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Narrative Essay On 9/11

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Have you ever wanted to know more about the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001. There are so many things to know about what happened on that day. Like when and how the towers fell down; from the burning jet fuel that melted the concrete and steel that supported the actual building.. Or how there were people that would jump out of the sides of the buildings instead of staying in. There are other things like how the people in the building and in the planes made heart wrenching phone calls to their friends and family who they would never see again. One of my favorite things is how these three firemen all helped each other to put up an american flag iIn the photo.
The flag functions as a symbol for the idea that america will not be defeated. …show more content…
But I get sort of understanding of the inspiration and horror. When I look at the photo of the three firemen I get a feeling that there is still hope for Aamerica; that even if we do fall we’ll fall together. I think that what those terrorists did to our country is a horrific thing; but I believe that we were able to come back from the tragedy. This is how I see the photo of the three firemen working together. I also see a sense of bravery from the three firefighters they are so full of courage. They would risk their lives to go up in those burning buildings so that others may be able to live. I believe that they would never give up until the job was done. It wasn’t just the firefighters it also was police officers and everyday people. Volunteers that would also rush into those buildings with a chance that they might not be coming back to their families. This is another interpretation of what I think of that picture. Another symbol to represent Aamerica is the bald eagle. This is a symbol of freedom and empowerment. This means that when we are together we are stronger and |more united. A perfect way to get all these people together is a tragedy like 9/11. People from all over the country donated blood to the wounded. It is sad to say but when Aamerica is at it’s lowest it is also sometimes at it’s

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