...phone will be called the iPhone 5S As with the iPhone 5C, mobile phone operator leaks have indicated that Apple is maintaining its current iPhone naming scheme, sticking with the solitary number and variations to denote upgraded iPhone models. Given that the alternative iPhone is highly likely to be called the iPhone 5C, the 5S moniker could be another differentiator for Apple's next flagship phone. The iPhone 5S will be available in more colours Ever since the iPhone 3G launched, in 2008, Apple has offered its smartphones in two colours, black and white. Recent part leaks from Apple's manufacturing partners in China have indicated that Apple will launch the iPhone 5S in more colours including a gold, or "champagne", model, which could make sense in terms of Apple's attempt to secure market share in Asia. Apple will upgrade the camera in the iPhone 5S It is highly probable, given the competition from the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S4, with its 13-megapixel camera, that Apple will improve the current 8MP camera from the iPhone 5 to at least 13 megapixels. The iPhone 5S will have almost exactly the same design as the iPhone 5 Apple has a history of redesigning the look of its flagship phone only every other generation, improving the specifications and inner components without altering the case design on the outside significantly. Both part leaks and previous actions suggest that Apple will stay true to form and release the iPhone 5S with improved insides while...
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...Capitulo 0 Breve Introducción a Lean Seis Sigma 1 ¿Qué es Lean Seis Sigma Lean Six Sigma es una Metodología que Maximiza el valor de la empresa logrando una rapidez en la mejora de la satisfacción del cliente, el costo la calidad, la velocidad de los procesos y la inversión de capital. La fusión de Lean y Seis Sigma es necesaria porque: Lean no puede poner un proceso bajo control estadístico. Seis Sigma por si solo no puede mejorar de manera dramática la velocidad del proceso ó reducir la inversión de capital. 2 La Rapidez de Lean Seis Sigma Lean Seis Sigma entrega resultados mas rápido que Lean ó Seis Sigma por si solos. “Es difícil ser agresivo cuando no sabes a que pegarle”. (Vince Lombardi) A que pegarle significa ¿Qué mejoras especificas deben ser ejecutadas y en que orden? Esta pregunta no puede ser entendida ó contestada por aquellos enfocados de manera separada en Lean ó en Seis Sigma. 3 El Principio de Lean Seis Sigma Las actividades que causan los problemas en los CTQ’s (Critical to Quality) de los clientes y crean los tiempos de retraso mas largos en cualquier proceso ofrecen la mayor oportunidad de mejora en costo, calidad, capital y Lead Time. 4 Lean Seis Sigma Lean significa velocidad; esta se aplica a todos los procesos. Los procesos lentos son procesos caros. El métrico de lean es la eficiencia del ciclo de proceso. Los tamaños de lote deben calcularse utilizando variables de flujo. 95% de los Lead...
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...Las 5S fue un programa desarrollado por Toyota para conseguir mejoras duraderas en el nivel de organización, orden y limpieza; además de aumentar la motivación del personal. Las 5S son una de las partes fundamentales, y uno de los primeros pasos a dar, en la implementación de un sistema de Mantenimiento Productivo Integral. En este caso, las mejoras no se aplican a la infraestructura o equipos de trabajo,sino al propio entorno de trabajo. Mediante prácticas sencillas y efectivas se logra, por un lado asentar las bases para la Mejora Contínua de procesos y por otro optimizar la calidad, costes y tiempos no productivos. Su desarrollar un ambiente de trabajo agradable y eficiente, en un clima de seguridad, orden, limpieza y constancia que permita el correcto desempeño de las operaciones diarias, logrando así los estándares de calidad de los servicios requeridos por la ciudadanía. El nombre procede del origen etimológico, japonés, de los términos que componen estas técnicas: - Seiri: Clasificación. - Seiton: Organización. - Seiso: Limpieza. - Seiketsu: Estandarización. - Shitsuke: Disciplina. Seiri se encarga de clasificar y filtrar todo lo necesario de lo que no lo es. Se reducen por tanto las necesidades de espacio (stock, almacenamiento, transporte…), las compras de materiales y se aporta una mayor conciencia en la economización, clasificación y filtrado de componentes. Seiton se encarga de la organización, del estudio de la eficacia. “Cada cosa en un sitio y...
