...BUSINESS DRIVEN mis INFORMATION IS EVERYWHERE. INFORMATION IS A STRATEGIC ASSET. WITHOUT INFORMATION, AN ORGANIZATION SIMPLY COULD NOT OPERATE. THIS CHAPTER INTRODUCES STUDENTS TO SEVERAL CORE BUSINESS STRATEGIES THAT FOCUS ON USING INFORMATION TO GAIN A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, INCLUDING: • The core drivers of the information age • Data, information, business intelligence, knowledge • Systems thinking • Competitive advantages • Porter’s Five Forces model • Porter’s three generic strategies • Value chain analysis Many of these concepts and strategies will be new to your students. Be sure to explain to your students that this chapter offers an introduction to these concepts and they will gain a solid understanding of the details of these concepts as they continue reading the text. SECTION 1.1 – BUSINESS DRIVEN MIS Competing in the Information Age The Challenge: Departmental Companies The Solution: Management Information Systems SECTION 1.2 – BUSINESS STRATEGY Identifying Competitive Advantages The Five Forces Model – Evaluating Industry Attractiveness The Three Generic Strategies – Choosing a Business Focus Value Chain Analysis – Executing Business Strategies | | |SECTION 1.1 ...
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...Porter argues that a competitive strategy must emerge from a refined understanding of the rules of competition that determine market attractiveness (Clegg p.60). Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model focuses on defining the rules of competition within a market, which I find to be important, and should be considered when analyzing an organizations’ Strategy and Competitive Performance. Business strategists’ main focus is to understand and know how to deal with competition. At times managers define competition briefly and many times only include ‘today’s’ direct competitors. Porter suggests, competition for profits goes beyond established industry rivals to include four other competitive forces as well: customers, suppliers, potential entrants, and substitute products. The fifth force, the intensity of competitive rivalry, is the result from all five forces combined that defines an industry’s structure and shapes the nature of competitive interaction within an industry. The bargaining power of customers “Powerful customers” are able to apply pressure to drive down prices, or increase the required quality for the same price, and ultimately reduce profits in an industry. The smaller the number of customers, the greater their power and if the size of their orders are in larger volume, the greater the power! Customers enjoy strong bargaining power when they can choose from a wide range of supply firms and they find it easy and inexpensive to switch to alternative suppliers...
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...Course Name: Strategic Management Introduction ASUS is the world's fifth-largest PC vendor by 2013 unit sales (GSWPSDPIFQ, 2014). In the ultra-competitive IT industry, ASUS’s success is noticeable. In this essay, Five Forces Model is used to analyse the reason for AUSU’s success and its opportunity and challenge in the future. It introduces some information about AUSU at first. Then it states Porter’s Five Forces Model and the application of it. Finally, some important changes taking place in the macro-environment that might have an impact on the IT industry especially on PC suppliers such as AUSU will be discussed. In this essay, it focuses on two major changes influence PC companies as AUSU. The first one is the popularity of tablet PCs as IPAD. The second one is the exploding of smart phones as millions of people upgrade from simple ‘feature phones’ to more sophisticated Smartphone like the iPhone and Android. Both of them are relevant with Threats of substitute products. Discussion Firstly, ASUS’s is introduced, this is the world's fifth-largest PC vendor by 2013 unit sales ASUS appears in Business Week’s ‘InfoTech 100’ and ‘Asia’s Top 10 IT Companies’ rankings, and it ranked first in the IT Hardware category of the 2008 Taiwan Top 10 Global Brands survey with a total brand value of $1.3 billion (Asus Reviews, Ratings, and Pricing, 2014). ASUS has a primary listing on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and a secondary listing...
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...does Apple apps give them competitive advantage?……….……………………3 3. Why are data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge important to Apple?………………………………………………………………………..…………..5 4. Apple’s use of Porter’s Five Force Model………….……….……………….…………6 5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….8 6. References…………………………………………………………………………….9 Introduction This paper aims to answer the following questions: Do you agree or disagree that Apple’s iTunes, iPhone applications, and iPad applications give the company a competitive advantage? Be sure to justify your answer? Why are data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge important to Apple? Give an example of each type in relation to the iPad. Analyze Apple using Porter’s Five Force Model. Which of the three generic strategies is Apple following? Which of Porter’s Five Forces did Apple address through its introduction of the iPhone? Which of Porter’s Five Forces did Apple address through its customer-developed applications? How does Apple apps give them competitive advantage? There are various factors that brought Apple back from near extinction. One of which, was its ability to produce, market and sell IT products such as the iPhone, iPod, iPad, iTunes, and customer developed applications. If the top executives of Apple did not have the ability to foresight and see that the MP3 player could be a point of competitive advantage, then chances are that the company...
