...HW 1-Intro to Networking True/False - Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 1. The simplest form of a network is a client/server network. ____ 2. Clients on a client/server network share their resources directly with each other. ____ 3. Hands-on experience to improve networking hardware and software skills is important when attempting to enter the networking field. Multiple Choice - Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which statement describes an advantage of networks? |a. |Networks require decentralized management. | |b. |Isolating network devices decreases costs. | |c. |Isolating network devices allows implementation of the sneakernet file sharing method. | |d. |Networks enable multiple users to share resources. | ____ 2. Which network model ensures that no computer on the network has more authority than another? |a. |client/server |c. |peer-to-peer | |b. |stand alone |d. |distributed | ____ 3. A common way of sharing resources on a peer-to-peer...
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...Module 5 Homework Assignment PSY140: Introduction to Psychology November 21st 2011 1. Define cognition and name the basic units of thinking. Cognition is defined as mental processes of perceiving, believing, thinking, remembering, knowing, and deciding. Concepts are the basic units of thinking. Concepts are general categories of things, events and qualities that are linked by a common feature or features, in spite of their differences. Which help us make sense of information in the world. Concepts also enhance our memory and guide our behavior. Lahley, Benjamin B. / Psychology an Introduction/ 9th Ed. 2. How is language learned and how does it relate to thinking? Language is learned so early that it is difficult to explain how it is managed. Some psycholinguists have proposed that language is learned by special genetically programmed procedures that are unique to language learning. Others contend that the general analytic capacity of the human brain is such that even complex language rules can be worked out without any innate knowledge or special language acquisition procedures. Regardless of which view is correct, experience with one’s native language must be critically important. Narrative skill differences are connected to the way that mothers converse with their children. If they use an elaborative style, engaging in lengthy discussions about children’s past experiences, providing lots of details, asking questions and encouraging children...
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...Chanee Lowry 6/6/16 Unit 3 IP Instructor: L. Meadors Peer to Peer vs. Client/server With peer-to-peer all of the PC’s on the same network act as equals sharing the same files and resources. Communications between these PC’s use a direct link with no central network controller, such as a client/server. Peer-to-peer network is the easiest to set up because it doesn’t require any software other than the operating system it came with. It also doesn’t require complex configuration of a client/server network. It is cost efficient and the only hardware required is two wireless NIC’s. Client/server uses a central PC (a server) that stores data and other resources. One centralized PC called the client which works as a host to many other computers or workstation’s called clients .The server uses a list of usernames and passcodes whereas peer-to-peer does not. Client/Server offers more security and is more stable. If one user crashes there system, than it could affect their peer-to-peer network. Most client /server networks share one server, making it easier to back up data and files Peer-to-Peer | Client/Server | Each PC is an equal participant on the network | One PC acts as the network controller | PCs are not reliant on one PC for resources such as the printer | One PC controls access to network resources | Access to the network is not centrally controlled | Network access and security are centrally controlled | Can operate on a basic PC operating system | Need a special operating...
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...COM 140 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/com-140-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 140 ENTIRE COURSE COM 140 Assignment: Negative Messages COM 140 CheckPoint: Job-Search Management COM 140 Capstone Discussion Question COM 140 Assignment: Résumé COM 140 CheckPoint: Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication COM 140 CheckPoint: Effective Business Communication COM 140 CheckPoint: Creating Effective Documents COM 140 CheckPoint: Persuasive Memo COM 140 CheckPoint: Effective Presentations COM 140 CheckPoint: Different Kinds of Messages COM 140 Job-Application Letter COM 140 week one 1 Discussion Question 1 COM 140 week one 1 Discussion Question 2 COM 140 week three 3 Discussion Question 1 COM 140 week three 3 Discussion Question 2 COM 140 week five 5 Discussion Question 1 COM 140 week five 5 Discussion Question 2 COM 140 week seven 7 Discussion Question 1 COM 140 week seven 7 Discussion Question 2 COM 140 CheckPoint: Different Kinds of Messages COM 140 CheckPoint: Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint- Appendix F Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of COM 140 ENTIRE COURSE in order to ace their studies. COM 140 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/com-140-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 140 ENTIRE COURSE COM 140 Assignment: Negative Messages COM 140 CheckPoint:...
