...ADSORPTION PROPERTIES OF ANTHRANILIC ACID CONTAINING POLYMERIC RESINS FOR SEPARATION OF METAL IONS Pathik Shah*, Pradeep Upadhyaya. Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Ahmedabad pathikas@gmail.com SYNTHESIS OF RESIN BY MICROWAVE IRRADIATION In the first step, Anthranilic acid (0.1 mol) was taken in a 250 mL threenecked round bottom fitted with a stirrer, a thermometer and a condenser and was dissolved in DMF solvent (20 mL). To that formaldehyde (0.3 mol as 37%) and a solution of resorcinol/ M-Cresol (0.1 mol) in 10 mL DMF were added simultaneously drop wise giving a clear solution and was stirred for 1 h. The mixture was refluxed in microwave oven using irradiation of 2.46 GHz at 80±2ºC for 50s until a viscous solution was obtained with the formation of a hard mass of resin. The colour of resultant resin is red-brown. Then sealed and cured at 70-75ºC for 12 h stored in polyethylene bottle. As carboxylic acid groups normally are decomposed above 100ºC, the resin was cured below 90ºC. The dry resin sample free from impurities was directly examined for FTIR, SEM, and elemental analysis..To convert the FAR and FAM resin samples in H+ form, the resulting hard mass was crushed to 20+30 or -60 +100 BSS mesh size as needed. The resin was conditioned by 0.1 N HCl solutions. The resins were washed with distilled water until free from acid. The resin was air dried to remove surface moisture. Where Y= -OH for resorcinol (FAR)...
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...existing kosher catering market which is quite stagnant. Most people make the incorrect assumption that kosher means ordinary, boring food. This assumption prevails throughout the Jewish community so there is not much demand for new offerings. Fressen catering will inject new life into the kosher catering market, leveraging Chef Susan Cheflly's culinary skills to develop creative new catering options. Susan's advanced skills, industry insight, and a great market opportunity will allow Fressen Catering to reach profitability by month 11. Catering Marketing Plan Fressen Catering Page 1 2 3 4 5 < Previous Page | Next Page > This sample marketing plan was created with Marketing Plan Pro software. Situation Analysis Fressen Catering is a start-up company. Marketing is critical to its success and future profitability. Fressen offers creative, gourmet kosher catering for a wide range of events. The basic market need is a high quality, creative kosher catering company servicing the Philadelphia Jewish population. Fressen will meet this demand with an ever expanding innovative repertoire of kosher meals. Getting ready to create a marketing plan? Get practical ideas and good models with dozens of examples of successful marketing plans with Sales and Marketing Pro. Finish your own Marketing Plan Market Summary Fressen possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the...
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...Industries, Inc. (H20 Industries) provides the service of ion exchange portable tanks. This is the process of purifying water for industrial purposes. H20 Industries will take advantage of an unsatisfied market need for segregated resin regeneration on a portable basis. The company will primarily focus its marketing strategies on offering segregated regeneration services to the untapped market of customers who require high-quality regeneration for their deionized (DI) water treatment facilities. The facility that H20 Industries will utilize is located in Newark, California and is already in limited production. Full production will begin at the end of September, with sales growing gradually to near capacity by the end of the first year, with very healthy gross sales in the first year, and increasing in the second and third years. 1.1 Objectives The primary objectives are: 1. To segment the market for portable regeneration service by stressing H20 Industries's capability at providing segregated regeneration. The goal is to reach monthly sales of 1,710 cu ft of segregated resin by the end of the first year. 2. To build up a dealership network of 15 knowledgeable and efficient water service companies who will represent H20 Industries in areas outside direct sales from the factory. 3. To set up a bulk regeneration facility with a capacity of 40 cu ft daily, and sell its full capacity in the large general portable exchange service market through its own sales force, and through...