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...PORTERS FIVE FORCES Porter's Five Forces is a framework for industry analysis and business strategy development formed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. Porter referred to these forces as the micro environment. They consist of those forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers and make a profit. The overall industry attractiveness does not imply that every firm in the industry will return the same profitability. Firms are able to apply their core competencies, business model or network to achieve a profit above the industry average. The five forces of porter’s five forces model are as follows: 1. The threat of the entry of new competitors 2. The threat of substitute products or services 3. The bargaining power of customers (buyers) 4. The bargaining power of suppliers 5. The intensity of competitive rivalry 1. The threat of the entry of new competitors Profitable markets that yield high returns will attract new firms. This results in many new entrants, which eventually will decrease profitability for all firms in the industry. The new entrants face barriers to entry. They need to overcome them to compete successfully. Some of the barriers are capital requirement, customer loyalty, experience, etc. Specialized technology, production and distribution require high capital costs which acts as one of the barrier. The high customer’s loyalty and experience of the established firms also...
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...opportunities. Correspondingly, concepts like this also provide insightful information for explaining the location choices which organisations have already made. One such framework is the so called Diamond Model introduced by Michael Porter in 1990. This essay tries to determine its advantages and disadvantages as a tool for the examination of firm‟s home and host location decisions by focusing on two major MNEs: the world‟s second-largest high-street retailer –French Carrefour and UK‟s famous Marks & Spencer Porter s Diamond Model(1990: 73) argues that “nation‟s competitiveness depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade” and therefore is determined by a nation‟s level of productivity. From an organisational perspective this means that national competitive advantage depends on the nations ability to provide a home base for companies to sustainably improve their products and services in terms of quality, features, technology and so to successfully compete in highly productive industries internationally. Hence, the advantage of the framework is that it identifies four important, interrelated factors that create and illustrate the essential national environment where companies are born, grow and build sustainable competitive advantages (Porter, 1990: 78). The concept is then quite useful for companies to perform the necessary research and identify which countries would be most suitable for internationalisation. The first determinant, factor conditions, are the...
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...Introduction This case study highlights Apple Inc. position on the consumer electronics retail within the United Kingdom’s market. The competitive conditions are highlighted using Porter’s five forces theory. The second part of this case study shows how Apple Inc handles the different forces and threat to remain competitive on the market. Porter’s five forces The Porters five forces is a model helping to analyse the forces that shape an industry’s competitive environment. The tool can be used to define the attractiveness of an industry as well as plan the strategy of a company within a market. Competitive rivalry within the industry The main actors of the consumer electronic goods are divided depending of the type of products their providing. Based on Apple’s product, we can identify the following competition’s group: * Computers: Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, Fujitsu, etc. * Smartphones: Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson, LG, Nokia, Blackberry, etc. * Music players: HP, Samsung, etc. * Tablets: Samsung, Tesco, Acer, Microsoft, Blackberry, etc. The competitive rivalry is intense within the consumer electronic goods retail. Entering this market as a new brand is very difficult as the current actors are well settle. Also many companies having a step in the market are diversifying their type of electronic products, and each of them is a potential competitor for any other brand. Bargaining power of buyers The buyers have the opportunity to compare the products prices using...
