...ISO - Policies Organizations rely on customers. Therefore: Organizations must understand customer needs. Organizations must meet customer requirements. Organizations must exceed customer expectations. QM/ISO policies/WCM/AA/050808 1 ISO - Policies Organizations rely on leaders. Therefore: Leaders must establish a unity of purpose and set the direction the organization should take. Leaders must create an environment that encourages people to achieve the organization's objectives. QM/ISO policies/WCM/AA/050808 2 ISO - Policies Organizations rely on people. Therefore: Organizations must encourage the involvement of people at all levels. Organizations must help people to develop and use their abilities. QM/ISO policies/WCM/AA/050808 3 ISO - Policies Organizations are more efficient and effective when they use a process approach. Therefore: Organizations must use a process approach to manage activities and related resources. QM/ISO policies/WCM/AA/050808 4 ISO - Policies Organisations are more efficient and effective when they use a systems approach. Therefore: Organizations must identify interrelated processes and treat them as a system. Organizations must use a systems approach to manage their interrelated processes. QM/ISO policies/WCM/AA/050808 5 ISO - Policies Organizations are more efficient and effective when they continually try to improve. Therefore: Organizations must make a permanent commitment to continually improve their overall performance...
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...ymatsui@ynu.ac.jp others. This study examines the result of ISO 9000 implementation and its impacts on quality performance and performance measurement system. This study can be very useful to organization, especially the manufacturers in developing country, which attempt to identify factor of management system to improve competitiveness. Abstract Manufacturing companies in developing countries, irrespective of size or sector , often use ISO 9000 as a route to world-class status. Based on the results of an investigation by questionnaire in various manufacturing companies in Vietnam, the research is aimed to study if ISO 9000 implementation has any impact on improving the company competitiveness. Firstly, the study examines the situation of ISO 9000 implementation and its relationship with quality performance. Secondly, the study examines if ISO 9000 implementation influences the performance measurement system. The regressive models are constructed to evaluate the contribution of ISO 9000 to company performance and performance measurement system. Finally, the recommendations for further deployment of ISO 9000 are discussed. ISO 9000 is not only a tool for quality management and improvement but also a framework for performance measurement. Keyword: ISO 9000, quality management, performance measurement, Vietnam 2. Research Objectives The research is focusing in on the relationship between the implementation of ISO 9000 quality management system standard and company’s performance...
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...INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9001 Fourth edition 2008-11-15 Quality management systems — Requirements Systèmes de management de la qualité — Exigences Reference number ISO 9001:2008(E) © ISO 2008 Provided by Pronorm AS for Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV) 2008-11-19. Reproduction is not allowed. ISO 9001:2008(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2008 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member...
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...Introduction – Quality Producing and deliver high quality goods or service is a must for any businesses. No consumers would buy poor quality goods or pay to experience poor quality service. However most consumers have a difficult time defining quality. For examples every consumers have different opinion on the quality of the sports outfit of Nike. Some may said Nike quality is better than Reebok and others may disagree. So till today quality does not have any single universal definition (Reid & Sanders, 2005). Some may view quality as performance to standards while others view it as meeting the customer’s needs or satisfying the customer (Reid & Sanders, 2005). In common, there are a series of characteristic to define quality which are (1) conformance to specifications, (2) fitness for use, (3) value for price paid, (4) support services and (5) psychological criteria. (1) Conformance to specifications measures how well the product or service meets the targets and tolerances determined by its designers (Reid & Sanders, 2005). For example if a Nike said that their sport shoes are made in light blue color but turnout navy blue then it would not consider in good quality. (2) Fitness for use focuses on how well the product performs its intended function or use (Reid & Sanders, 2005). For example if Nike watches claim to be waterproofs for 5m but turnout the real watches malfunction in 1m then it would not consider in good quality. (3) Value for price paid is a definition of quality...
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...Because of permissions issues, some material (e.g., photographs) has been removed from this chapter, though reference to it may occur in the text. The omitted content was intentionally deleted and is not needed to meet the University's requirements for this course. CHAPTER 3 Global Supply Chain Quality and International Quality Standards Global competition is played out by different rules and for different stakes at each level. —C. K. PRAHALAD and GARY HAMEL INTRODUCTION I nternational trade is not a new phenomenon. The Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Prussian, and other great empires were built on international trade. Columbus encountered the Americas for Queen Isabella of Spain when he was trying to establish a trade route to the East Indies across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe. Although international trade has existed for a long time, the volume of international trade exploded after World War II and has continued to reach tremendous levels. This international diversity can be seen all around us. Probably, the watch you wear, the computer you use, the car you drive, or the frying pan you use to prepare breakfast are not produced in the country where you live. The nationalities of products are even obscured as companies become more internationally dispersed. The most famous electric guitar in the world is the Fender Stratocaster. If you go to your local music shop, you will find that Stratocasters vary in cost from $500 to around $3,000. Some of the variation...