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...Mura, Muri, Muda. La base del pensamiento esbelto Elaborado por: Leonor Ahuja Sánchez, México, 2014. Publicado en: Recorrer juntos el Gemba… Mura, muri, muda son tres palabras japonesas que forman parte de su filosofía de mejora continua, Kaizen, elemento clave del Sistema de Producción Toyota y del llamado en occidente “pensamiento esbelto” o Lean Thinking. Mura, muri, muda, a las que yo suelo llamarles las 3 Mu, van siempre juntas y se enfocan en identificar y eliminar todo tipo de desperdicios, lo que producirá, en el largo plazo, cambios organizacionales y en las prácticas de trabajo y procesos de diseño, desarrollo y manufactura de bienes o servicios hacia una mayor agilidad y eficiencia, sin errores ni defectos, capaces de responder a los requerimientos y expectativas del cliente. ¿Cuál es su significado? Mura – 斑 Mura se refiere a cualquier irregularidad, inconsistencia, incumplimiento o variación no prevista. Cuando se presenta un mura, el sistema completo se desequilibra. Mura (Hubbard, 2010) se evita a través de los principios del Just In Time o Justo a Tiempo (JAT); conocer a profundidad las necesidades y requerimientos de los mercados y clientes, trabajar por órdenes y pedidos y, cuando es necesario, realizar ajustes internos para fijar una “demanda constante” en un determinado período, acorde a la capacidad de producción (Heijunka o producción nivelada). El JAT requiere que se utilicen diferentes tipos de Kanban, referidos al sistema de información o señalización...
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...Let us just, arguendo, accept his point about Apple no longer being innovative. Let us also gloss over the obvious typo about Apple handing out the $100 billion cash pile as well, it’s no where near that amount being returned to investors. So, what is it that we actually want a non-innovative but highly profitable company to be doing with the rivers of cash that it is generating? Why, we want it to be handing that money back to shareholders. Who can then reinvest it or spend it as they please. And we are entirely happy with the money flowing out of that no longer innovative company because we know, as economists or those interested in economics, that almost all innovation in the economy comes from new firms entering the market. For that is the truth of it: Apple’s run of innovation under Jobs is the oddity in the economy. Almost always innovation, new products, new ways of doing things, new methods of organisation, that variety of things that leads to economic growth and the creation of jobs, comes from the creation of new firms and the extinction by their replacement of the old firms. So, if a company is making good profits but has no new great ideas we’d actually prefer them to be paying out dividends. Buying back stock: getting that money into the hands of investors who might then invest in new start ups. We can go further too: if those executives at Apple knew which were the new start ups were that were worth investing in, knew which new technologies or market areas...
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...22, 2013 IT News Report Assignment 1 Article Summary The article, “The iPhone 5s fingerprint reader: what you need to know”, explains how the fingerprint sensor works to its readers. For the first time, Apple has introduced a new technology called the “Touch ID” in its iPhone 5s. Basically, this feature enhances the security for the phone’s owner, where they no longer have to solely rely on entering a passcode to access their phone. The new iPhone 5s makes use of a capacitance fingerprint reader, which measures and senses the user’s fingerprint and further forms an image. This sensor has been placed in the “home” button of the phone. Eventually, the iPhone does not store the user’s fingerprint but instead runs a scan every time a finger is placed on the sensor. The emergence of this new technology does not mean that passcodes will no longer be used. Passcode is a must! If the sensor breaks or something happens to your finger, you need a way to get back into your phone. Other Apple services, such as iCloud or iTunes, will still require passwords, as fingerprint readers cannot always be used for them. However, purchases can be made using the Touch ID. According to Apple, this new technology will prove to be exciting to its users. A simple four-digit passcode will no longer always need to be used to get into your phone. Touch ID along with the use of a passcode will prove to be more secure for the iPhone user. Analysis Day by day, new advancements in technology are proving to...
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...FACULITY OF FOREIG LANGUAGES WRITING 4 THE COMPARISON/OR CONTRAST ESSAY Topic: Write an essay comparing-contrasting two products. You may choose two cars, two cameras, two stereo systems, two motorcycles, two mobiles, ect. OUTLINE I. Introduction Thesis statement: Between Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple’s iPhone 5S are different in three significant characteristics as size, features and price. II. Developmental paragraphs A. Samsung Galaxy S5 1. Size 2. Features 3. Price B. Apple’s Iphone 5S 1. Size 2. Features 3. Price III. Conclusion ESSAY Today, mobile phones are a necessary media for everyone. Mobile phone technology is growing and more diverse. The utilities that mobile phones give people as communication with family, friends, and business affairs much quicker and easier. Samsung and Apple are the two phone maker’s rank the first in the world and Galaxy S5 and iPhone 5S is the product of the two companies are currently the most popular. These two phones are the best smart phones on the market and are leading the way for phones with great designs and exceptional features. However, between Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple’s iPhone 5S are different in three significant characteristics as size, features and price. Samsung Galaxy S5 is Smartphone made from the Samsung Company. The phone is slightly bigger than its predecessor due to a larger screen. Screen size is 5.25in, 080 resolutions, the screen is bright and soft-touch textured rather...