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...COM 140 Entire Course http://homeworkgallery.com/index.php/product/com-140-entire-course/ http://homeworkgallery.com/index.php/product/com-140-entire-course/ COM 140 Week 1 DQ 1 Respond to Social Media Will Change Your Business at www.businessweek.com/go/08/blog by addressing the following points: For what audience or readership do you think the article was written? What is the purpose of the article (to entertain, inform, persuade, or a combination)? Explain your answer. How do the writers organize information in the article? What purpose do you think they had in mind with this structure? What is the tone or expressive style of the article? What effect does this tone produce? COM 140 Week 1 DQ 2 Recall a writer with whom you have felt rapport as well as a writer with whom you have felt little or no rapport. What made the difference? Provide suggestions for building rapport between the writer and readers of written communication. COM 140 Week 3 DQ 1 Post your response to the following: In what ways are purpose, audience, tone, and content different for interpersonal and business communication? Provide specific examples to support your answer. · Consider your own experience as you answer this question. If you have not worked in a business environment, you may ask a friend, parent, or other adult about his or her experiences. COM 140 Week 3 DQ 2 Post your response to the following: What qualities make any form of written communication...
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...Axia College Material Appendix F Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint Enter the correct answer for each item by typing A or B in the second column. Provide an explanation for each choice in the Rationale column. The boxes expand to accommodate the text. |Item |Correct Answer |Rationale | | |(A or B) | | |1. |B |A nurse can either be male or female. | |2. |A |The second sentence makes a statement girls aren’t good in math. | |3. |B |The first sentence stereotypes a specific religion. | |4. |B |The sentence does not make reference to what race he is. | |5. |A |It tells the age of the child that needs counseling and why. | |6. |B |The experience is necessary not the age of a person. | |7. |A |It tells the special need of the child for the trip. | |8 |A ...
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...| Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Week 1 | Come up with strengths to better my chances at employment | Wake up and check job boards. The early bird gets the worm. When I find a job that will fit my strengths I go ahead and apply for the position | I will only look for jobs that offer day time work schedules due to school and kids activates | Certain times during the week I will leave the house to apply in person. This not only lets the employer know that you are interested it also allows you to see if the company is looking for employees. | Sometimes it’s a great idea to search for jobs by looking for signs or checking newspapers. Not all companies use monster.com and careerbuilder.com | Check job boards and email to see if anything new was available. | Uses Saturday to spend time with the family. | Week 2 | Uses Sundays to prepare for the week like getting a hair cut to look professional, making sure your business clothing is clean for the week, and updating any information to your resume that might have been over looked | Wake up and check job boards. Remember being precise tells the employers that you want to work. | Allow yourself some personal time. You don’t always need to be knocking down companies doors. Trust me they know that you are looking for work. | Follow up with both last week and this week’s contacts. A simple phone call will show the employer that you are willing to work. | Check newspapers and internet...
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...BIOS140 Week 1 iLab: Exploring the microscope and cells Complete the following Crossword Puzzle- Have Fun! | | | | 1 L | i | g | h | t | | | | | 2W | a | l | 3l | | | 4e | | 5D | | | i | | | | | | 6p | | | | | | y | | | l | | i | | | v | | | | | | o | | | | | | s | | | e | | a | | | i | | | | | 7 p | r | o | k | a | r | y | o | t | i | c | | 8p | l | a | n | t | a | e | | | e | | | | | | s | | | t | | h | | | g | | | | | | s | | | | | | o | | | r | | r | | | | | | | | | | | 9e | | | | m | | | o | | a | | 10w | | | 11 M | i | c | t | o | t | u | b | u | l | e | | | n | | g | | a | | | | | | | | | k | | | | | | | | | 12 m | i | t | o | c | h | o | 13 n | d | r | i | a | | | | | | | | | | | e | | | | | u | | | | r | | | | | | | | | | | r | | | | | c | | | | y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | | 14 r | o | u | g | h | | | | | | | | | | 15O | | | e | | | | t | | | | | | | | | | | | | 16c | h | r | o | m | a | t | i | n | | | | | | | | | | | | u | | | l | | | | c | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | | i | | 17 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | a | | | 18 S | T | A | G | E | | | | | | | | | | | | | r | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 19 h | u | m | a | n | |...
