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Is Joe A Hero Or Hero?

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As a hero, Joe tried to help Roberto escape from the Indian Services by taking his part in in the ceremonial dance (179), and then later by agreeing to help them get into Mexico (282). Joe works as an informer when he follows Harry Gold around because he suspected him of being a spy (255 – 264). Joe is a scoundrel because he never did report Harvey or Roberto to Augustino (189) and he lies to Augustino about helping Roberto (191 – 197). Joe is ready to fight again when he agrees to fight against Hilario’s fighter, the Texan, to make some extra money (249 – 250). We learn that Joes loves music because it is straight forward, “Which is why I love music. You hit a C and it’s a C and that’s all it is (189).” Joe also wants to own his own club so

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