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...PROJECT REPORT FOR BIS APRUVAL ISI MARKED PECKAGED WATER BASED ON R.O.MINARAL DRINKING WATER TRUNKEY PLANT PROJECTED BY A-ACCURATE ION EXCHANGE & CHEMICAL Vatva Ahmedabad A-ACCURATEION EXCHANGE &CHAMICAL 119, Rajdeep Indus. Estate/h Saurastra Narolak Paint, Vatva Tolnaka, Vatva cross Road Vatva, Ahmedabad-382440.Phone:64503834 M: +91 9537530913 E-mail:ronak@a-accuratewater.com Web:a-accuratewater.com Ai/ro/210/11 INTRODUCTION & ABOUT OF PROJECT HOLDER & MINERAL WATER PLANT Welcome to all living life of earth by A-ACCURATE ION EXCHAGE & CHEMICAL. Airs, Water & Food are most Precious gift to human living from nature. Human life circles are start from first to last with mother touch of air &water. Most of water is unusable or highly polluted, this is the reason to treat or filter & count every drop of water. From Human consumption to versatile industrial applications, there is no choice for pure & sure water & here we are step in A-ACCURATE Ion Exchange & Chemical, We are Designing, Manufacturing & Supplying Water Treatment system which adheres to world's most stringent norms, with our on knowledge & on work shop. About A-ACCURATE Ion Exchange & Chemical We are in design, development, & manufacturing since last 25 years. In this field we are working in turnkey project of Granule plant, water filtration system, pharmaindustri, chemical dies - intermediate &textile units. Our any suggestion , offer , or, solution are not as only types of sales agent or, traders, which...
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...Tesla Motors, Inc. 8 Step Case Analysis Method Khushboo E Jahan Marissa Shotwell-Tabke Guojun Zhang GBA 517 Dr. Kevin Moncrief Fall 2015 Table of Contents Introduction pg. 1 Company Background pg. 1 Products pg. 2 Business Mission pg. 3 Marketing Objectives pg. 4 Strategic Issues pg. 5 Promotion pg. 5 Pricing pg. 6 External Environment pg. 6 Distribution pg. 10 Constraints pg. 12 Firm Specific pg. 12 Limited Product List pg. 12 Limited Manufacturing capacity pg. 13 Distribution & Service Network pg. 13 Limited Exposure in Foreign Market pg. 14 Lithium Ion Battery Safety pg. 14 Industry Specific pg. 15 Fluctuating Foreign Exchange Rates pg. 15 Supply Chain Providers pg. 15 Future Growth Depends Upon Consumers’ Willingness to Adopt Electric Vehicles pg. 16 Environment and Safety Laws & Regulations pg. 16 SWOT Analysis pg. 18 Findings pg. 23 Finding #1 pg. 23 Finding #2 pg. 25 Finding #3 pg. 25 Solutions pg. 26 Solution #1 pg. 26 Solution #2 pg. 26 Solution #3 pg. 26 X. Recommendation and Justification pg. 28 XI. Implementation and Gantt Chart pg. 30 Implementation Time Table pg. 30 Gantt Chart pg. 32 XIII. References pg. 33 List of Figures Figures Figure 1 –...
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...electroplating, metal finishing, metallurgical, tannery, chemical manufacturing, mining and battery manufacturing. This problem has received considerable attention in recent years, primarily due to the concern that those heavy metals in waste streams can be readily adsorbed by marine animals and directly enter the human food chain, thus presenting a high health risk to consumers (Lin et al., 2000). A number of technologies for treating contaminated effluents have been developed over the years. The most important of these techniques include chemical precipitation, filtration, ion- exchange, reverse osmosis and membrane systems. However, all these techniques have their inherent advantages and limitations in application. In the last few years, adsorption has been shown to be an alternative method for removing dissolved metal ions from liquid wastes (Bayat, 2002). The removal of heavy metal ions from industrial wastes using different adsorbents is currently of great interest. However, in order to minimize processing costs, several recent investigations have focused on the use of low cost adsorbents [e.g. agricultural by-products (Samantaroy et al., 1997), waste materials (Namasivayam and Yamuna, 1995:561-578), biosorbents (Ülkϋ and I Haluk, 2001), and clay materials (Harvey and Chantawong, 2001). Adsorbents, mainly clay...
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...other conventional energy storage systems that rely on toxic substances such as lead, zinc or cadmium. The electrolyte is a solution of vanadium mixed with a dilute sulfuric acid, with about the same acidity as in a conventional lead-acid battery. Unlike lead acid systems however the VRB electrolyte has an indefinite life span and is reusable. The electrolyte in vanadium reflux batteries is known as an "Aqueous Solution of Sulphates of Vanadium". It is made up of sulfuric acid, and emulsified vanadium particles. The electrolyte is pumped from separate storage tanks into flow cells across a proton exchange membrane (PEM) where one form of electrolyte is electrochemically oxidized and the other is electrochemically reduced. Sulphuric acid is manufactured through the catalytic action of vanadium pentoxide. V5 looses oxygen to oxidize the sulfur giving sulphur trioxide and V4. Some vanadium ions remain in the final acid and so is an obvious choice for the electrolyte. The VRB-ESS installation for Hydro Tasmania on King Island in Australia was completed in November 2003. King Island is a small remote location off the south coast of Australia that supports and operates 5 wind turbines ranging from 250 - 850kW and Four Diesel generators at 1.5MW each that act as a remote grid to supply power...
