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John Adams Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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During his work as a lawyer, John Adams defended the “enemy” during one of the most debated trials of the time. Encouraged by his faith in truth and evidence, Adams controversially decided to defend the eight British soldiers who had fired on a crowd of colonists in the horrifying event of the Boston Massacre. Though many thought that Adams was destroying his career and would never win the trial, he was able to get six of the men acquitted without any punishment at all. But what many of the viewers of the trail, including the jury, saw to be the most important and effective part of the hearing was Adams’s closing argument. He begins his case with a quote of the “rights of mankind”, and then proceeds through his speech with heightened uses of hyperbole. Adams also includes multiple uses of rhetorical questions to place the viewers and the jury in the position of the soldiers, and uses personification to emphasize the necessary consideration of facts in the trial. Through his use of language, John Adams argues that all men deserve justice based on facts rather than opinions. Adams begins his speech with an epigraph from Marquis of Beccaria, an Italian politician, philosopher, …show more content…
Widely known to be his most famous quote in the speech, Adams tells the audience directly, “Facts are stubborn things” (Adams 15). Rather than noting his opinion or any other emotions he had on the situation, Adams explicitly states that it is not an opinion that has proved the soldiers innocent, but truly the facts provided by the people. He personifies the “facts” in order to emphasize that it is truth and reason that take precedence rather than the colonists’ anger and emotions. Adams stresses that the true facts of what happened cannot be changed in order to support a certain view or not, but what should determine the fate of the soldiers are the events that actually

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