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Jacob Sanders Case Study

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Assignment #5: Surprise
During his life, Jacob Sanders was a law-abiding citizen. He had a peaceful character and loved children. He had a well-paid job and a nice comfy car. Besides of him, his family consisted of his two sons. He lost his wife during births.
However, his family was not perfect. One of his sons, Nicholas was a nasty, rude and mean boy. Unlike his brother Jeremy, Nicholas had low marks at school and had problems with discipline. His teachers always complained about him. Jacob tried to bring up him as a dignified person. Although it didn’t seem to help.
Days passed like this. Until one goddamned day. The day when Nicholas was excluded from school. He got angry about it and came back home. As usual, no one was home at that time. His dad was at work, and his …show more content…
He went into his father’s cabinet and sit on the couch. He was looking at his father’s and little brother’s trophies. His father had a lot of trophies from hunting and shooting tournaments. An AR-15 was hanging above those trophies. Staring at those trophies Nicholas felt more pathetic than he was, and with a rapid rush of rage, he scattered them. Feeling still angry he made a reckless decision. He took his father’s rifle and went to school. Unfortunately, the school guard was sleeping and didn’t notice Nicholas passing through the gate doors. He waited in the corridor till the break and suddenly started shooting at students. By the twist of fate, one of the bullets hit his little brother Jeremy. He fell to the ground bleeding to death. Unlike his brother, Nicholas was lucky. He killed 17 people (including his young brother), wounded 15 others, and left school without being caught. When his father came back home, he was in his room playing video

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