...emotions as well as the emotions of those around us. It involves how we understand our own feelings, have empathy for others, and regulate our emotions to connect with people (DuBrin, 2010). Without it, it would be difficult to build lasting relationships, maintain our families, and succeed as managers. EQ vs IQ What is the difference between emotional intelligence (EQ) and intelligence quotient (IQ)? IQ is the measurement of a person’s ability to learn, understand, and apply information. An IQ can be determined by answering standardized questions and comparing the score to that of other people within the same age rage. This numerical value can help determine a person’s intellect and measure concepts like word comprehension, math skills, and logical reasoning (Ellis-Christensen, 2012). EQ on the other hand, is a measurement of how one recognizes and responds to emotions and how well they communicate with others. EQ can be more difficult to measure because test questions are usually subjective, unlike IQ testing which has more definitive answers for scoring. In general, IQ and EQ differ in the mental capabilities that are being measured: understanding information vs. understanding emotions (Ellis-Christensen, 2013). Key factors of emotional intelligence According to emotional intelligence research author, Daniel Goleman, there are four key factors that build one’s emotional intelligence. Each factor includes personal competences that leaders may...
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...perceive, control and evaluate emotions. It is part of who we are as individuals and can help achieve success and happiness. Emotional intelligence revolves around four attributes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Emotional intelligence differs from cognitive intelligence in many different ways. Expert’s and researchers suggest that EQ can be learned and strengthened, and it can be considered more important than IQ. Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence has become a hot topic in the corporate world ever since the publication of Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence. It has been so impactful that Harvard Business published an article on the topic and it attracted more readers than any other article published in the last 40 years. It also made a big impression on the CEO of Johnson & Johnson and he immediately send out copies of the book to 400 executives in the company. Emotional intelligence plays a big role in reaching success in our personal life and at work. Emotional Intelligence VS Cognitive Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to the understanding your own emotions, as well as the emotions of people around you. Understanding how to control emotions can result in a positive outcome for everyone. It is also knowing where emotions come from and what they mean, and also being able to manage these emotions and control them. People with high emotional intelligence make good leaders, managers, and supervisors...
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...Team Assignment BU481 Sections M - Group 9 1. Given 12 cases in the course, what industries and sizes of companies would you like to see covered in the course. Software/Hardware Industry I believe a large sized software or hardware company, founded pre 2000’s would be hugely interesting to research in a business policy course. Companies that come to mind that have also been influential during the Internet boom, and still compete in the software or hardware environment include Yahoo! Inc., Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and lastly Amazon.com Inc.. If the case was current, I believe it would give students a realistic look at the way computers can alter and disrupt the business landscape. It would include many course concepts including leader/follower dynamics, external environment analysis, as well as the different ways a company can bring new or old products and services to new or old markets. All of these companies are in a constant race with one another for market share, and while small competitive advantages can be leveraged into larger ones in a short time, they can be lost in that same time frame. The competition these companies face also exists among small firms operating in leaner capacities. Analyzing any of the above mentioned companies would allow students to be creative while providing an informative view of how these companies are hugely capable of changing the way everyone interacts with the world around us. Video Game Industry An example of a company...
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...Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership OB PROJECT TERM I By: Anumeha Gupta (h11067) OB-II PROJECT (TERM II) Dwaipayan Gupta (h11075) Shesadri Biswas (h11110) Sreekanth S V (h11113) Vikrant Chaplot(h11118) GROUP B7 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our gratitude towards Prof. Manish Singhal for giving us the opportunity to pursue this project in the course “Organizational Behaviour - II”. We want to thank him for his creative and thoughtful ideas that made our project work highly interesting and interactive. We would like to thank Mr Gaurav Marathe for taking out the time to answer our numerous queries and for his useful suggestions that went a long way in helping us improve our project. We would also like to thank Ms Dulcie Margaret Young for providing the necessary administrative support. We would like to thank the committee heads and secretaries at XLRI for their valuable inputs. We also want to thank the committee members (both senior and junior batches) for taking out the time to answer our questions regarding their respective committee heads. We would always be grateful to the esteemed pedagogy of XLRI and hope to apply the learnings from this project for effective management in our respective fields. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ............................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ...............................................................
