...graduating he became a high school principal. In 1900, he wrote the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, which became known as the “Negro National Anthem”. Johnson became a U.S. consul to Venezuela in 1906 and published his first novel, “The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man”, in 1912. Johnson had a talent for persuading people of different ideologies to work together towards a common goal. Because of this talent, Johnson became the national organizer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1920. He also edited “The Book of American Negro Poetry” which was a major contribution to the history of African-American...
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...Mrs. Doody English 113 November 11, 2011 The Harlem Renaissance changed America in many ways. It is a time where African-American culture was able to express themselves through different ways in the arts. The Harlem Renaissance took place during the 1920's and 1930's. Langston Hughes is one many great writers that came about during this time. Hughes poetry was a reflection of the African-American culture and Harlem. He spoke about the struggles that he and other African-Americans faced everyday. In a time when America was still known for being “separate but equal” Langston hughes poem “Ballad of the Landlord” shows the treatment and struggle African-Americans faces through the voices of The tenant, landlord then police and the newspaper. “Ballad of the Landlord” is a rhythmic poem written by one of the pioneers of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes. The poem is about a frustrated African-American tenant who lives in a Harlem apartment which is owned by an Caucasian landlord. The reason the African-American tenant is upset, is because he is lives and paying rent in an apartment that is slowly breaking down. He seeks to his landlord to fix his the issues in his apartment but they are ignored. The tenant becomes further frustrated when his landlord claims that he owes 10 dollars in rent. When he refuses to pay the balance until the apartment is repaired, the landlord threatens to evict him. The tenant who is already upset, threatens physical violence, which the landlord...
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...Why the period of American history from is 1919-1940 called the Harlem Renaissance? What makes it significant to African –American culture? What was the “common source” that inspired black artists during this period? The Harlem Renaissance was first named the movement. It was named Harlem because of its location (Harlem, New York). It was the hub of were black people could express their creativity involving the arts. Blues, Jazz, poetry and art were the main focus during that period. In addition, they also was allowed to express their social views about race or taboo without repercussion from white society. This time period is where the great poets such as Langston Hughes and author Zora Hurston could freely express themselves. Their common ground was to boldly create expressive art without boundaries exemplyfing their social conditions with dignity and humility despite their struggles. What is your favorite poem by Langton Hughes? My favorite poem is called I, Too. Langston sends a strong message to white America. He is saying, I laugh at you for separating yourself from me because of the color of my skin. I too am an American. How dare you send me to the back because of my skin tone, I will not go. I will stand strong were you can see me. I am beautiful and I will stand her and not be moveable so you can see just how beautiful my blackness is. You see, I am an American just like you. This poem is powerful. Langston Hughes was a power poet that was not afraid...
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...Langston Hughes was a famous American Writer, Poet, and Novelist he was mostly known for his impact during the Harlem Renaissances. Langston Hughes career took off in 1921 when his poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” was published in The Crisis.” This became Hughes signature poem. Hughes works were more than just words they were hugely influential throughout this time period known as the Harlem Renaissance. Langston and many other writers in that time worked together to create the short lived magazine called “Fire” that was devoted to young negro writers. His first novel “Not Without Laughter” won the Harmon Gold Medal for literature. At this period of time before the spread of Grants, Hughes gained the support of a few private investors two years before the novel was published. Hughe wanted young black writers to be objective about their race, but not be afraid or scared to express their opinion about it. Langston set a tone throughout that era that emphasized the meaning of equality mostly throughout the Negro Race. I chose Langston Hughes as a writer for the Harlem Renaissances because he was a very influential person and leader throughout this era. He was a very famous writer and poet that wrote not only about the time but also about the emotion and deep thought that was going on in this era. I think that he is a very strong willed person and he did a lot in his life that made an impact on the world that we live in today. Citations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langston_Hughes ...
