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It Does Not Do To Live Dragon Analysis

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J.R.R Tolkien is a very intelligent author and in her quote,”It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”, is a little bit crazy. For one, dragons are fictional and they do not exist. For two, Tolkien isn’t talking about real dragons and for three, always be prepared for whatever may come because life is full of surprises and you’ll never know what will jump out at you.
In the stories about Princesses and Knights, Kings and Queens, dragons were always the monsters of the story that took away the Princess and the Prince had to come and save her and then fall in love and live happily ever after. But those stories are fictional and more than most of the time it isn’t a happy ending and we are all stuck on that notion that it will be a happy ending and that it does exist, but they do not, and the same goes for dragons. Dragons used to exist but now they are extinct and the …show more content…
Tolkien refers to a dragon because dragons are an idea of something being very dangerous and destructive and very harmful kinda like when you hear the word ISIS, your mind automatically thinks death and destruction and guns. People just can’t wait to get out there and live on their own or just explore and see everything but there’s always something that will come back and bite you in the butt because you completely missed something when you should have known about it all along, so she uses the word dragon knowing that it will make people be more cautious and careful and not just go out and not even think about what you are doing. Tolkien also says that because you might not have to look far for an adventure, one could be just right outside your

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