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...website * Apple Inc www.apple.com CONSUMER ELECTRONICS * Tiffany’s & Co www.tiffanys.co.uk LUXURY RETAIL 1. Write a brief overview of the organization Access the relevant industry Mintel /Keynote report and other relevant research from information databases 2. Identify and illustrate the SBU’s (Strategic Business Units) for the organization External Environment 3. Apply PESTEL to the chosen industry. Illustrate and provide detailed explanations 4. Apply Porters 5 Forces to the relevant industry /organization /sector. Illustrate and provide detailed explanations 5. Illustrate in a grid format: Opportunities and Threats Internal Environment 6. Apply McKinsey’s 7S matrix to the organization /sector 7. Apply Marketing mix to the organisation /sector 8. Illustrate in a grid format: Strengths and Weaknesses SWOT Analysis 9. Illustrate in a grid format: corporate SWOT Analysis 10. Illustrate in a grid format: SBU SWOT Analysis (For Apple choose ipad and for Tiffany’s choose Jewellery Strategic Positioning 11. Identify competitors for Apple or Tiffany’s and using a perceptual map with appropriate axes demonstrate a gap in the market 12. Identify an appropriate portfolio analyses tool and apply it to demonstrate competitive advantage Application Use relevant marketing planning tools and present in appropriate formats where applicable Word Length The word limit is 1,500 words (+/-5%). All assignments must be submitted...
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...Apple’s Business Models Analysis and Suggestion with Web 2.0 Strategy Contents 1. Abstract 3 2. Apple’s Business Model 4 2.1. Elements of successful business model 4 2.2. Apple’s innovation on its business model 4 2.2.1. Customer Value Innovation 4 2.2.2. Profit Pattern Innovation 5 3. Challenges Analysis 6 3.1. Apple’s challenges 6 3.2. Porter’s Five Force Model analysis 6 3.2.1. Threat of new entrants 7 3.2.2. Threat of substitute products or services 7 3.2.3. Bargaining power of customers (buyers) 7 3.2.4. Bargaining power of suppliers 8 3.2.5. Intensity of competitive rivalry 8 3.3. Innovation Matrix 9 4. Suggestion and action plan 10 4.1. Apple’s Fishbone Diagram 10 4.2. Monetizing for Apple with Web 2.0 strategy 11 4.2.1. N-sided platform 11 4.2.2. Multiple revenue stream 11 4.3. Platform Innovation 11 4.3.1. Production 11 4.3.2. Creative and Media 11 4.3.3. Accessories 11 4.4. Online Promotion 12 4.4.1. Action Plan: 12 4.5. Sustainable Competitive Advantage 12 4.5.1. R&D input 12 4.5.2. Better customer value 12 4.5.3. Sustainable profit pattern 12 5. Business Model Canvas 13 Conclusion 14 Reference: 15 1. Abstract Apple’s huge success set off a global widely discussion on its secret. According to this essay, it is not difficult to find its success story was attributed to its unprecedentedly innovative business model, which was not rare in the typical case analysis...
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...Mr. Slack New Service Design “Healthy Portions” EMBA – Operations Management Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Overview of Organization 3 2.1. Market Analysis 3 2.2. Current Services 4 2.3. Competitive Strategy 4 3. New Service Proposal 4 4. Competitive Analysis 5 5. Service Concept 7 6. Operations Strategy 8 6.1. Operational Fit 10 6.2. Trade Offs 10 7. Critical Success Factors 10 8. Conclusion 11 9. Appendix 12 Figure 1: Porters Five Forces Model 12 Figure 2: House of Quality 13 Figure 3: Strategy Canvas 14 Figure 4: Key Success Factors and Activity Map 14 Figure 5: Healthy Portions Conceptual Floor Plan 15 1. Introduction The health food industry is not new, but our restaurant service offering is. Understanding the needs and wishes of those with specific health challenges is becoming more important for the foodservice industry as a whole. With an increasing number of people dealing with serious health issues such as with diabetes, celiac, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure they will expect restaurants to offer solutions. There are hundreds of thousands of websites that provide tips on how to order healthy choices when dining out but should you really have to question the server about everything on a menu, or about how the food is prepared? However if you have diabetes, you need to concern yourself with what you are eating, how much you are eating and when you are eating during the day. Are...
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...corporation that designs, develops, manufactures and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. The company’s best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. Apple Software includes the OSX system, iTunes media player and multiple creativity software. The company’s brand is known for its high level of design, ease of use, and now iCloud, operating in nearly 400 retail stores in 14 countries (apple.com). To better understand Apple’s positioning against the other players, our team has divided Apple Inc.’s line of business into regions and retail: Asia, Europe, Americas, Japan and Retail. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Porter’s Five (some may argue 6+) model is an analysis tool that helps “determine industry profitability because they influence the price, cost and required investment of firms in an industry” (M. Porter). Rothaermal further argues that the model reflects the industry’s attractiveness. First image below shows the traditional Porter’s model with the 5 forces, where the image on the latter shows additional factors that may affect the firm’s profitability and attractiveness. Exhibit 1.1 Porter’s Original Five Forces Model (Strategic Management Insight) Exhibit 1.2 Porter’s “Five” Forces Model (Lecture 2, R. Herko) The following analysis is for the Asian region, including: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, New Zealand and Australia....