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...Harlem Renaissance. Why the period of American history from is 1919-1940 called the Harlem Renaissance? What makes it significant to African –American culture? What was the “common source” that inspired black artists during this period? The Harlem Renaissance was first named the movement. It was named Harlem because of its location (Harlem, New York). It was the hub of were black people could express their creativity involving the arts. Blues, Jazz, poetry and art were the main focus during that period. In addition, they also was allowed to express their social views about race or taboo without repercussion from white society. This time period is where the great poets such as Langston Hughes and author Zora Hurston could freely express themselves. Their common ground was to boldly create expressive art without boundaries exemplyfing their social conditions with dignity and humility despite their struggles. What is your favorite poem by Langton Hughes? My favorite poem is called I, Too. Langston sends a strong message to white America. He is saying, I laugh at you for separating yourself from me because of the color of my skin. I too am an American. How dare you send me to the back because of my skin tone, I will not go. I will stand strong were you can see me. I am beautiful and I will stand her and not be moveable so you can see just how beautiful my blackness is. You see, I am an American just like you. This poem is powerful. Langston Hughes...
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...group of radical black intellectuals all contributed to the particular styles and unprecedented success of black artists. What began as a series of literary discussions in lower Manhattan (Greenwich Village) and upper Manhattan (Harlem) was first known as the 'New Negro Movement.' Later termed the Harlem Renaissance, this movement brought unprecedented creative activity in writing, art, and music and redefined expressions of African-Americans and their heritage. Historians disagree as to when the Harlem Renaissance began and ended. The Harlem Renaissance is unofficially recognized to have spanned from about 1919 until the early or mid-1930s. Many of its ideas lived on much longer. The zenith of this "flowering of Negro literature", as James Weldon Johnson preferred to call the Harlem Renaissance, was placed between 1924 (the year that Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life hosted a party for black writers where many white publishers were in attendance) and 1929 (the year of the stock market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression). Some common themes represented during the Harlem Renaissance were the influence of the experience of slavery and emerging African-American folk traditions on black identity, the effects of institutional racism, the dilemmas...
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...Setting Analysis Sonny's Blues Sonny's Blues takes place in Harlem, New York. The story unfolds during the 1950's which was a time frame that swept the African American community into a downward spiral. This period followed the Harlem Renaissance and although that historical event ended after the 1920's, the effects on the black community were still very prevalent factor. Musicians, poets, writers and other creatives still managed to flourish. On the contrary, poverty stricken neighborhoods consumed by drug activity, prostitution, racism and scarce resources seemed to have impacted the majority throughout the city. This may have been a result from the continuation of oppression that blacks experienced from the residuals of The Great Depression and The Great Migration. The author vividly describes Harlem in a sober manner. Poverty is the clearest painted picture. One can picture homeless people walking about, trash filled streets and numerous people in a state of stagnation, just standing outside roaming. There sounds of hopelessness and lost souls can be heard as the unnamed narrator describes the condition of Harlem at that time. When his brother goes away to jail, the disappointment rattles through his voice. The conversation with Sonny's drug addicted friend yields a sense of sympathy and disgust at the same time. Upon Sonny's return, the narrator depicts Harlem as a place of entrapment. He was bringing his brother “back into the danger he had almost died trying...
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...Langston Hughes : “Theme for English B” Fatbardha Mamudi English Composition 2 Miraim Klein South University Langston Hughes was raised by his grandmother. He started writing poems at a young age. His grandmother was very passionate about reading and writing and infused Hughes with her passion. Hughes studied at Columbia for a year, but dropped out because of the racism he experienced. He traveled to Africa and Europe. Later, Hughes settled in Harlem, New York in the 1920’s. He joined the literary movement named the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes focused on educating the world about the mistreatment of African Americans from the 1920’s-1960’s. The poem I chose to write my thesis on is “Theme For English B”. “Theme for English B” is the journey of a young student trying to discover who they are at a time when who they were was stripped from them. At the end, through a realization process, they like who they are. The poems speaker is the student. The poem started with a teacher assigning the students an English assignment to write about themselves. The student questions the professor’s assignment. On the contrary, it is easy for the professor to assign the writing assignment about who the students are because the professor knows who he is and he is white. On the other hand, the student doesn’t really know who he or she is because they are black. The writer raises the question of being unsure of who they are. They state things that they concretely know about themselves...