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............ 3 Overview of Emotional Intelligence ....................................................................... 3 Behaviors and outcomes ........................................................................................ 4 EQ in healthcare .................................................................................................... 4 Healthcare emotional intelligence ......................................................................... 4 Training implications .............................................................................................. 5 Training and Health Care ....................................................................................... 6 The physician and emotional intelligence .............................................................. 7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 8 Introduction There is a renewed interest in healthcare, in the role of Emotional Intelligence — a set of behavioral competencies, distinct from traditional IQ, that impact performance. There is also a growing body of evidence that individual behaviors, including EQ, influence patient outcomes and organizational success. What is EQ? How does it apply to healthcare? How do we use it to improve performance? Everyone is striving to provide patient-centered care. Operational strategies like Lean or Six-Sigma help in designing new, patient-centered care models. Information...
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...`PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Summer 2015 MGT 307 J. ANDREW MORRIS andrew.morris@csuci.edu 805-437-2771 “The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals…We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate…”– Martin Luther King Jr, The Purpose of Education INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand the different managerial functions and roles. 2. Explore the five basic managerial skills/competencies and their relative importance. Management can be defined as: the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the efforts of organization members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated goals. Management blends together two types of knowledge: Science - based on established general laws Art - skill acquired through experience; the application of knowledge. The Management Process Management is an ongoing process which includes the following functions: Planning - set objectives and procedures Organizing - Design the organization to carry out objectives Leading - getting others to perform necessary tasks Controlling - monitoring performance...
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...Abstract In order for a business to be successful and competitive the leader must keep employees engaged in the company. Business does not thrive unless there is a leader who exemplifies emotional intelligence. Managers want to make sure employees feel compensated for their hard work, but also making sure the company is not putting themselves in a hole on the balance sheet. Businesses have fallen due to lack of knowledge about how to keep employees interested so that they can be productive for the business. Leaders must understand and create procedures that are both positive and beneficial to the business. The success that a business can have depends on the leadership style that is chosen. Keywords: Leader, Workforce, employee Leadership Styles Leadership styles have multiple effects not only in small businesses but also in the world's largest corporations. These styles have an impact on everyone from senior management to the newest college intern. They help form the corporate culture that shapes the organization and its performance (Carraher). Autocratic Style Effects, also known as authoritarian leadership, autocratic style clearly helps identify the division between leaders and workers. Autocratic leaders make decisions with little or no involvement from employees. These leaders are supremely confident and comfortable with the decision-making responsibility for company operating and strategic plans (Carraher). Although...
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...Required Reading: Chapter 1, 2, 3 & 4 Slides 1: Themes of cultural psychology: - Psychological processes are shaped by cultural experiences Defining Culture: (3, last one is the best/preferred definition for this class) - A group of people who have a shared context (geographical, historical, linguistic, etc.) - A group of people who have shared beliefs - BEST definition: Information acquired from other members of a species through social learning. Challenges to defining culture: Cultural boundaries are not distinct and often unclear Cultural are dynamic and change There is substantial within-culture variation Fuzzy category(模糊的) Compare and Contrast: Cultural PSYC vs. General PSYC (different focuses and premises假定) - General Psychology: • Focused on: human universals(普遍性): does not vary across human cultures • All people everywhere are the same • Context and content of thought is largely just noise (Ignore the ability to understand the human mind) - Cultural Psychology: • Focused on: cultural variation and causes of variation • Humans are a cultural species - culture informs how we think • Thoughts are shaped by contexts • Minds and culture are entangled( 缠绕在⼀一起) with each other Mueller-Lyer illusion(哪个更长): - Trick of perspective - A lot of cultural variation is susceptibility(易受影响的) to this illusion Psychology is W.E.I.R.D.: - Most of what we know about psychology is based on WEIRD samples: • Western • Educated • Industrialized • Rich • Democratic 第 1 ⾴頁 ...