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...Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – 1) What is different about the method used to boost a digital signal’s strength, compared with the method of boosting an analog signal’s strength? • A digital signal requires a repeater, which retransmits the signal in its original form, and an analog signal requires an amplifier, which increases the strength of both the signal and the noise it has accumulated. 2) Which of the following decimal numbers corresponds to the binary number 00001001? • 9 3) A wave with which of the following frequencies would have the longest wavelength? • 10 MHz 4) Ethernet relies on which of the following transmission types? • full-duplex 5) In wavelength division multiplexing, two modulated signals are guaranteed to differ in what characteristic? • Color 6) Which of the following can increase latency on a network? • Adding 50 meters to the length of the network 7) What part of a cable protects it against environmental damage? • Sheath 8) You are helping to install a cable broadband system in your friend’s home. She wants to bring the signal from where the service provider’s cable enters the house to a room on another floor, which means you have to attach a new cable to the existing one. What type of cable should this be? • RG-6 9) With everything else being equal, a network using which of the following UTP types will suffer the most cross talk? • Cat 3 10) Which of the following is not a source of EMI? • Megaphone 11) Which...
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...Unit 2 Assignment AB140: Introduction to Management Contemporary Approaches your name here July 19, 2015 Sociotechnical theory is affected when the employees, which are the social system, have the correct training and knowledge of the companies systems. The employer makes sure that the employees have accurate training and all tools needed to make their company run smoothly. When there is an understanding between the internal and external of a company, there will always be a positive effect The theory focuses on knowledge and procedures of the organization. Quantitative management involves the ability to collect information about a problem and solution to develop useful information. Input comes from different departments of an organization and managers or personnel can present the problem and try and fix it. The management should have specific formulas that will provide the best answer and have a resolution to any problems in the department. There is a system that is used to come to a final decision in situations if there is a conflict. Organizational behavior studies multiple views and levels of an organization. It studies behaviors within the organization and compares the relationships to other organizations. Also, this theory focuses on groups and individuals behavior within the organization. This also promotes employees effectiveness in the organization and through organizational, groups and individuals. This theory also explains why employees behave socially...
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...COM 140 Assignment: Negative Messages (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment: Negative Messages Using templates or sample documents to help you write emails, memos, and letters can be helpful for inexperienced writers; however, customize the communication so the document does not appear as a form letter. Resources: Writing Different Kinds of Messages, Week Three CheckPoint, Model Documents Gallery, and Writing for Your Reader Checklist Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • Use the information in your Week Three CheckPoint to determine how to communicate with the manager, teammates, and travel agent in the scenario. Consider how much information and what type of communication (email, memo, or letter) is appropriate for each party, based on information in the Week Three reading Writing Different Kinds of Messages. Review the sample emails, memos, and letters in the Model Documents Gallery at http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/modeldocs/business.htm Write a letter to one party, a memo to one party, and an email to one party. Each communication must be a maximum of 250 words. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, style, and format for each type of communication. • Review the Writing for Your Reader Checklist at http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/axia/write_audience.html to ensure you have followed the guidelines for communicating effectively with an audience. If you cannot answer yes to every question, revise your messages before submitting...
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...Introduction to Operating Systems and Client/Server Environments IT140-1601A-01 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2 January 6, 2016 Operating Systems Operating Systems (OS) are the key to managing your computer’s software, hardware, processes and memory (GCF Global, 1998-2016). Without it your computer wouldn’t be able to run various programs that need access to volatile information. As technology advances, we need various OSs that can handle the newer computers. Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux are OSs used on personal computers today and now use a GUI (graphical user interface) where everything can be managed using a click of the mouse (GCF Global, 1998-2016). Back in the old days computers used a CLI (command-line interface) where the user had to physically type in commands using the keyboard in order to pull up information. Icons and Images weren’t developed for use until later on so all you would see on the screen is text with CLI OSs. There are multiple versions of OS because every information systems and processor architecture requires various specifications (Byron, 2009). Most people are familiar with Windows which was created in the mid-1980s by Microsoft (MS). We have all had different versions including (but not limited to) Windows 98, 2000, XP, 7, 8 and Vista. There are also three editions you can choose from; Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate though you are going to pay more for certain packages (GCF Global, 1998-2016)...
