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Is Global Civil Society an Answer to War?


Submitted By Desai
Words 3354
Pages 14
Essay Title: Is Global Civil Society an answer to War?

War is not a modern phenomenon but as old as human existence itself. Wars are not like natural calamities or phenomenon but are very much part of human existential dynamics that seeks both peace and ability to survive acknowledging its natural competitive behaviour which unlike realist assumptions is conditioned and not natural. However, realism has dominated the field of international relations since the end of World War 11. It dominates political thinking, with exclusive emphasis on the state as the primary actor in world politics. Realists display a very overt pessimistic view of human nature, advocating with religious conviction that selfish human nature drives international relations into conflicts subjugating state to resort to organized violence and wars in order to gain upper hand and to always resort to wars to resolve international conflicts. Thus resulting in a system framed to maximize state’s military power in a predominantly anarchical environment. As a distinct school of thought, Realism emphasizes separation from domestic to international with little or no democratic structures within its sphere.
Consequently, warfare has remained an institutionalized social order against the predatory behavior of others and consequently a legitimate instrument of survival. Moreover, growth in the size of armies and the development of weapons technology has led to an increase in the frequency of wars resulting in large-scale destruction and death. However, this paper will argue that war cannot not simply be a tool or an instrument at the disposal of a state for the purposes of organized aggression and violence, rather it needs to be a rationally constituted structure that allows the state to maintain its legitimate peaceful coexistence within its defined sovereign sphere and maintain the

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