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...Principle 14 Factors and Qualities used in Personal Branding 14 Leadership branding 16 Leadership Brand Definition 16 Leadership Branding Concepts 17 Building a Leadership Brand 18 Principles Used in Building Strong Leadership Brands 19 Challenges of Leadership Self Branding 19 Conclusion 20 References 21 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Introduction In the past decade, emotional intelligence has generated an enormous amount of interest both within and outside the field of psychology. It brings together the fields of emotions and intelligence by viewing emotions as useful sources of information that help one to make sense of and navigate the social environment. Emotional intelligence is powerful, and at times more powerful, than IQ in predicting success in life. This paper explores the power of emotions and various pillars of emotional intelligence. It will also discuss how Emotional intelligence has evolved over time. Defining Emotional Intelligence Emotion is defined as the state of feeling, including physiological and cognitive states, that conveys information about relationships. Intelligence is a single,...
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...Company Profile in Brief: 1. ……………………… 2. ……………………… 3. ……………………… |OUTLINING THE PROBLEM ALONG WITH RELEVANT CAUSE-EFFECT & SOLUTION: | 1. Rigid & unwise organizational culture: Reference: Local community has little access to the huge establishment for their livelihood. They do not even get a chance to say their Friday prayer at the nice mosque made for the staff only. Outcome: The local community is hostile to the outsiders who are serving there. Reason behind Rigidity: • Absence of the multinational corporate culture to “ACT LOCALLY”. • Uniform organizational policy irrespective of their geographical presence. • Scattered Operations Division. Solution: • Implementation of pure professional corporate culture to THINK GLOBALLY & ACT LOCALLY. • Reform organizational policy with regard to different geographical presence. • Reform organizational policy with regard to recruitment & staffing in order to appoint local skilled hands (White Collar employee) at the plant. • Adoption of Operations Division at a required level to face challenges from both Internal & External environment. • Maintain a steady and cost effective practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to involve local community in such a way that makes them to hold a good feeling about the company & bring...
Words: 2015 - Pages: 9
...Unique Venue • Theme & Theater Low Cost, High Price High Cost, Low Price Visi Pramudia http://visipramudia.wordpress.com/ The Cornerstone of Blue Ocean Strategy • Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both its cost structure and its value proportion to buyers • Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on • Buyer values is lifted by raising & creating elements the industry has never offered • Over time, costs are reduced further as scale economies kick in due to the high sales volumes that superior value generates The Simultaneous Pursuit of Differentiation and Low Cost Visi Pramudia http://visipramudia.wordpress.com/ Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean Visi Pramudia http://visipramudia.wordpress.com/ The Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy Visi Pramudia http://visipramudia.wordpress.com/ Four Actions Framework Visi Pramudia http://visipramudia.wordpress.com/ The Case of Cirque du Soleil Raise Unique venue Eliminate Star Performers...
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...CMOS Analog Circuit Design (2nd Ed.) Homework Solutions : 9/20/2002 1 Chapter 1 Homework Solutions 1.1-1 Using Eq. (1) of Sec 1.1, give the base-10 value for the 5-bit binary number 11010 (b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ordering). From Eq. (1) of Sec 1.1 we have bN-1 2 + b N-2 2 + bN-3 2 + ...+ b0 2-N = -1 -2 -3 ∑bN-i2-i i=1 N 1 1 0 1 0 1 × 2-1 + 1× 2-2 + 0 × 2-3 + 1 × 2-4 + 0 × 2-5 = 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 26 13 = 32 = 16 32 1.1-2 Process the sinusoid in Fig. P1.2 through an analog sample and hold. The sample points are given at each integer value of t/T. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sample times t __ T Figure P1.1-2 1.1-3 Digitize the sinusoid given in Fig. P1.2 according to Eq. (1) in Sec. 1.1 using a four-bit digitizer. Amplitude CMOS Analog Circuit Design (2nd Ed.) Homework Solutions : 9/20/2002 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1111 1110 1101 1100 1010 1000 0110 0101 0011 0010 0010 1000 Amplitude 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sample times t __ T Figure P1.1-3 The figure illustrates the digitized result. At several places in the waveform, the digitized value must resolve a sampled value that lies equally between two digital values. The resulting digitized value could be either of the two values as illustrated in the list below. Sample Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4-bit Output 1000 1100 1110 1111 or 1110 1101 1010 0110 0011 0010 or 0001 0010 0101 1000 ...
