...The role of Financial Market and Institution in the Economic Development of Bangladesh Financial market Financial market is created to satisfy particular preferences of market participants.Financial markets transfer funds from those who have excess funs to those who needfunds. That is they facilitate the transfer of funds from surplus unit to deficit unit .Because funding needs vary among deficit units, various financial markets have beenestablished. The primary market allows for the issuance of new securities, while thesecondary market allows for the sale of short term securities, while capital marketsfacilitate the sale of long term securities.The main participants of financial market can be classified as households, businesses andgovernment agencies. Those participants who provide funds to the financial markets arecalled surplus unit . Households are the main type of surplus unit. Participants who usefinancial markets to obtain the funds are called the deficit unit . Money market: Money market an integral part of the financial market of a country. It provides a mediumfor the redistribution of short term loan able funds among financial institutions, which perform this function by selling deposits of various types, certificate of deposits anddiscounting of bills, treasury bills etc. The participants in the money market are: thecentral bank, commercial banks, the government, finance companies, contractual savinginstitutions like the pension funds, insurance companies...
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...INTERNSHIP REPORT Dept. of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. i INTERNSHIP REPORT Role of ICB in the Development of Capital Market in Bangladesh: A Performance Evaluation of ICB Sponsored Mutual Funds COURSE CODE: BAN 400 COURSE TITLE: INTERNSHIP SUPERVISOR MS. NAFSANIATH FATHEMA Lecturer Department of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. SUBMITTED BY MUHAMMAD ABUL LYSE 4th Year 2nd Semester (2nd Batch) Reg No: 0099730014 Dept. of Business Administration Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Date of Submission: July 09, 2006 ii LETTER OF CERTIFICATE Date July 09, 2006 It is an immense pleasure for me to certify that this internship report entitled “ Role of ICB in the Development of Capital Market in Bangladesh: A Performance Evaluation of ICB sponsored Mutual Funds” submitted to the department of Business Administration, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet is an original work done by Muhammad Abul Lyse, a student of BBA 2nd Batch of Department of Business Administration, bearing the Registration number 0099730014. He has successfully completed the internship program at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) and prepared this report on the aforesaid title under my supervision. I wish him every success in his endeavors. Signature: ………………………… Ms. Nafsaniath Fathema Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration...
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...Fin433 Final Project: Mutual Funds in Bangladesh and ICB Submitted to: Hasan Mamun Senior Lecturer, School of Business North South University Date of Submission: April 13, 2014 Submitted by: The A-Team Oishee Rimi Mondal - 1130279030 Rakin Al-Mahmood – 1030442030 Syeda Amara Alam - 1110199030 S.M Ami Islam -1111061030 Sifat Abir - 1110978030 Table of Contents What is a Mutual Fund……………………………………………………………..4 History of Mutual Funds……………………………………………………………4 Mutual Funds in Bangladesh……………………………………………………… 4 Growth of Mutual Funds in Bangladesh……………………………………………5 What Mutual Funds Offer…………………………………………………………..5 Open Ended Funds………………………………………………………………….6 Close Ended Funds…………………………………………………………………6 Unit Investment Trusts……………………………………………………………..7 Advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds………………………………………….7 Types of Mutual Funds……………………………………………………………..8 Formation of Mutual Funds………………………………………………………...9 Valuation and Dividends of Mutual Funds………………………………………..10 Roles of a Portfolio Manager……………………………………………………...11 ICB………………………………………………………………………………...12 Vision of ICB……………………………………………………………………...12 Mission of ICB……………………………………………………………………12 Objectives of the Organization……………………………………………………13 Who Runs ICB…………………………………………………………………….14 Organizational Chart of ICB………………………………………………………14 Main Functions of the Organization………………………………………………18 Functions of Each Subsidiary……………………………………………………..18 ICB CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED (ICML)...……………………….18 ICB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY...
