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Adult Learners and the Issues They Face When Returning to College


Submitted By Dgrooves
Words 1349
Pages 6
Adult Learners and the Issues They Face When Making a Decision to Attend College
Adult learners returning to college at some point in their lives is not a new concept in today’s society. Practically since the establishment of institutions of higher education, the class of student known as the non-traditional student has existed. There is no exacting definition of what a non-traditional student is, but most can agree that one is generally over the age of 24, have not enrolled in post-secondary education immediately after high school, have dependents other than a spouse or are a single parent, work full time while enrolled, or are financially independent from their parents (Kenner & Weinerman, 2011). Adult learners fall into the category of non-traditional student, and face many issues when it comes time to make the decision to return to college. Reasons for returning to, challenges to overcome while attending and type of school attended vary almost as widely as adult learners do themselves.
There are an indeterminable number of reasons for an adult to decide to obtain a higher education, and they vary as much as does the diverse group of non-traditional students. As noted on the website, some of the more significant reasons include updating personal skills and furthering career advancement, fulfillment of lifelong dreams or potential, achievement of a better life for themselves and their family, and the changing of careers (WD Communications LLC, 2011). For some students there are multiple reasons for obtaining a degree. At the beginning of this year a person named Paul lost a job that allowed him to comfortably provide for his family in a single income setting. Facing prolonged un-employment and a near certainty that he would need to switch career fields, Paul began to seriously consider the option of using the benefits available to him

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