...Accounting II Section: T Class: Tuesdays, 11:30am – 2:30pm Lab: Wednesdays, 5:30pm - 7:00pm Instructor Liz Farrell (416)736-5063 or (416)736-2100, ext. 66522 S345 Seymour Schulich Building efarrell@schulich.yorku.ca Office hours: Mondays, 8:00 - 8:30 am Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 am Wednesdays, 8:00 - 8:30 am Secretary Filomena Petrilli 416-736-5063 S344K Seymour Schulich Building fpetrill@schulich.yorku.ca Brief Description This is an extension of SB/ACTG 3110.03, but with a primary focus on the valuation and presentation of liabilities and owners' equity. Major topics include current, long-term and contingent liabilities; leases; pensions; corporate income tax allocation; capital transactions, earnings per share and analysis of financial statements under differing accounting policies. The criteria by which both preparers and users make decisions are emphasized. Prerequisite[s] / Co-requisite[s] Note: Not available to exchange students visiting Schulich. Prerequisite: SB/ACTG 3110 3.00 Course objectives and detailed description The objective of this course is to provide students with an indepth understanding of the accounting for the liabilities and equities side of the balance sheet. This includes both international accounting standards (Part I of CICA Handbook) and the accounting standards for private enterprises (Part II of CICA Handbook). This course is the continuation of a two-course sequence (ACTG 3110/3120) that deals with what has traditionally been called “intermediate...
Words: 5303 - Pages: 22
...2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Calendar and Course Catalogue Published June 2014 The information contained within this document was accurate at the time of publication indicated above and is subject to change. Please consult your faculty or the Registrar’s office if you require clarification regarding the contents of this document. Note: Program map information located in the faculty sections of this document are relevant to students beginning their studies in 2014-2015, students commencing their UOIT studies during a different academic year should consult their faculty to ensure they are following the correct program map. i Message from President Tim McTiernan I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), one of Canada’s most modern and dynamic university communities. We are a university that lives by three words: challenge, innovate and connect. You have chosen a university known for how it helps students meet the challenges of the future. We have created a leading-edge, technology-enriched learning environment. We have invested in state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities. We have developed industry-ready programs that align with the university’s visionary research portfolio. UOIT is known for its innovative approaches to learning. In many cases, our undergraduate and graduate students are working alongside their professors on research projects and gaining valuable hands-on learning, which we believe is integral...
Words: 195394 - Pages: 782
...Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists This page intentionally left blank Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists NINTH EDITION Ronald E. Walpole Roanoke College Raymond H. Myers Virginia Tech Sharon L. Myers Radford University Keying Ye University of Texas at San Antonio Prentice Hall Editor in Chief: Deirdre Lynch Acquisitions Editor: Christopher Cummings Executive Content Editor: Christine O’Brien Associate Editor: Christina Lepre Senior Managing Editor: Karen Wernholm Senior Production Project Manager: Tracy Patruno Design Manager: Andrea Nix Cover Designer: Heather Scott Digital Assets Manager: Marianne Groth Associate Media Producer: Vicki Dreyfus Marketing Manager: Alex Gay Marketing Assistant: Kathleen DeChavez Senior Author Support/Technology Specialist: Joe Vetere Rights and Permissions Advisor: Michael Joyce Senior Manufacturing Buyer: Carol Melville Production Coordination: Lifland et al. Bookmakers Composition: Keying Ye Cover photo: Marjory Dressler/Dressler Photo-Graphics Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Pearson was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists/Ronald E. Walpole . . . [et al.] — 9th ed. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-321-62911-1...
Words: 201669 - Pages: 807
...Kortfilm, d. 16/08/2012 Gruppe 7, min gruppe, har om den syvende parameter – helhed. Uvæsentligt: Da Marianna blev stukket af en myg. Helhed: At den slutter godt, Marianna går tilbage til Morten. Vellykket: Fordi hvis det havde været Morten, der var gået over til Marianna var de døde, men det var omvendt. Så de overlevede og fik endt deres diskussion lykkeligt. Koncentratet: Det der er tilbage af det væsentlige er fint, men der er en scene der gør det dårligt, og det er når Marianna bliver stukket. Richard Raskin: Richard mener, at filmen skal slutte så man føler sig tilfredsstillende ved at forlade historiens behagelige rum. Og det gør man, fordi det begge overlever og bliver hos hinanden. Dansk, d. 17/08/2012 Læs teksten ’’Helle Helle: En stol for lidt’’ Vi har om åbne og lukkede tekster, og ’’Helle Helle: En stol for lidt’’ er en åben tekst fordi man har så mange overvejelser, og tænker videre på slutningen. En åben tekst: Er en tekst fuld af tomme pladser, således at læseren har frit valg på mange fortolkningshylder. En lukket tekst: Er en tekst, der forsøger at skabe en lydig læser i den forstand, at læseren loyalt fortolker teksten sådan som forfatteren lægger op til, at der skal fortolkes. Teksten handler om et par, der forbereder sig til deres egen fest, men alting går dårligt, og de skal til at lave maden færdig og gøre toilettet rent. De mangler også at tage deres fine tøj på. Men den ender meget sær, fordi kvinden i historien forlader pludselig huset...
