...To Kill A Mockingbird Essay What is Empathy? Empathy is the ability to step into another person’s shoes and understand what they did, or why they choose to do something. Not everybody can have empathy, only people who are willing to open their minds to different opinions and see what they might not have seen before. While showing empathy you can change a person's life for the better. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee reveals that showing empathy can give hope to someone in despair. Empathy can simply mean making somebody’s day or it can have a deeper meaning like trying to save somebody's life. In the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, there are a lot of examples of empathy simply just making somebody’s day. For example, “Jem suddenly grinned at him. ‘Come on home to dinner with us, Walter,’ he said. ‘We’d be glad to have you’” (Lee 23). Here, Jem knows that Walter doesn’t get the three meals a day. So Jem, being the way he was brought up by Atticus, politely asks Walter if he would like to enjoy a meal with the Finches. Another example of empathy making somebody’s day would be when Dolphus...
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...To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The story To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb Alabama in the 1930’s. The Great Depression was in effect so not a lot of people had any money. However, this was not the only thing they had to worry about. There was a lot of Racism, class prejudice, and sexism that all lead up to not only the kids, but also adults facing the destruction of innocence. One example, is the mockingbird. This represented innocence because Atticus stated it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Mockingbirds never do anything but sing beautiful music for us to listen to. They are peaceful animals that don’t hurt you. Innocence was taken away from Tom Robinson. He was accused for raping a white girl Mayella because he was black. Tom was innocent until they made him guilty. He tried to help her but it backfired. She told him to come inside and tried to have sex with him but her dad came in and Mayella blamed Tom. This was taken to trial and Tom was announced guilty because of destruction of innocence. Another example, is Boo Radley. Just like Tom the town made him seem like the bad guy from rumors and town gossip. Boo was locked inside his house most of his life and everyone thought he was scary and shouldn’t trust him. In reality he...
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...According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of empathy is the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings of another without having the experiences fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. Empathy is conducted internally; it is a mindset. When empathy is combined with action, the power of our convictions can be used to effect change around us. Atticus Finch, in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, does this in excess. Atticus has so much empathy for others that it actually clouds his judgement. Excessive empathy leads Atticus to make excuses for other’s behaviors, and to justify their wrongdoings. Atticus also lacks confidence to stand up for what and who...
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...Many characters in the novel develop and mature in a unique ways through the novel. Boo Radley who never communicated with other people, Aunt Alexandra who is prejudice to other race and social class, and scout who is young and is not aware of life challenge. As the novel progress the character view of the world changes. Through this essay many question will be answered and many quotes will be presented to support my essay. The primary questions will be “what caused them to grow and mature” and “building block of growth and maturity in to kill a mockingbird”. The essay will explain the journey of the characters in to kill a mockingbird and how they grew and matured. I Everyone in society grows up and develop into a better persons or worse it’s...
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...To Kill A Mockingbird Final Essay Today in society, many people empathize so they can further understand another's point of view. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows how empathy is the key to understanding somebody. Atticus really supports the theme of empathy. He wants Jem and Scout to live by empathizing for other people. Atticus and Scout use empathy to understand another character's point of view. Empathy is more than just saying sorry, it actually helps someone feel what another is feeling. Atticus really supports this throughout the novel. This is shown through the quote on page 39.“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk...
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...To Kill a Mockingbird: Essay Explore the growth to maturity of Scout in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Maturation is one of the most important themes in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, and one of the characters to whom this theme applies the most is Scout Finch, the narrator. Starting out as a young, tomboy character who is naïve and immature, over the years in which the novel is set a change in her behaviour becomes prominent, as she acquires more grown up behaviours and beliefs. Arguably the most important change in Scout’s character is her learning to understand other people and their desires and needs, rather than just her own. A notable example of this is her treatment of Boo Radley. At the beginning of the novel, the children’s games concerning his lifestyle and family history demonstrated childish and immature fantasies and, ultimately, a selfish obsession with him, revealing no thought of Boo’s feelings or point of view. Atticus advises them against this habit, telling the children to “stop tormenting that man”. The Radley games is also the one of the first times in the novel when Atticus uses one of his commonest pieces of advice: to “climb into his skin and walk around in it”. However, as the novel progresses, it is obvious that Scout and Jem do become more thoughtful of Boo Radley, stopping their constant annoyance of him, and starting to realise Boo’s sentiments as well. This is shown when Jem has an epiphany that the reason “Boo Radley’s stayed shut...