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...in the system, so the isolation and study of each one in detail will not necessarily lead to an understanding of the system as a whole. The main thrust of a QMS is in defining the processes, which will result in the production of quality products and services, rather than in detecting defective products or services after they have been produced. The benefits of a QMS A fully documented QMS will ensure that two important requirements are met: • The customers’ requirements – confidence in the ability of the organisation to deliver the desired product and service consistently meeting their needs and expectations. • The organisation’s requirements – both internally and externally, and at an optimum cost with efficient use of the available resources – materials, human, technology and information. These requirements can only be truly met if objective evidence is provided, in the form of information and data, to support the system activities, from the ultimate supplier to the ultimate customer. A QMS enables an organisation to achieve the goals and objectives set out in its policy and strategy. It provides consistency and satisfaction in terms of methods, materials, equipment, etc, and interacts with all activities of the...
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...Pittsburgh Headquarters 105 Bradford Road Suite 400 Wexford, PA 15090 724.934.9000 724.935.6825 Fax info@SRIRegistrar.com www.SRIRegistrar.com Six Sigma, ISO 9001 and Baldrige Many organizations ask “How Do these programs, processes and standards support each other?” These initiatives are not mutually exclusive, in fact, understanding and applying all, some or part can greatly improve your business performance. The following is an overview of how they work together. What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a statistically-based process that strengthens organizational capacity for ongoing process improvement. “Six Sigma” or “six standards of deviation” aims to reduce defects to a rate of 3.4 defects per million defect opportunities by identifying and eliminating causes of variation in business processes. In defining defects or errors, Six Sigma focuses on developing a clear understanding of customer requirements and is therefore very customer focused. The DMAIC Methodology. The Six Sigma process is based on a concept called DMAIC: • Define – clearly identify the problem, the requirements of the project and objectives of the project • Measure – to fully understand the current performance • Analyze – the measurements collected to determine and validate the root cause(s) • Improve – developing ideas to remove the root causes of variation and implement the solutions • Control – to establish standard measures to maintain performance and to correct problems as needed Motorola invented this...
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...1. INTRODCTION Environmental management predates to 1972, where a conference regarding the Human Environment was held by the United Nations in Stockholm, Sweden. This conference won the attention of many countries and other international organizations who recognised the importance of environmental challenges faced, both nationally and internationally, on all levels (United Nations Environment Programme; International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2000). Since then environmental management has broadened its horizons to include important standards such as ISO 14001, ISO 15001 and ISO 500001 to name but a few (Anon., 2015). With such laws and standards in place, one can speculate the nature and purpose of environmental management in...
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...Business Management, University of Alicante, Spain Abstract Purpose – According to the literature, quality management consists of a set of components: critical factors, tools, techniques and practices. The purpose of this paper is: to identify the components of total quality management (TQM), in order to make them known to managers and thus facilitate successful quality management implementation, and to show the situation of 106 ISO 9000 certified firms concerning these components. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve this objective, a literature review and a survey based on 106 ISO 9000 certified firms in Spain were developed. Findings – The results reflect that certified firms must develop their people orientation 1and use techniques and tools to a higher extent in order to progress towards total quality. Originality/value – The value of the paper is point out which TQM components are important to successfully implement TQM and identify the situation of these components in ISO 9000 certified firms in a particular area. Keywords Total quality management, ISO 9000 series, Spain Paper type Research paper 182 The TQM Magazine Vol. 17 No. 2, 2005 pp. 182-194 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0954-478X DOI 10.1108/09544780510583245 Introduction Total quality management (TQM) allows firms to obtain a high degree of differentiation and to reduce costs. In spite of its advantages (Sohal et al., 1991; Maani et al., 1994; James, 1996; Kanji, 1998; Lee, 1998; Quazi and Padibjo, 1998)...
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...Quality Management Organizations Quality Management Organizations There are many organizations that can help a company implement a quality management program. Two of these organizations are the Malcolm Baldrige Award and ISO 9000:2000. Total quality management and supply chain management play significant roles to increase the organizational competitiveness power (Mahdiraji, 2012). Malcolm Baldrige Malcolm Baldrige is probably one of the most notable national organizations to assist companies in implementing and maintaining quality management programs. Malcolm Baldrige Jr., the 26th United States Secretary of Commerce, created the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. Over the past 25 years, thousands of organizations use the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence to guide their enterprises, improve performance, and get sustainable results (NIST, 2013). Qualifying Organizations must be for-profit companies and must apply for eligibility. The criterion focuses on a series of questions in key areas within an organization. These areas are Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Satisfaction, Knowledge Management, Workforce, Operations, and bottom line results. By answering the questions, an organization can identify the required resources, improvement opportunities, improve operational effectiveness, and ultimately, achieve their strategic goals. Once the Baldrige judges have visited the organization and conducted their audit, examiner feedback is provided...