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...authorities raise capital from the capital market which performs several important functions in the process of economic development. Most important among them are the promotion of savings and investment and efficient allocation of funds among competing uses. Participants in the capital markets are many. They include the commercial banks, saving and loan associations, credit unions, mutual saving banks, finance houses, finance companies, merchant bankers, discount houses, venture capital companies, leasing companies, investment banks, investment companies, investment clubs, pension funds, stock exchanges, security companies, underwriters, portfolio-managers, and insurance companies. Capital market in Bengal was founded during the Mughal regime in the early 17th century. Although in a limited scale, there were money and capital market activities in Suba-e-Bangala throughout the 17th century. Bengal under the nawabs was fairly developed in trade and communication. An historian characterised Bengal of the Nawabi period as 'easy in its finances, moderate in its expenditure, free from charges and cares of independent dominion, its inhabitants enjoying in the occupation of agriculture and commerce, public peace and abundance'. The prosperity of Nawabi Bengal was attributed to large investments by European nations and dispersal of Bengal raw silk, cloths etc. in...
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...Banking system of Bangladesh Central bank: * Bangladesh bank Schedule bank: State-owned commercial banks: State-owned are functioning as nationalist. Here is the list - 1. Sonali Bank Limited 2. Janata Bank Limited 3. Agrani Bank Limited 4. Rupali Bank Limited Private commercial banks(PCB): * Conventional private bank 1. AB Bank Limited 2. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited 3. Bank Asia Limited 4. BRAC Bank Limited 5. Dhaka Bank Limited 6. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited 7. Eastern Bank Limited 8. IFIC Bank Limited 9. Jamuna Bank Limited 10. Meghna Bank Limited 11. Mercantile Bank Limited 12. Midland Bank Limited 13. Modhumoti Bank Limited 14. Mutual Trust Bank Limited 15. National Bank Limited 16. NCC Bank Limited 17. NRB Bank Limited 18. NRB Commercial Bank Limited 19. NRB Global Bank Limited 20. One Bank Limited 21. Prime Bank Limited 22. Pubali Bank Limited 23. South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Limited 24. Southeast Bank Limited 25. Standard Bank Limited 26. The City Bank Limited 27. The Farmers Bank Limited 28. The Premier Bank Limited 29. Trust Bank Limited 30. United Commercial Bank Limited 31. Uttara Bank Limited * Islamic private bank: 1. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited 2. Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited 3. First Security Islami Bank Limited 4. ICB Islamic Bank Limited 5. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 6. Shahjalal islami Bank...
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...The Insurance Market in Bangladesh now consists of two state-owned corporations, forty three and seventeen private sector general & life insurance companies respectively, a total of 62 insurance companies. Thus the insurance sector in Bangladesh has grown up substantially and deepened remarkably with number of companies in both life and general segments. With the expansion of size of the insurance market, the volume of assets of the industry has also increased substantially. PROFILE OF SADHARAN BIMA CORPORATION Sadharan Bima Corporation is only state-owned General Insurance Corporation operating under the direct control and supervision of the Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Following characteristics of SBC proves its financial soundness :- Government owned enterprise - Financial Soundness due to huge assets owned by SBC - Only re-insurer in Bangladesh - Wide net-work of offices - Public trust - Huge trained & skilled manpower - Large investable fund - Huge Real Estate Assets in Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bogra & Sylhet. SBC TOWER – the only multistoried car parking building in the heart of the capital city of Bangladesh SBC is the sponsor shareholder of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh, Industrial Development and Leasing Company, National Tea Company Limited, National Housing Finance and Investment Ltd, Aramit Ltd, Central Depository BD Ltd.etc. The main pillar of the SBC is insurance as well as reinsurance...
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...Introduction What is Financial Institution? In financial economics, a financial institution is an institution that provides financial services for its clients or members. Probably the most important financial service provided by financial institutions is acting as financial intermediaries. Most financial institutions are highly regulated by government. Broadly speaking, there are three major types of financial institutions: • Deposit-taking institutions that accept and manage deposits and make loans, including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust companies, and mortgage loan companies; • Insurance companies and pension funds; • Brokers, underwriters and investment funds. Functions of a Financial Institution: The functions of Financial Institutions are: • Financial institutions provide service as intermediaries of the capital and debt markets. • They are responsible for transferring funds from investors to companies in need of those funds. • Financial institutions facilitate the flow of money through the economy. To do so, savings a risk brought to provide funds for loans. Such is the primary means for depository institutions to develop revenue. Should the yield curve become inverse, firms in this arena will offer additional fee-generating services including securities underwriting, and pre. Regulation Structures of Financial Institutions: Financial institutions in most countries operate in a heavily regulated environment as they...