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...Introduction James Weldon Johnson wrote the song entitled, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,”also known as“The Negro National Anthem, as a poem in 1900. (The Black National Anthem, 2012) This song was first performed in public in Jacksonville, FL., as part of a celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s commemorative birthday celebration February 12, 1900. This song quickly became a means by which African Americans could demonstrate their patriotism and hope for the future of America. Development This song was originally written as a poem and performed by 500 schoolchildren. In 1905, Johnson’s brother John Rosamond Johnson set the words of this poem to music. It was not long after that this song ended up in almost every church hymnal across the country. Therefore, it was typically performed via organ or piano along with drums. The music to this song is well organized. Being that the song was originally written as a poem is does have some parts that rhyme. The song is broken up into three paragraphs. The first stanza of each part has a different melody than the second stanza. The set up is the same for the other two parts. I feel that the way the music was written for this poem it also portrays the lyrics. The song talks about the past and it seems as though on some of the parts the music tone is low which makes you think of something dark or depressing and the times this song was written in were dark and gloomy. I think I was attracted to reviewing this piece of music because I attend...
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...Alleeyah Casper Amanda Deaton American Literature 28 February 2014 What It Really Means To Be Free The word Freedom holds different meanings for different people. Some think freedom is allowing people to live their lives, but they have many guidelines and restrictions on them. For others it’s allowing people to do, say, and live the way they want too with the minimum amount of guidance. Is that really freedom or are ideas of freedom really just what others say they are? The Harlem Renaissance and The chrysanthemums are two different examples from The American Short Stories of what being free could mean to people. In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa was a strong woman who wanted to do more with her life instead of being caged in like an animal. She strived to be a strong woman, but during her day she was only seen as an innocent woman that couldn’t do what men did. It’s fine for Elisa to work in a garden planting and maintaining her Chrysanthemums. But when she jumps at the chance to maintain the apple trees it’s only seen as a joke by her husband Henry. Later on a guy offering to fix any broken pans or sharpen scissors arrives and talks with Elisa while try to get her to let him fix something for her. At first she says no because she knows she can do it herself, but ends up giving in and letting him fix some old pans for her. Later on after he fixed her pans the guy ends up telling her that his line of work is no place for a woman. After the man leaves she goes inside to get...
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...Claude McKay, an important writer of the the Harlem Renaissance, wrote “America” in 1921. The poem describes the speaker’s love-hate relationship with America. McKay considers the country to be “a cultured hell,” and yet he admits that he also can’t help loving and admiring the country. These two intense emotions come from two of the completely contradictory aspects of American culture that are most well known: oppression and freedom. One Harlem Renaissance theme in this poem is “determination to fight oppression.” Lines like “as a rebel fronts a king in state, / I stand within her walls with not a shred / Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer” show that although American culture is deeply rooted in racism, it wont always be that way. Equality is something worth fighting for, and African Americans are not just going to stand the hatred from racist whites. This poem reflects the hope and excitement of the Harlem Renaissance mixed with the equally important pain and struggle that was also going on. McKay uses personification to compare America to a female, perhaps a mother or even a romantic interest; someone who he theoretically despises, but can’t help depend on. Although she has wronged him and hurt him deeply, “Her vigor flows like tides into [his] blood.” She gives him the strength he needs to fight against her oppression. American culture is founded on racism and oppression, but also values freedom and equality, allowing the oppressed to fight back and win against...