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...Market Size 23 9 Regulatory Environment 23 10 Geographic Description of Likely Markets 24 11 Commercialization Strategy 24 12 SWOT Analysis for Commercialization 24 13 Go/No Go Recommendation 25 14 Keywords and Phrases Used in Searches 25 15 Technology Triage Form Input 25 Description and Application Lithium – ion batteries are the most common type of rechargeable batteries. The batteries being portable and light weight find extensive application in portable electronics goods such as laptops, cell phones, digital cameras. There are essentially three functional components of Li – ion batteries namely cathode, anode and electrolyte. During the discharging of lithium – ion battery the lithium is extracted from the anode material and inserted into the cathode and the reverse occurs during the charging. The chemical reactions taking place inside the Li – ion batteries wherein the cathode material is LiCoO2 are as follows: Positive Electrode: LiCoO2 ↔ Li1-x CoO2 + xLi+ + xe- Negative Electrode: C + xLi+ + xe- ↔ CLix Cathode and Anode Materials The anode materials currently being used in the industry are materials having high carbon content. Below is a list of four such Lithium based oxides. |Anode Material |Average Voltage |Gravimetric Capacity...
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...Top of Form Introduction The utilization of resources and generation of waste is for beyond the limit that the biosphere was made to carry. Infact, man today is caught in the vicious circle of increasing wants, declining resources and increasing waste being generated by the industries and municipalities is posing a problem of enormous dimensions. The domestic and industrial effluents are contributing in enhancing this problem. It might become the biggest problem if it is not dealt with immediately . Industrial Waste The term industrial waste is generally understood to refer specifically to the liquid waste produced as a result of some industrial operation, as distinct from an industry’s solid refuse or its gases, fumes and vapors. Like municipal sanitary sewage, most of such liquids must ultimately be disposed of into rivers or other water courses. The liquid wastes of a community, whether domestic sewage or industrial wastes, should receive appropriate treatment before discharge into streams in order to prevent gross pollution. The treatment methods for domestic sewage are based on a fundamental and growing body of knowledge. These methods, however, are not suitable for industrial wastes, which are quite varied in character. Frequently anew industrial process development will produce a waste that is not amenable to treatment by any of the conventional methods. For such wastes, laboratory investigations followed by pilot-plant studies must precede final design of treatment...
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...An Analysis for Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Powered Battery for Electrical Automobile Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.1 Motivation of Developing Electrical Automobile 2.2 Thermal Issues of Powered Battery 2.3 Application of Thermal Management 2.0 Comparative Analysis of Conventional and PCMs Thermal Management 3.4 Conventional air or liquid based Thermal Management 3.5 PCMs Thermal Management 3.6 Effectiveness comparison 3.7 Cost efficiency comparison 3.0 Background Information on PCMs 4.8 Description of Organic and Non-organic PCMs 4.9 Standard of Selecting PCMs for Thermal Management 4.10 The chemical and thermal characteristics of paraffin wax (Organic) 4.11 The chemical and thermal characteristics of stearic acid (Non-organic) 4.0 Thermal Conductivity Improvement of PCMs Using Expanded Graphite (EG) 5.12 Microstructures of Composite PCMs 5.13 Thermal Characteristic of Composite PCMs 5.14.1 Paraffin Wax with EG composite 5.14.2 Stearic Acid with EG Composite 5.14 Comparison on Thermal Storage Performance of paraffin/EG with stearic acid/EG 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 6.0 Bibliography Table of Figures Figure 1 - Power Battery Pack Figure 2 – Thermal Management Using Air Figure 3 – Thermal Management Using Liquid Figure 4 – Thermal Management Using PCM Figure 5 - Thermophysical Properties of PCMs Figure...
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...period that’s why the researchers of this feasibility studies will give consumers the comfort they’ve been waiting for by combining the sanitary pads and negative ion. The researcher assure that the product will give the satisfaction from the money they spent by choosing the Negative-ion Infused Sanitary Pads. And even in the first try, users could really find ease because of positive effect in the body of the users. The negative-ion as it is said above has a mint-like feature that helps the women to feel more relaxed and very easy to move with confidence even if they have a period. The product will solve the growing concerns of the women finding difficulties and discomfort with their sanitary pads. The researchers believe that this product may not just solve the issues but also hit the market in a healthy way because of these unique features. Statement of the Problem This study is intended to evaluate the feasibility of manufacturing and selling negative ion- infused sanitary napkins. Specifically, it aims to evaluates and analyze the different areas of the product such as its marketing, technical, management, financial and socio economic aspects. Objectives of the Study The objective of this project was to determine the feasibility of manufacturing sanitary pads that are infused with negative-ion. All required information to conduct the study was supplied by RLR-Gi Company. Specifically, this study aimed to: * determine the profile of the major players of...