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...Guidelines to fill in the banking statistics returns SBS-1, SBS-2 & SBS-3 (Fifth edition) STATISTICS DEPARTMENT BANGLADESH BANK July 2013 Members of the Editorial Committee Any suggestion/recommendation for improvement in the contents of this guideline would be highly appreciated. Users may kindly contact with the following persons for their suggestions/ recommendations and queries (if any): 1. Md. Nur-un-Nabi General Manager nurun.nabi@bb.org.bd 2. Md. Lutful Kabir Deputy General Manager lutful.kabir@bb.org.bd 3. Mohammad Nurul Islam Joint Director mnurul.islam@bb.org.bd i Preface to the Fifth Edition In the light of current economic activities and experiences thereof, the fifth edition of the revised directory on compilation of Banking Statistics Returns is in the process of being published. Information/data on banking sector of the country play an important role in formulating monetary policy and determining the trend of economic activities. In order to meet that end, the SBS forms which were used earlier for collection of all types of information/data from the banking sector in Bangladesh have been revised and enlarged. The Statistics Department of the Bangladesh Bank published Banking Statistics Guidelines 8 (Eight) years ago in the form of a booklet for enabling the scheduled banks to fill in the above forms properly and submitting the same to the Bangladesh Bank. In the current edition of the booklet, detailed explanatory notes of the terms have been given in addition...
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...------------------------------------------------- Financial System of Bangladesh The Financial System is a set of institutional arrangement through which surplus units transfer their fund to deficit units. At present the financial system in Bangladesh is mainly composed of two types of institutions like banks and non-bank financial institution (NBFIs). The formal financial sector in Bangladesh includes: (a) Bangladesh Bank as the central bank, (b) 48 commercial banks, including 4 Government owned commercial banks, 30 domestic private banks (PCBs) (of which 6 banks are operating under Islamic Shariah), 9 foreign banks (FCBs) (of which 1 bank is operating as Islamic bank); and 5 government-owned specialized banks (DFIs); (c) 28 non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) – licensed by the Bangladesh Bank); (d) 2 large government- owned insurance companies (life and general) and 60 private owned (17 life and 43 general) insurance companies; (e) 2 stock exchanges and, (f) some co-operative banks. Besides, a good number of semi-formal micro finance institutions (MFIs) also are operating in Bangladesh. Structure of Financial System: The main constituents of financial system are : i) Financial Institutions ii) Financial Instruments, and iii) Financial Markets. Financial Institutions The modern name of Financial Institution is Financial Intermediary (FI), because it mediates or stand between ultimate borrowers and ultimate lenders and helps transfer funds from one to another...
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...country like Bangladesh the Investment banking play a vital role in the progress of economic development. In this paper we have tried to analyze the role of investment banking and how it influences economic development of a country. Investment bank is a financial intermediary that performs a variety of services. Investment banks specialize in large and complex financial transactions such as underwriting, acting as an intermediary between a securities issuer and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and acting as a broker and/or financial adviser for institutional clients. Major investment banks include Barclays, BofA Merrill Lynch, Warburgs, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Brothers, UBS, Credit Suisse, Citibank and Lazard. Some investment banks specialize in particular industry sectors. Many investment banks also have retail operations that serve small, individual customers. It indicates the prospect of investment bank is very high because long term relationships between business firms and investment banks are pervasive in developed security markets. A vast literature argues that better monitoring and information result from relationships. Thus, security markets should allocate resources better when an investment banking industry exists. We study necessary conditions for sustainable relationships and then explore whether policy can do something to foster them. 1. Introduction An investment bank is a financial...
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...Educarnival PediaAssignment, Internship Report, Term Paper * ------------------------------------------------- Home * ------------------------------------------------- Rules and Regulations * ------------------------------------------------- Educarnival Home ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form ------------------------------------------------- A project paper on: “Performance in Pooling of funds, making of portfolios and Dividend policy of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)”. March 19, 2013 | Author: Farzana | Posted in Featured Article Table of Contents * ------------------------------------------------- 1 Chapter 1 * ------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Overview * ------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Statement of the problem * ------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Rationale of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Objective of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 1.5 Methodologies * ------------------------------------------------- 1.6 Expected outcome of the study and its use: * ------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Limitation of the study * ------------------------------------------------- 2 Chapter 2 * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- 2.0.1 Background * -------------------------------------------------...