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...Introduction: In 1979, Harvard Business Review published “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy” by a young economist and associate professor, Michael E. Porter. It was his first HBR article, and it started a revolution in the strategy field. In subsequent decades, Porter has brought his signature economic rigor to the study of competitive strategy for corporations, regions, nations, and, more recently, health care and philanthropy. “Porter’s five forces” have shaped a generation of academic research and business practice. With prodding and assistance from Harvard Business School Professor Jan ‘ Rivkin and longtime colleague Joan Magretta, Porter here reaffirms, up-dates, and extends the classic work. He also ad-dresses common misunderstandings, provides practical guidance for users of the framework, and offers a deeper view of its implications for strategy today. In essence, the job of the strategist is to understand and cope with competition. Often, however, managers define competition too narrowly, as if it occurred only among today’s direct competitors. Yet competition for profits goes beyond established industry rivals to include four other competitive forces as well customers, suppliers, potential entrants, and substitute products. The extended rivalry that results from all five forces defines an industry’s structure and shapes the nature of competitive interaction within an industry. As different from one another as industries might appear on the surface, the underlying...
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...and a trained chemist. Ivory at then was an inexpensive white soap equal to high-quality, imported Castile soap. It was introduced nationwide through a weekly newspaper. Today, P&G has its presence across 180 countries and a team of 121,000 employees. Its business operations spanned across various segments like Beauty, Grooming, Health Care, Fabric Care & Home Care and Baby Care & Family Care; it is the house to many of the world leading brands like Head & Shoulder, Gillette, Oral B, Fabrics, Pampers and many more. Touching more than 4 billion consumers worldwide every day, the company sales volume as of fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 was more than 80 billion in sales. The Strategy – Unique Value According to Michael Porter, He argued that organizations that focus solely on operation effectiveness is not enough, they will only be successful if they are able to provide a unique value that is sustainable for a long term. Organizations competing in operation effectiveness will only gauge their performance by benchmarking what others are doing; ultimately providing the same value throughout, which is of no value to the customer. Therefore, for an...
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...dynamics of competitors within an industry is critical for several reasons. First, it can help to assess the potential opportunities for your venture, particularly important if you are entering this industry as a new player. It can also be a critical step to better differentiate yourself from others that offer similar products and services. One of the most respected models to assist with this analysis is Porter’s Five Forces Model. This model, created by Michael E. Porter and described in the book “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors,” has proven to be a useful tool for both business and marketing-based planning. Background The pure competition model does not present a viable tool to assess an industry. Porter’s Five Forces attempts to realistically assess potential levels of profitability, opportunity and risk based on five key factors within an industry. This model may be used as a tool to better develop a strategic advantage over competing firms within an industry in a competitive and healthy environment. It identifies five forces that determine the long-run profitability of a market or market segment. * Suppliers * Buyers * Entry/Exit Barriers * Substitutes * Rivalry Supplier power * Supplier concentration * Importance of volume to supplier * Differentiation of inputs * Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation * Switching costs of firms in the industry * Presence of substitute inputs ...
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...regarding managerial issues within organizational context. Your course instructor will select these companies. Your main task is to find out why management of the company of your interest is going through problems and how to solve this. At first you will scan the current scenario and after analyzing and anticipating the problem, you will come up with a set of action plans as your recommendations to solve the management related issues. You will make your analysis and judgment on the basis of following dimensions: • Managerial Functions • Environmental analysis (PEST) • Organizational Behavior (Culture) • Human Resources Practices • Corporate Social Responsibilities You can also use effective tools like and porter’s five forces model, Carroll’s pyramid, MBO scanning and other tools that you will be learning throughout the semester. Format of the write-up: You can use Times new Roman font, 12 or Verdana, 11 or Arial 11. Line spacing should be 1.5 with uniform margin of 1 inch. You must include: • Top Sheet (including you name, ID, section number and project title) • Letter of acknowledgment • Table of Content • Main write up • References...
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