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...IPhone 5s Context Title Page……………………………………… Pg 1 Q1………………………………………............... Pg 3 Q2………………………………………………… Pg 3-5 Q3………………………………………………… Pg 6 Q4………………………………………………… Pg 6 Q5………………………………………………… Pg 7 Q6………………………………………………… Pg 7 Q7………………………………………………… Pg 8 Q8………………………………………………… Pg 8 Q9………………………………………………… Pg 9 Q10................................................................... Pg 10 Research log………………………………….. Pg 11-12 Q1. The reason why I chose this product was because it is very straightforward and has a unique style and is very attracting to most people. This product is used in everyday life and has moved the human society to becoming more and more understanding. It is easy to use and not much instructions to learn from it. It has a history, so its easier to keep track off and its simple to use in todays society. Given that the fact its expensive, its worth saving for because of its new features and quality. Q2. Main stages of the production of the IPhone 5s: Step 1 Engineers managed to compress the materials as shown above. They place amounts of computer chips in each material for ready to be cut up into different parts. Engineers managed to compress the materials as shown above. They place amounts of computer chips in each material for ready to be cut up into different parts. Step 2 Engineers manage to place the cases of the IPhone into containers for the computer chips to be placed inside the phone slowly. It takes about 10 mins to store...
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...Best Device for Your Needs Introduction to Computer and Network Hardware: ITCO103 - 1401A – 01 IP 1 Best Device for Your Needs Many people are updating their smartphones, laptops and desktops. There are so many options to choose from brand, size and performance. This paper will discuss and compare some of today’s best bargain laptops and computers that will also offer some of today’s most updated software and features. I will also discuss two of the most popular smartphones comparing and contrasting each devices features. While shopping on the internet for the best computer system I had hundreds of choices. I decided to narrow my choices down by picking a device that had all the features I needed in a computer system, but had a reasonable price tag for a full time worker and a part time student budget. The best option for me is the Dell Inspiron 660, and the Canon PIXMA MG2220 all-n-one printer it has all the features and needs that I would need in a personal home desktop system. The price point for this desktop is around $529.00. This device can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Hhgreeg making it accessible to most for in store purchase. This desktop is also available for purchase online as well from the dell website directly for the price listed above. The system software consists of OS Provided Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition. The system setup specs...
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...tech giant has reduced orders to assemblers for its lower-end iPhone, the 5C, people familiar with the situation said. At the same time, retailers and telecom operators report tepid demand for the device, prompting some to cut prices.Likewise, employees at several Best BuyCo. BBY +2.41% stores across the eastern U.S. reported ample supplies of the 5C, but much thinner stockpiles of the 5S. An employee at one location estimated the 5S had outsold its cheaper sibling three-to-one.Today, Apple's online stores in the U.S. and China promise to ship the iPhone 5C within 24 hours. But iPhone 5S orders take two to three weeks.This month, Apple told its two assemblers, Taiwan-based Pegatron Corp. 4938.TW 0.00%and Hon Hai, that it would cut this quarter's orders for the iPhone 5C, the people familiar with the situation said.Pegatron, which analysts said assembles two-thirds of iPhone 5Cs, was told the order would be cut by less than 20%, a person familiar with the matter said. Hon Hai, which assembles the remaining 5Cs, was told the order would be cut by a third, two people familiar with the matter said.An executive at Hon Hai, which is also known as Foxconn, said it stopped hiring additional workers to produce the iPhone 5C because of the reduced order. A Hon Hai executive last month said the company would beef up its workforce, anticipating strong orders for the iPhone 5C.A component supplier was notified that the order for iPhone 5C parts would be cut by 50%, a person familiar with the matter...