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...different types of emotions. In 1972, psychologist Paul Eckman suggested that there are six basic emotions that are universal throughout human cultures: fear, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness, and sadness. In 1999, he expanded this list to include a number of other basic emotions including embarrassment, excitement, contempt, shame, pride, satisfaction, and amusement. During the 1980s, Robert Plutchik introduced another emotion classification system known as the "wheel of emotions." This model demonstrated how different emotions can be combined or mixed together, much the way an artist mixes primary colors to create other colors. Plutchik suggested that there are 8 primary emotional dimensions: happiness vs. sadness, anger vs. fear, trust vs. disgust, and surprise vs. anticipation. These emotions can then be combined in a variety of ways. For example, happiness and anticipation might combine to create excitement. In order to better understand what emotions are, let's focus on their three key elements. The Subjective Experience While experts believe that there are a number of basic universal emotions that are experienced by people all over the world regardless of background or culture, researchers also believe that the experience of emotion can be highly subjective. While we might...
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...LEADERSHIP MIND AND HEART Orang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari emosi mereka, melalui emosi pemimpin menghasilkan komitmen terhadap visi dan misi bersama, nilai-nilai dan budaya, serta kepedulian terhadap pekerjaan dan sesama. “There’s no difference between being a really effective leader and becoming a fully integrated person ”. (Warren Bennis). Pada materi ini akan dibahas mengenai pentingnya seorang pemimpin menjadi orang yang memiliki integritas penuh dengan mengeksplore secara penuh kapasitas pikiran dan jiwa mereka. Akan dibahas tentang kapasitas pemimpin, kemudian diperluas melalui pikiran dan perasaan yang dapat membantu pemimpin mengubah perilaku mereka, mempengaruhi orang lain, dan menjadi lebih effektif. Bab ini akan membahas konsep model mental dan melihat bagaimana kualitas dari pemikiran inedependen, pikiran terbuka, dan sistem berpikir sangat penting bagi pemimpin, dan kemudian melihat bagaimana emosi manusia diilustrasikan sebagai konsep kecerdasan emosi. Leader Capacity Versus Leaders Competence kepemimpinan yang efektif seperti manajemen yang baik, telah dianggap sebagai kompetensi dalam satu set keterampilan, salah satu keterampilan khusus yang diperoleh, semua orang harus berhasil menempatkan set keterampilan ke dalam tindakan. Namun, seperti yang kita semua tahu dari pengalaman pribadi, bekerja secara efektif dengan orang lain membutuhkan lebih dari spesific practising, keterampilan rasional, itu sering digambarkan sebagai soft skills diri kita...
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...1/ ENERGY BANDS IN SOLIDS In this chapter we begin with a review of the basic atomic properties of matter leading to discrete electronic energy levels in atoms. We find that these energy levels are spread into energy bands in a crystal. This band structure allows us to distinguish between an insulator, a semiconductor, and a metal. 1-1 CHARGED PARTICLES The charge, or quantity, of negative electricity and the mass of the electron have been found to be 1.60 X 10- 19 C (coulomb) and 9.11 X 10- 31 kg, respectively. The values of many important physical constants are given in Appendix A, and a list of conversion factors and prefixes is given in Appendix B. Some idea of the number of electrons per second that represents current of the usual order of magnitude is readily possible. F'or example, since the charge per electron is 1.60 X 10- 19 C, the number of electrons per coulomb is the reciprocal of this nutnber, or approximately, 6 X 10 18 Further, since a current of 1 A (ampere) is the flow of 1 Cis, then a current of only 1 pA (1 picoampere, or 10- 12 A) represents the motion of approximately 6 million electrons per second. Yet a current of 1 pA is so small that considerable difficulty is experienced in attempting to measure it. The charge of a positive ion is an integral multiple of the charge of the electron, although it is of opposite sign. For the case of singly ionized particles, the charge is equal to that of the electron. For the case of doubly ionized particles...
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