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Adult Learners: A Case Study

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Introduction In chapter eleven of the Planning Programs for Adult Learners book (2013), Caffarella and Daffron considers five outstanding program formats. “Program formats refers to how education and training activities are structured and organized.” (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013, p. 260). The five outstanding program formats are: 1) individual learning; 2) small-group (face-to-face) learning; 3) large-group (face-to-face) learning; 4) distance learning; and 5) community-based learning. In addition, these five program formats compliment each other. For example, the North Carolina Community College System’s hybrid program is a course built through a Course Management System (CMS), which can include a large-group learning platform or a small-group learning platform. Moreover, hybrid includes the online learning as well as the face-to-face learning. The …show more content…
An effective program planner considers a program team that would establish appropriate dates, venues, and participant’s schedules. As mentioned in scenario 6.4 in the Planning Program for Adult Learners (2013), Caffarella and Daffron proposed that program planners should identify ideas for education and training program, but identifying ideas is usually not enough. The program planner will establish methods to determine which educational and training ideas make sense for a targeted audience. Thus, although it is impossible to convenience all participants, educational and training programs should be scheduled when the target audience is not committed to other schedule events or special dates. For example, “program should not be planned on or near major holidays or vacation times, unless a vacation package option is a part of the marketing strategy” (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013, p. 267). In addition, an effective program planner would consider an “estimated time, cost and other constraints” to ensure excellent participation in the

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