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...Hidden Fences The story told in the movie Hidden Figures directed by Theodore Melfi is a story based on the untold story of the three courageous African-American female mathematicians who worked at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. First of all, pat yourself in the back if you got that reference! Anyway, The movie takes place during the Space Race (20-century competition between cold war rivals Soviet Union and and the United States for supremacy in spaceflight capability) These females who contributed to the Space race were known as Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan. Throughout the movie, for some reason, Katherine Goble(later known as Johnson) received the most screentime. Born in White Sulphur Springs,...
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...University of North Carolina at Pembroke English and Theatre DEPARTMENT COURSE: ENG 2100: African American Literature Fall 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Charles Tita OFFICE: West Building, Office of Distance Education OFFICE HOURS: Monday 4-6 and Tuesday/Thursday 10:30-12 OFFICE PHONE: 521 6352 FAX: 910 521 6762 EMAIL ADDRESS: charles.tita@uncp.edu LECTURE TIME: Tuesday/Thursday 2-3:15pm LOCATION: DIAL 147 REQUIRED TEXT Gates Jr., Henry Louis, and Nellie Y. McKay, eds. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2004. OPTIONAL REFERENCES Locke, Alain, ed. The New Negro. New York: Atheneum, 1968. hooks, bell. Teaching to Trangress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge, 1994. Harrold, Stanley. American Abolitionists. New York: Pearson Education, 2001. Youngs, J. William T. American Realities: Historical Episodes-From First Settlements to the Civil War. New York: Longman, 2000. Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Press, 1963. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A survey of African American literature, introducing students to genres, trends, and major periods of African American literature, ranging from the 17th-, 18th- and 19th- century autobiographies and narratives to 20tth –century works. Authors include: Jupiter Hammon, Briton Hammon, Sojourner Truth, Nat Turner, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Sterling Brown, Richard Wright, Lorraine Hansberry, Amiri Baraka, Toni Morrison...
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...must support the overall corporate objectives of the organisation, irrespective of individual department aims. Johnson & Johnson is a company of enduring strength. They've been privileged to play a role in helping millions of people the world over be well and stay well through more than a century of change. As the science of human health and well-being has grown, they've been able to grow along with it. Even more important, we've helped shape and define what health and well-being means in everyday lives. Their products, services, ideas and giving now touch the lives of at least one billion people everyday. 1.2.Mission Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of those we love. That’s why the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies for more than 125 years has committed itself to caring for people. This commitment is embodied in The Credo, which speaks to “our first responsibility” to the doctors, nurses, patients, the mothers and fathers and all who use our products. In today’s highly competitive global marketplace, it is also essential that the company focus on the critical drivers of our future growth: to create value through innovation, to extend our global reach, with local focus, to execute with excellence in everything we do and to inspire leadership with purpose among the people who carry on the Johnson & Johnson legacy. By caring, one person at a time, we aspire to help billions of people live longer, healthier, happier lives. There...
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...Maya Angelou Name: Institution: Instructor: Date: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Reasons for Choosing Maya Angelou 3 Early Life 4 Educational Life 5 Angelou’s Influence in her Early Career 5 Angelou’s Influence in Africa 6 Angelou’s Career Peak 7 Later Career 7 Qualities That Make Angelou A Great Leader 8 Analysis of Angelou’s Leadership Style 9 Application of Angelou’s Leadership Style to Hospitality Industry 9 Leadership Lesson on Angelou Essential for Hospitality Industry 10 The value of versatility 10 The Value of Spirituality 10 Introspection value 11 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction Leadership is essential for the success of a given group, society, or organization. Through leadership, a particular group of people is directed, mobilized, motivated, and encouraged to perform a given task. Leadership is among the roles of a manager. The manager in this case is a person charged with given responsibilities for the success of a given venture. At an individual level, one is supposed to manage his or her own life in an effective way to achieve a lifetime objective. Given that leadership is among the roles of a manager, it means that everyone should cultivate leadership qualities in all aspects of life. This can be done through several ways. One of them is by learning from reputable leaders of both the past and the present generation. The world has witnessed myriads of reputable...
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