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...bus420 December 19, 2013 Course project Successful Product Strategy (Apple iPhone) Background & Current Key facts of Apple iPhone. Steve Jobs and Apple announced on January 2007, the revolutionary iPhone which was released the following June and also marked Apple's entry into the cellular phone marketplace. As described by Steve Jobs as "a wide-screen iPod with hand controls... a revolutionary mobile phone... and a breakthrough Internet communications device," the iPhone was the first Apple-branded consumer device to run on OS X (now known as iOS7). The iPhone was sold in two configurations, a 4 GB model sold for $499, and an 8 GB model for $599. In September 2007, Apple discontinued the 4 GB model, and dropped the price of the 8 GB model to $399 (a $100 Apple Store credit was offered to angry early adopters). In February 2008, a $499 16 GB model was added. All models were discontinued in June 2008, with the release of the iPhone 3G. As don’t with every other model when new iPhone comes out. Strategy/Project under investigation. iPhone has always been forward thinking and they have come a long way since 2007 when they introduced the iPhone 3G. Forward thinking is what the iPhone 5s is now. It is a 64 bit mobile architecture in pioneering. It also has a new innovating feature of a fingerprint identity sensor. All of these services are at the service of every person who is interested in a mobile phone. iPhone 5 set a precedent. Apple engineers and designers managed to compress...
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...corporation in the world by market capitalisation with value of US$626 billion as of Sept 2012. Apple market capitalisation is greater than Google and Microsoft together. The company offers variety of mobile communication and media devices and personal computing products and portable music player and also a wide range of software, networking solutions and thied party hardware and software products. It has basket of products which includes Mac line of computers , music player iPod , smart phone iPhone and tablet computer which include iPad, iTunes, Mac app store, iCloud ,Operating system software, Application software. Main products of APPLE 1] iPhone 2] iPad 3] iPod 4] iTv 5] iMac Product profile iPhone The iPhone is range of apple smart phone that runs on iOS mobile operating system. The first generation iPhone was released on June 29 ,2007 the most recent iPhone was introduced on September 10, 2013. The iPhone is top selling cell phone in United States ,Canada and Japan. The iPhone is combination of a mobile...
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...competitor in the market, the iPhone s5 and our recommendations on how to successfully compete and maximize profit in the smart phone market. History of Apple Apple Computers was founded in April 1976 by Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak. The company built computers and operating systems that were revolutionary for the industry. The company has had some competition, and therefore has had some ups and downs financially. Top management in the company has changed over the years and the company had difficulty competing with other computer companies. However, in the late 90s and early 00s the company had an increase in profits because of innovative products. In 2001, the company introduced the iPod. This little device was just a small music player. It played and stored music files that the customer could download on the Internet. Apple Inc. dropped the “computer” out of its name in 2007; the same year it introduced the iPhone (Sanford, 2013). The first phone made by the company was a success. In the following years the company continued to improve its product; introducing the iPhone 3g, iPhone 3gs, then the iPhone4, iPhone4s, and now the iPhone5, iPhone5s, and the iPhone5c. The iPhone 5 has a new ios7 operating system, and 64 bit architecture. The 64 bit architecture has never been put into a phone before so this is a very innovative step in the smart phone market (Worstall, 2013). Effect of Demand, Supply and Equilibrium Prices With the iPhone 5s, Apple is currently facing shortages...
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...Apple was founded on the first 1st April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Roland Wayne in Cupertino, California. Apple was originally founded to create personal computers but expanded its market in 2001 with the iPod, a revolutionary music playing device. Since that time apple has gone on to release a number of other market leading products including the Apple iPhone, Apple TV and the Apple iPad to make it the market leader in consumer electronics. ------------------------------------------------- Photo courtesy of http://www.technobuffalo.com/2011/12/14/apples-founding-contracts-go-for-1-6-million-at-auction/ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Apple now has 406 retail stores across the world selling a total of 17 different products in a range of sizes, along with a huge range of accessories. ------------------------------------------------- After Apple’s first day as a listed company on December 12, 1980 it had a market capitalisation of $1.778 billion. Apple IPO makes instant millionaires, December 12, 1980 | EDN. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4403276/Apple-IPO-makes-instant-millionaires--December-12--1980. [Accessed 10 March 2014] ------------------------------------------------- Market Capitalisation is “the total dollar market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares” (citation), calculated...
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... INTRODUCTION I plan to buy a new cellular phone, but there are so many types and brands of cellular phones. Before I make a decision, I try to collect brochures, price list, brands of cellular phones that I might buy for my references and consideration. Normally, I make a conclusion after going through the following steps: 1. Recognition After collecting brands of cellular phones, I found 3 brands that I think they are suitable for me A) Apple Iphone 5 S B) Samsung Galaxy Note 4 C) Sony Xperia Z 3 Apple Inc is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sellsconsumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers. Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online services include iCloud, the iTunes Store, and the App Store. Apple's consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, the Safari web browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suite Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand...
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