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...PACKAGED DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND STANDARDS PRODUCTION CAPACITY : : As per BIS specifications 45 lakh bottles of 1L capacity/annum 1.0 PRODUCT AND ITS APPLICATIONS Most of the water borne diseases emanate from unclean water. Packaged drinking water ensures safe, clean, potable water for human consumption. 2.0 MARKET POTENTIAL Though a large number of manufacturers have recently taken up production of packaged drinking water, yet there exists a wide gap between demand and supply. A number of units can be set up in North Eastern Region to meet the local demand in institutions, hotels, restaurants, offices, tourist and household. 3.0 BASIS AND PRESUMPTIONS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) The unit will work for 300 days per annum on single shift basis. The unit can achieve its full capacity utilization during the 2nd year of operation. The wages for skilled workers are taken as per prevailing rates in this type of industry. Interest rate for total capital investment is calculated @ 12% per annum. The entrepreneur is expected to raise 20-25% of the capital as margin money. The unit would construct its own building. Costs of machinery and equipment are based on average prices of machinery manufacturers. 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Project implementation will take a period of 8 months. Break-up of the activities and relative time for each activity is shown below: s s s s s Scheme preparation and approval SSI provisional registration Sanction of financial supports etc. Installation...
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...Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bio products. Father of the term biotechnology is ‘Karl Ereky’ and Father of Biotechnology was ‘Louis Pasteur’. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Ribonucleic acid or RNA, is one of the three major macromolecules (along with DNA and proteins) that are essential for all known forms of life. A pipette (also called a pipet, pipettor or chemical dropper) is a laboratory instrument used to transport a measured volume of liquid. Pipettes come in several designs for various purposes with differing levels of accuracy and precision, from single piece glass pipettes to more complex adjustable or electronic pipettes. Lab dish washing Cleaning laboratory glassware isn't as simple as washing the dishes. Here's how to wash your glassware so that you won't ruin your chemical solution or laboratory experiment. You can rinse the glassware with the proper solvent, then finish up with a couple of rinses with distilled water, followed by final rinses with deionized water Water Soluble Solutions (e.g., sodium chloride or sucrose solutions) Rinse 3-4 times with deionized water then put the glassware away. Water Insoluble Solutions (e...
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...NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water Micro & NaNo TechNologies series editor: Jeremy ramsden Professor of Nanotechnology Microsystems and Nanotechnology Centre, Department of Materials Cranfield University, United Kingdom the aim of this book series is to disseminate the latest developments in small scale technologies with a particular emphasis on accessible and practical content. these books will appeal to engineers from industry, academia and government sectors. for more information about the book series and new book proposals please contact the publisher, Dr. Nigel hollingworth at nhollingworth@williamandrew.com. http://www.williamandrew.com/MNt NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water edited by Nora savage Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and (in alphabetical order) Mamadou Diallo Materials and process simulation center, Division of chemistry and chemical engineering, california institute of technology Jeremiah Duncan Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison anita street Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign richard sustich N o r w i c h , N Y, U S A copyright © 2009 by William andrew inc. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying...
Words: 90139 - Pages: 361
...all emissions, starting from the gas or oil well where the source fuel is extracted, all the way to the final consumption of electricity by the car’s motor. When we work through the numbers, we find that the electric car is significantly more efficient and pollutes less than all alternatives.In this paper, we will investigate the Tesla Roadster™, which uses commodity lithium-ion batteries instead of lead-acid batteries or nickel-metal-hydride batteries as most electric cars have used. Not only does this lithium-ion–based car have extremely high well-to-wheel energy efficiency and extremely low well-to-wheel emissions, it also has astonishing performance and superior convenience.Lithium ion batteries are a lot more difficult to use than previous technologies; this is the reason that they have not so far been used in electric cars. Tesla Motors is spending a lot of effort making a safe, light, and durable lithium ion battery system. Over time, Tesla will probably put tens of millions into pack and cell features and optimization. However– as this paper will show, the energy and power density of lithium ion batteries make this effort very worthwhile. Energy Efficiency To compute the well-to-wheel energy efficiency of any car, we start with the energy content of the source fuel (e.g. coal, crude oil or natural gas) as it comes from the ground. We then track the energy content of this fuel as it is converted to...
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