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...Compassion? In Harper Lee´s To Kill A Mockingbird, there are many instances of compassion and evil. Scout has compassion for Mayella Ewell even though her life is filled with evil things. Atticus is benevolent to Mrs. Dubose, even when she talks about him, he sends his children over to help with her addiction. Atticus also defends Tom Robinson with the knowledge that they will lose the case. We all deserve compassion in our lives, even if it does not seem like it. At the trial, Scout says, “It came to me that Mayella Ewell must have been the loneliest person in the world,” (Lee 191). Scout felt compassion for Mayella because for her to feel like she was loved, she had to try and seduce a black man into her home. It is wrong to tempt people to do things, but back then it was intolerable for a white woman to entice a black man, or vice versa. It was not right for Mayella to try and coax Tom, but that does not mean...
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...|Toolooa State High School | | | | | |Tom Lavender, English Essay | | |“Despite the efforts of governments, groups and individuals, humankind still finds it difficult to trust based on the soul of a person; | |we are more comfortable making judgements based on skin colour.” | Prejudice, courage and unity… TEXT COMPARISON Are we always champions of tolerance, courage and receptiveness to others? By the very definition of humanity, we must be. Humanity: benevolence, understanding and kindness towards other people. It is, arguably, our very human nature to feel compassion, courage, understanding, unity and empathy towards our fellow man. Unfortunately, prejudice and judgement also cling to the human condition like tumorous stains – traits which society still finds hard to surmount. Despite the efforts of governments, groups and individuals, humankind still finds it difficult to trust based on the soul of a person; we are more comfortable making judgements based on skin colour. Nelle Harper Lee through her 1960 novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and Boaz Yakin through his 2000 film, ‘Remember the Titans,’ are text composers who tackle the ill-defined paradigms of ‘prejudice, courage and...
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...Outline the primary skills used in counselling relationships This essay intends to introduce the reader to the most important skills involved within developing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship between a client and the therapist or counsellor. The onus will be on Humanistic counselling but many of these skills are central to all counselling types. Humanistic counselling is a process whereby the eventual goal is to facilitate the client in developing a personal understanding of self, and form a realisation of their own psychological needs and desires. It is, in essence, a route to empowerment for the client. Carl Rogers, father of client-centred therapy, described the client as an ‘organism’ whose natural tendency is a need to grow and develop: "The organism has one basic tendency and striving - to actualize, maintain, and enhance the experiencing organism” (Rogers, 1951, p. 487). This ‘actualisation tendency’ can only happen with the help of the therapist and their establishment of the perfect growing conditions. It is these that help launch the therapeutic relationship between the counsellor and client: “If I can provide a certain type of relationship, the other person will discover within himself the capacity to use the relationship for growth and change, and personal development will occur” (Rogers, 2004, p. 33). There are six conditions involved in a therapist-client relationship. The first involves the client and therapist entering into a psychological contract...
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...this situation sounds familiar, you may find it reassuring to know that many professionals undergo these same strange compulsions before they begin writing. Jean Kerr, author of Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, admits that she often finds herself in the kitchen reading soup-can labels—or anything—in order to prolong the moments before taking pen in hand. John C. Calhoun, vice president under Andrew Jackson, insisted he had to plow his fields before he could write, and Joseph Conrad, author of Lord Jim and other novels, is said to have cried on occasion from the sheer dread of sitting down to compose his stories. To spare you as much hand-wringing as possible, this chapter presents some practical suggestions on how to begin writing your short essay. Although all writers must find the methods that work best for them, you may find some of the following ideas helpful. But no matter how you actually begin putting words on paper, it is absolutely essential to maintain two basic ideas concerning your writing task. Before you write a single sentence, you should always remind yourself that 1. You have some valuable ideas to tell your reader, and 2. More than anything, you want to communicate those ideas to your reader. These reminders may seem obvious to you, but without a solid commitment to your own opinions as well as to your reader, your prose will be lifeless and boring. If you don’t care about your subject, you can’t very well expect anyone else to. Have confidence that your ideas are...
Words: 234754 - Pages: 940
...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting http://help.gcu.edu. Doc ID: 1009-0001-158C-0000158D Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado University of New Hampshire ISBN 0-558-65860-1 Boston ● Columbus ● Indianapolis ● New York ● San Francisco ● Upper Saddle River Amsterdam ● Cape Town ● Dubai ● London ● Madrid ● Milan ● Munich ● Paris ● Montreal ● Toronto Delhi ● Mexico City ● Sao Paula ● Sydney ● Hong Kong ● Seoul ● Singapore ● Taipei ● Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Seventh Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Editor-in-Chief: Paul A. Smith Development Editor: Christina Robb Editorial Assistant: Matthew Buchholz Vice President, Director of Marketing: Quinn Perkson Marketing Manager: Jared Brueckner Production Editor: Annette Joseph Editorial Production Service: Marty Tenney, Modern Graphics, Inc. Manufacturing Buyer: Megan Cochran Electronic Composition: Modern Graphics, Inc. Interior Design: Denise Hoffman, Glenview Studios Photo...