Words: 21864 - Pages: 88
...Regulations for Diploma Programmes ............ 36 General Regulations for Certificate Programmes ......... 37 STUDENT PRIZES .............................................................................. 38 CODE OF CONDUCT ........................................................................ 39 UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS ON PLAGIARISM .......................... 40 THE ACADEMIC SUPPORT/ DISABILITIES LIAISON UNIT (ASDLU) ............................................................................................... 42 POSTGRADUATE STUDIES IN THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ............................................................................................ 43 Postgraduate Programmes 2014-2015 ............................ 44 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) FOR FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES............................................................................. 46 General FAQS for All...
Words: 77086 - Pages: 309
...letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. This book is part of the LinuxCommand.org project, a site for Linux education and advocacy devoted to helping users of legacy operating systems migrate into the future. You may contact the LinuxCommand.org project at http://linuxcommand.org. This book is also available in printed form, published by No Starch Press and may be purchased wherever fine books are sold. No Starch Press also offers this book in electronic formats for most popular e-readers: http://nostarch.com/tlcl.htm Release History Version 13.07 09.12 09.11 09.10 Date July 6, 2013 December 14, 2009 November 19, 2009 October 3, 2009 Description Second Internet Edition. First Internet Edition. Fourth draft with almost all reviewer feedback incorporated and edited through chapter 37. Third draft with revised table formatting, partial application of reviewers feedback and edited through chapter 18. Second draft incorporating the first editing pass. Completed first draft. 09.08 09.07 August 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 Table of Contents Introduction....................................................................................................xvi Why Use The Command Line?.....................................................................................xvi What This Book Is...
Words: 100185 - Pages: 401
...SL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Song Name Amanush Theme Amanush Duchokher Oi Jhiley Hai Rama Jiboner Jalchabi Monta Kore Uru Uru O My Love Aamake Aamar Moto Thaakte Dao Bhaage Jaana Hai Kahan Bneche Thakar Gaan (Rupam) Bneche Thakar Gaan (Saptarshi) Chawl Raastaye (Shreya) Chawl Raastaye (Priyam) Phnaade Poriya Bawga Knaade Re Uthche Jege Shawkalgulo Bol Na Aar Dui Prithibi It's Only Pyaar O Yara Vey Pyarelal Keno Aaj Kal Keu Mone Mone Khujechi Toke Raat Berate Pirit Koro Na Sexy Maye Aas Paas Hai Khuda (Unplugged) Aas Pass Hai Khuda Ale Ab Jo Bhi Ho Anjaana Anjaani Hai Magar Anjaana Anjaani Ki Kahani Apna Har Din Jiyo (Remix) Apna Har Din Jiyo Baki Main Bhool Gayi Chhan Ke Mohalla Sara (Remix) Chhan Ke Mohalla Sara Chori Kiya Re Jiya (Female) Chori Kiya Re Jiya (Male) Dabangg Theme Desi Kali Your A Desi Kali (Bawara Sa) (Remix) Desi Kali Your A Desi Kali (Bawara Sa) Desi Kali Your A Desi Kali (Remix) Song Code 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 55510 55511 55525 55512 55513 55514 55515 55516 55517 55518 55519 55520 55521 55522 55523 55524 55526 55527 55528 55529 55530 55531 55532 55533 55534 55535 55536 55537 55538 55539 55540 55541 Artist/Movie/Album Amanush Amanush Amanush Amanush Amanush Amanush Amanush Autograph Autograph Autograph Autograph Autograph Autograph Autograph Autograph Dui Prithibi Dui Prithibi Dui Prithibi Dui Prithibi Dui Prithibi Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh...
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