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...Case Study: Cisco Systems Cisco systems has developed a quality approach to satisfy his customers. The approach is published at: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac50/ac208/about_cisco_approach_to_quality_customer_success.html# customer needs Approach to Quality Executive Message |Dedication to customer success is a core value that affects everything Cisco does. We recognize that we must earn the right every day to continue to | |serve our customers. It is this understanding that drives our belief that Cisco's quality mission includes building and maintaining strong customer | |relationships and customer listening systems that in turn arm us with information to drive behaviors and change that increases customer value in our | |products, support and systems. Cisco's customer focus culture permeates every layer of the company, from CEO John Chambers to each individual | |contributor. | | | |Customer satisfaction is so important at Cisco that it is a direct and explicit component of employee compensation. We set yearly business objectives | |around customer satisfaction goals and initiatives. ...
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...demonstrating how ISO 9001-2008 affirmation influences either positively or negatively the customers. In more recent times we have seen numerous organizations in diverse divisions being ISO 9001-2008 guaranteed; numerous are likewise during the time spent getting the affirmation but then in the wake of getting the confirmation numerous don't take after the rules to the letter what's more, this outcomes to having disappointed customers both inner and outer to the associations, consequently, what is the impact of ISO 9001-2008 affirmation on customer satisfaction? The study had 4 goals: to find out how the ISO has impacted recruitment and admission of members, to find out how ISO certification has impacted members’ returns on their savings, to find out how ISO has affected handling of customer complaints and enquiries and to establish how ISO has impacted claim processing and payment of benefits. The study embraced overview research outline. Target populace incorporated 22 lower-level supervisors, 11 center level directors and 33 customers of the chose associations. A poll was utilized to gather information, illustrative investigation, for example, frequencies, rates and means were utilized to break down the information. Relationship was utilized to test the connections that exist between ISO 9001-2008 accreditation and customer fulfillment. ISO procedure and customer satisfaction are entwined and that diverse associations have distinctive ways to deal with ISO process confirmation...
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...ISO 9000 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The ISO 9000 family of standards relate to quality management systems and are designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders (Poksinska et al, 2002 [1] ). The standards are published by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and available through National standards bodies. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems (Tsim et al, 2002 [2] ), including the eight management principles (Beattie and Sohal, 1999;[3] Tsim et al, 2002 [2]) on which the family of standards is based. ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to meet the standard have to fulfill. Third party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that organizations meet the requirements of ISO 9001. Over a million organizations worldwide [4] are independently certified, making ISO 9001 one of the most widely used management tools in the world today. Contents [hide] 1 Reasons for use 2 Background 3 Global adoption 4 Contents of ISO 9001 4.1 Summary of ISO 9001:2008 in informal language 4.2 1987 version 4.3 1994 version 4.4 2000 version 4.5 Certification 5 Auditing 6 Industry-specific interpretations 7 Effectiveness 7.1 Advantages 7.2 Problems 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 See also 12 External links [edit]Reasons for use The global adoption of ISO 9001 may be attributable to a number of factors. A number of major...
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...Environmental Management Information System Environmental Management System of the Ricoh Group The Ricoh Group is a global entity that operates on an international scale. It respects the ISO 14001 environmental management system, which has received worldwide recognition, and is constructing an environmental management system that complies with this system. While horizontally expanding its know-how throughout the 21 production bases that have already obtained certification, the Ricoh Group is also planning to obtain ISO 14001 certification at its business bases. Plans and Achievements in Establishing an Environmental Management System for the Ricoh Group FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1998~ IV III II Step I Pilot Approval Management meeting Leading model business site Environmental management system construction/certification Management Information System A system is being constructed, and is scheduled for completion by the end of fiscal 2000, to collect and provide information on environmental accounting, environmental improvement examples, laws and regulations, environment labels, and customers. q Construction of an Environmental Impact Information System An environmental impact information system for all copiers, facsimiles, and laser printers is to be constructed by the end of fiscal 2000 and for other product lines by the end of fiscal 2001. We are also developing diverse types of information systems. We plan to integrate fiscal 1999 environmental accounting data into our...
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...INTRODUCTION Company Background GSM-based mobile communication in Turkey began when Turkcell commenced operations in February 1994. Turkcell then signed a 25-year GSM license contract with the Ministry of Transportation on April 27, 1998. Since then, it has continuously increased the variety of its services based on mobile audio and data communication, as well as on its quality levels and as a result, its number of subscribers. Turkcell is a regional leader by being the market leader in five countries out of nine it operates in. Turkcell's shares have been traded on the Istanbul (IMKB) and New York Stock Exchanges (NYSE) since July 11, 2000, and it is the first and only Turkish company ever to be listed on the NYSE. Turkcell, with its wide coverage area and diverse range of services abroad, is able to provide its subscribers with mobile communication services both in Turkey and around the world. Turkcell also ranks among the top operators in terms of GPRS roaming, where it has signed contracts with operators from more than 165 countries. Social Responsibility In addition to its contributions to the national economy, Turkcell has also supported many social projects so far that it believes will add value to the society from education, technology and sports to art and culture art. Within the scope of its efforts and in association with the Foundation for Contemporary Life, Turkcell has been conducting ‘Kardelenler (Snowdrops) projects, which is one of the biggest...
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