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James Watson Research Paper

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James Watson is an American scientist. He is famous for many different discoveries and theories that are still in use today. He is a very intelligent person who along with his colleagues, worked hard to achieve his goals no matter what. Without him, there would be less advanced research in the world of science today. James Watson was born on April 6, 1928. This means he is currently eight-seven years old. He was born in Chicago, Illinois ( James is the oldest child in his family. He is the son of James Watson and Jean Mitchell. His father was a businessman, while his mother was a tailor ( James decided to pick a different career path in life. He has one sister, whom he is very close …show more content…
The first feature is that the DNA is a double-stranded helix. The two strands of this helix are connected by hydrogen bonds. Also, A is paired with T, and C is paired with G. The second feature is that most DNA double helixes are right-handed. This means that if you were to hold your right hand out with your thumb pointed up and you fingers curled around you thumb, your thumb would represent the axis of the helix. Your fingers would then represent the sugar-phosphate backbone. The third feature is that the DNA double helix is perpendicular. This means that the five-inch end of strand is paired with the three-inch end of its complementary strand. The fourth is feature is that hydrogen bonding connects the DNA base pairs. The outer edges of the nitrogen-containing bases are exposed. They are also capable for hydrogen bonding as well. The proteins that play important roles in the replication and expression of DNA are easily accessed because of these hydrogen bonds. Because of this, scientists today now know a lot more about DNA ( He wrote four books on this subject ( James Watson has also uncovered the molecular nature of cancer, and identified cancer genes for the first time

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