition of ethics as many authors and instructors have their own distinct meaning of the term ethics, Lewis (2008). In the face of it, it would seem it is a simple problem where...
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