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...Polybius: "Why Romans and Not Greeks Govern the World", c. 140 BCE ________________________________________ Polybius (c. 200 - 110s BCE) was born into a prominent family in Greece and served as a leader in the Third Macedonian War against Rome. After losing to Rome in the Battle of Pydna (168 BCE), he was deported, along with 1000 other Greeks, to and held captive in Italy. Despite his status as an enemy detainee, Polybius became a friend of the family of Scipio Aemilianus, one of Rome's most remarkable and well-connected politicians. In honor of his new home and new associates, Polybius composed a history of Rome's rise to world power in the course of his own lifetime. As an outsider, Polybius may have misinterpreted Rome's imperialistic moves in the Mediterranean, and he may have exaggerated the organizational genius of the Republic and its leaders. However, his famous analysis of Rome's "mixed constitution" has influenced political thinkers for centuries, and it was standard reading in the Age of Enlightenment, when the American Constitution was created. It is important to remember, however, that the Roman Republic, unlike that of the United States, did not have a standard document that could be used as a reference; the word "constitution" in Rome's case was meant in a general, non-textual sense, as the "make-up" or "organization" of Rome's public affairs. Source: Polybius, Historiarum reliquiae (Paris: Didot, 1839), VI, iii-xvii, 338-48, passim; trans. and condensed...
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...Problem 6-3A Cost of goods available for sale = 2970+9680+6325+9240+3080 = $31295 Total Units = 165+440+275+385+110 = 1375 units Average cost per unit = 31295/1375 = $22.76 Ending Inventory = 1375 – 1100 = 275 units FIFO Ending Inventory = (110 x 28) + (165 x 24) = 3080 + 3960 = $7040 Cost of goods sold= 31295 – 7040 = $24255 LIFO Ending Inventory = (165 x 18) + (110 x 22) = 2970 + 2420 = $5390 Cost of goods sold= 31295 – 5390 = $25905 Average Cost Ending Inventory = 275 x 22.76 = $6259 Cost of goods sold= 31295 – 6259 = $25036 Highest Inventory amount= FIFO $7040 Highest Cost of goods sold= LIFO $25905 Problem 6-5A Weighted average cost...
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...appropriately. If the production possibility curve of an economy will move outwards then, the long run supply curve will have a positive change to the right. There will be an increase in supply of products as resources. If the computer technology will improve then, the supply of products produced by use of computer technology will also increase to a certain level (Barro, 2008). This will move the supply curve to the left. Answer No. 2 Full Employment: AD 2 1 100 180 AD 2 1 100 180 Economic boom : :1 AD1 2 1 80 200 AD2 140 AD1 2 1 80 200 AD2 140 Recession: P Y AD1 2 1 80 200 AD2 140 P Y AD1 2 1 80 200 AD2 140 Short Run and Long Run Aggregate Supply Curves Full Employment YP=140 P 2 1 LRAS YP=140 P 2 1 LRAS Economic boom 2 1 AS YP=140 2 1 AS YP=140 Recession: P Y 1 SRAS1 YP = 140 SRAS2 LRAS1 200 P Y 1 SRAS1 YP = 140 SRAS2 LRAS1 200 Answer No. 3 The budget deficit is the excess of expenditure incurred by an economy over the incomes generated by it. For an economy, it is very important to make sure that, budget deficits are financed. In relation to financing of budget deficits, certain important actions are required to be taken by the government (Wells & Krugman, 2009). In order to ensure that, the budget deficit is financed, the government has to ensure that, it has extra funds available with it. In relation to the same, the government works...
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