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...Executive Summary Foreign Direct Investment is one of the vital force to boost up the economy. In this project report I would like to draw a current scenario of Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. In this regard I present the most updated data, avoid the uncompleted data and use the best judgment at the time of presenting the data to better knowing the current trend about the Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. I prepared an overview of “Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh” based on secondary data and information. For this specific purpose I collected data and information from various sources like published materials such as the Bangladesh Economic Review, Different articles of Board of Investment (BOI) and Bangladesh Export Processing Zone (BEPZA), Daily Statement of Affairs of different Internet based publication and other books on Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh and articles related to Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. I furnished the full contents of the report in eight chapters. I concentrated on arranging and putting the data in such a way that the report progressively anchors to a desired destination of understanding. Introduction Part-1 Investment has acquired considerable emotive force in any country. It is viewed as beneficial on employment creator-as it brings about economic development. It can termed capital flowing from a firm or individual within the country or in one country to a business or businesses in another country involving...
Words: 12979 - Pages: 52
...Report on Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh Executive Summary Foreign Direct Investment is one of the vital force to boost up the economy. In this project report I would like to draw a current scenario of Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. In this regard I present the most updated data, avoid the uncompleted data and use the best judgment at the time of presenting the data to better knowing the current trend about the Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. I prepared an overview of “Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh” based on secondary data and information. For this specific purpose I collected data and information from various sources like published materials such as the Bangladesh Economic Review, Different articles of Board of Investment (BOI) and Bangladesh Export Processing Zone (BEPZA), Daily Statement of Affairs of different Internet based publication and other books on Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh and articles related to Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh. I furnished the full contents of the report in eight chapters. I concentrated on arranging and putting the data in such a way that the report progressively anchors to a desired destination of understanding. Introduction Part-1 Investment has acquired considerable emotive force in any country. It is viewed as beneficial on employment creator-as it brings about economic development. It can termed capital flowing from a firm or individual within the country or in one country...
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...Lease financing was first introduced in Bangladesh in the early 1980s. Industrial development leasing company of Bangladesh ltd. (IDLC), the first leasing company of the country, was established in 1986 under the regulatory framework of Bangladesh Bank. It was a joint venture of the Industrial Promotion and Development Company of Bangladesh ltd. (IPDC), International Finance Corporation, and Korea development leasing corporation. Another leasing firm, the united leasing company ltd. started its operations in 1989. The number of leasing companies grew quickly after 1994 and by the year 2000, rose to16. The leasing business became competitive with the increase in the number of companies and wider distribution of their market share. There are, however, six other companies conducting leasing business in the country, although they do not use the word leasing in their names. in terms of money value, the leasing business in Bangladesh increased from tk 41.44 million in 1988 to tk 3.16 billion in 2000. Lease financing, as organized in Bangladesh, operates with the following objectives: • To assist the development and promotion of productive enterprises by providing equipment lease financing and related services • To assist in balancing, modernization, replacement and expansion of existing enterprises; • To extend financial support to small and medium scale enterprises • To provide finance for various agriculture equipment • To activate the capital market by operating as managers...
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...1. The Boilers Act, 1923 • Applied to whole Bangladesh. • An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam-boilers. • Applied to owners of boilers and steam pipe and in the law there was mention that there should appoint an inspector in this sector for monitoring. (section27A) Retrieved on (2015, May 26) from (www.boiler.gov.bd) 2. The Mines Act, 1923 • Applied to whole Bangladesh. • It shall come into force on the first day of July, 1924. • An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation and inspection of mines. • This act applied to all the workers who work in mines. Retrieved on (2015, May 26) from (faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/pak64462.pdf) 3. The Cotton Industry (Statistics) Act, 1926 • Applied to whole Bangladesh. • An Act to provide for the regular submission of returns of quantities of cotton goods manufactured and cotton yarn spun in Bangladesh. • This act describe about cotton goods, areas for productions and regulation of supply. Retrieved on (2015, May 26) from (www.lexadin.nl/wlg/legis/nofr/oeur/lxweban.htm) 4. The Dock Workers’ Act, 1934 • It extends to the whole of Pakistan. • An Act to give effect in Pakistan to the Convention concerning the protection against accidents of workers employed in loading and unloading ships. ...
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