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Social Work Ethics Case Study

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ccording to Doing Ethics, an ethical dilemma is a situation that is often complex, involving a conflict between a person’s mental and moral belief. Within an ethical dilemma, there are not any perfect solutions to solve the situations. Any possible solutions are comprisable solutions.
According to The Ethicist in The New York Times Magazine, there is a person,
Nathan, whom is unsure if he should tell his younger sibling that she is adopted. Nathan and his family love her unconditionally, as if she was a biological family member. The family all surrounded her when she was born from her biological mother in the hospital; she has known them her entire life. When she was just an infant and Nathan was a young child, their parents instructed Nathan …show more content…
“To act morally, they must act naturally; they must do what they were designed to do by God” (Vaughn, 2013). Nevertheless, actions that go against that purpose are immoral or unnatural. Using this theory, Nathan has to decide if telling his sister the truth is going to allow her to live a good, happy life.
Natural law theory is a non-consequentialist (deontological) theory. A theory that is non-consequentialist states that the righteousness of an action does not depend on the consequences and its entirety; it most depends on the nature of the action itself. A person with a non-consequentialist perspective believes the balance of good over evil does not matter at all (Vaughn, 2013). The question that a non-consequentialist may ask is, “What kind of action is this?” Telling a lie is an immoral action to both
McGuire 3 consequentialists and non-consequentialists, the only difference is their reasons why.
To a consequentialist, that action is wrong because the unhappiness of lying outweighs the unhappiness of any other action. A person with a non-consequentialist perspective believes that lying violates an exceptionalness rule.
The parents of Nathan and his sister claimed they would tell their daughter …show more content…
Nathan cannot base the answer to his dilemma on time or human nature. Human nature is the act of finding out what the laws are and acting by those laws (Lewens,
2012). Overall, Nathan believes deep down he should inform his sister on the truth; however, his parents told him not to. Therefore, all this time, it has been Nathan’s parents’ duty to tell her. Nathan’s parents extracted this promise when he was child. In addition, they did not live up to their side of the promise. It is Nathan’s sister right to learn this basic piece of information of her life and it is unruly for her family to keep the truth away from her. For example, there could be an emergency medical situation and she may not get the treatment as urgent as needed, because she was unaware of the biological aspect of her life.
Even though Nathan is not lying to his sister, he is not telling her the truth, either.
It is natural for one to tell the truth because they are creatures with a natural tendency to care about the welfare of others, not themselves (Vaughn, 2013). In the beginning, it might be hard for Nathan’s sister to digest the new information. According to the natural law theory, she will eventually overcome the pain, their sibling bond will grow

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