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Atticus 'To Kill A Mockingbird': Character Analysis

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Atticus’ outcome of being a man following the path of righteousness was not a fair conclusion. Atticus is a man of justice, he believes Tom Robinson is innocent and took his case. Atticus felt as the justice system should’ve been color-blind so he is defending an innocent man not a man of color. He does not think of the outcome of taking Tom’s case and supports him all he can. He also gives his children a proper education and unbiased outlook on society. One settle evening Scout asked Atticus “what exactly is a nigger-lover?” Atticus replied, “nigger-lover is just one of those terms that don't mean anything- like snot-nose…” Scout then asked, “You aren't really a nigger-lover, then, are you?” He replied, “ I certainly am. I do my best to live

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