Words: 101358 - Pages: 406
...SECOND DRAFT Contents Preamble Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Background Rationale Aims Interface with the Junior Secondary Curriculum Principles of Curriculum Design Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1 Introduction Literature in English Curriculum Framework Strands and Learning Targets Learning Objectives Generic Skills Values and Attitudes Broad Learning Outcomes Chapter 3 5 7 9 10 11 11 13 Curriculum Planning 3.1 Planning a Balanced and Flexible Curriculum 3.2 Central Curriculum and School-based Curriculum Development 3.2.1 Integrating Classroom Learning and Independent Learning 3.2.2 Maximizing Learning Opportunities 3.2.3 Cross-curricular Planning 3.2.4 Building a Learning Community through Flexible Class Organization 3.3 Collaboration within the English Language Education KLA and Cross KLA Links 3.4 Time Allocation 3.5 Progression of Studies 3.6 Managing the Curriculum – Role of Curriculum Leaders Chapter 4 1 2 2 3 3 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 21 Learning and Teaching 4.1 Approaches to Learning and Teaching 4.1.1 Introductory Comments 4.1.2 Prose Fiction 4.1.3 Poetry i 21 21 23 32 SECOND DRAFT 4.1.4 Drama 4.1.5 Films 4.1.6 Literary Appreciation 4.1.7 Schools of Literary Criticism 4.2 Catering for Learner Diversity 4.3 Meaningful Homework 4.4 Role of Learners Chapter 5 41 45 52 69 71 72 73 74 Assessment 5.1 Guiding Principles 5.2 Internal Assessment 5.2.1 Formative Assessment 5.2.2 Summative Assessment 5.3 Public Assessment 5.3.1 Standards-referenced...
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...WRITING REFERENCES Citi: Oil Could Plunge to $20, and This Might Be 'the End of OPEC' "It looks exceedingly unlikely for OPEC to return to its old way of doing business," Morse wrote. Despite global declines in spending that have driven up oil prices in recent weeks, oil production in the U.S. is still rising, wrote Edward Morse, Citigroup's global head of commodity research. Brazil and Russia are pumping oil at record levels, and Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran have been fighting to maintain their market share by cutting prices to Asia. The market is oversupplied, and storage tanks are topping out. A pullback in production isn't likely until the third quarter, Morse said Vets fight to save hero dog who tried to shield owner from house fire "She's doing OK. Considering what Carmen has been through we think she's doing as well as can be expected," Dr. Daniel Carey, a vet at the hospital, told WCPO. "It's not unexpected that she's not ready to come off (the ventilator). It's just that in our best case scenario (we thought) maybe we could've hoped to get her off (Sunday) afternoon," Carey told WCPO The hospital is also providing updates on Carmen through social media, using Facebook to post pictures of the dog resting on a pink blanket and keeping company with a pair of stuffed animals. Your Resume Is Useless Unless It Answers This 1 Question If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know how keenly we believe there’s no such thing as a generic or one-size-fits-all resume ...
Words: 63622 - Pages: 255
...GRE vocabulary Flash review 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 1 5/10/11 2:55 PM Other Titles of Interest From LE ARNINGEXP RESS EMT Flash Review 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 2 5/10/11 2:55 PM GRE Vocabulary Flash review ® New York 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 3 5/10/11 2:55 PM Copyright © 2011 LearningExpress, LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data GRE Vocabulary flash review. — 1st ed. p. ; cm. ISBN- 978-1-57685-781-6 1. Vocabulary—Problems, exercises, etc. 2. Graduate Record Examination. I. LearningExpress (Organization) PE1449.G656 2011 428.1—dc22 2010053646 G RE V OCABULA RY Printed in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition For more information or to place an order, contact LearningExpress at: 2 Rector Street 26th Floor New York, NY 10006 Or visit us at: www.learnatest.com 7031_ GREVOC_ Flash Review[FIN].indd 4 5/10/11 2:55 PM Contents INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . vii About This Book. . . . xiii A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 57 87 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 G . . . . ...
Words: 29492 - Pages: 118
...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting http://help.gcu.edu. Doc ID: 1009-0001-191D-0000191E DEVELOPING LEARNERS JEANNE ELLIS ORMROD Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado EIGHTH EDITION ISBN 1-256-96292-9 Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Eighth Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Vice President and Editorial Director: Jeffery W. Johnston Vice President and Publisher: Kevin Davis Editorial Assistant: Lauren Carlson Development Editor: Christina Robb Vice President, Director of Marketing: Margaret Waples Marketing Manager: Joanna Sabella Senior Managing Editor: Pamela D. Bennett Project Manager: Kerry Rubadue Senior Operations Supervisor: Matthew Ottenweller Senior Art Director: Diane Lorenzo Text Designer: Candace Rowley Cover Designer:...
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